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184 Wrestlers...
Abram, E Parry (Ursinus) #387
Adams, Tajier (Greensboro) #324
Adie, Sage (Pacific (OR)) #217
Akers, Joseph (Greensboro) #346
Aliani, Nicholas (Oneonta State) #238
AlObaidi, Sedee (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #62
Anderson, Joha (Schreiner) #378
Anderson, Robbie (Misericordia University) #131
Arria, Zach (Southern Maine) #361
Balint, Tyler (Randolph College) #358
Bargy, Chris (Alfred State) #394
Barker, Landry (Loras) #64
Barrios, Carlos (Plymouth State) #405
Bauer, Remington (Baldwin Wallace) #41
Bauman, Connor (Washington & Jefferson) #324
Bautista, Jesus (Adrian) #183
Bean, Josh (New England College) #153
Bell, Billy (Greensboro) #295
Bevan, Connor (Misericordia University) #148
Bilinski, Jared (Wilkes) #260
Bird, Vincent (Wisconsin-Oshkosh) #276
Bluhm, Michael (Western New England) #116
Bobersky, Jake (King's (PA)) #107
Bolton, Conner (Schreiner) #337
Bombard, Brandt (Augsburg) #11
Borton, Maxwell (Augsburg) #50
Bragado, Marco (Trinity (ct)) #112
Brinkman, Calvin (St Johns (MN)) #324
Bronson, Wills (John Carroll) #14
Brooks, Gannon (McDaniel) #284
Brown, Isaiah (Olivet) #314
Brunk, Gregory (Maine Maritime Academy) #216
Bunn, Tatum (Adrian) #320
Caldwell, Braxton (Pitt-Bradford) #396
Caldwell, Skyler (University of the Ozarks) #257
Callen, Jack (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #263
Calvert, Preston (Adrian) #288
Camacho, Riko (Fontbonne) #371
Camillieri, Gabriel (Oneonta State) #363
Canaday, Zach (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #311
Canzano, Avery (Oswego State) #71
Carbonaro, Timothy (Scranton) #404
Carlisle, Aiden (Wilmington) #324
Casaus, Jonathan (Simpson) #234
Castillo, Braydon (Delaware Valley) #29
Cataldo, Evan (Oswego State) #390
Chaddock, Nick (Mount Union) #208
Chambers, Jake (Coast Guard) #219
Chambers, Scott (Southern Virginia University) #161
Cherival, Tryeece (Western New England) #227
Clarck, Asr (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #129
Clark, Treyeonn (Adrian) #399
Clatt, Dax (Coe) #149
Claypool, Bryce (Concordia (WI)) #273
Colburne, John (Wartburg) #150
Colclough, Tyler (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #251
Cole, Alexander (Penn State Behrend) #344
Coleman, Kiam (Brockport) #53
Colon, Joe (Wesleyan (CT)) #77
Conroy, Bobby (Illinois Wesleyan) #135
Coppock, Gage (Wisconsin-Oshkosh) #228
Corica, Giorgio (Stevens Tech) #267
Corley, Chrisopher (Westminster) #389
Corvetto, Vincenzo (Roanoke College) #30
Cory, Isaac (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #37
Coulombe, Cael (University of the Ozarks) #374
Craig, Dan (Springfield) #381
Craig, James (Keystone) #305
Cratsley, Christopher (Messiah) #221
Creighton, Cade (Chicago) #45
Crisp, Cameron (Manchester) #39
Crotty, Nick (Trinity (ct)) #115
Crowell, Tate (Millikin) #224
Crum, Eli (Lycoming) #27
Cuellar, Tristan (Misericordia University) #274
Culp, Thomas (Eureka) #141
Cunningham, Robert (Cortland State) #49
Curcio, Jared (Thiel) #108
Daniel, Shaquille (Oswego State) #248
Davis, Jacob (Alma College) #351
Davis, Richard (Olivet) #287
De Moss, Kyle (Otterbein University) #122
DeBaillie, Clay (Augustana (IL)) #70
Delucia, James (Oneonta State) #206
DeMann, Derrick (Keystone) #291
Dennee, Camren (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #73
Derbedyenyev, Dmitry (NYU) #101
DeWald, Eric (Merchant Marine) #143
Diarra, Souleymane (Wilkes) #266
Dickey, Mark (NYU) #165
DiGenova, Trenton (Adrian) #110
Dillon, Beau (New England College) #144
Dormanen, Tyler (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #22
DosSantos, Sam (Wesleyan (CT)) #294
Doty, Devin (Wilkes) #302
Downey, Drew (Rhode Island College) #350
Doyle, Matthew (Wartburg) #33
Duke, Brody (Concordia-Moorhead) #120
Durbin, Matthew (Wheaton (IL)) #283
Earle, Shawn (Baldwin Wallace) #272
Eaton, Zach (Eureka) #245
Economos, Michael (Worcester Polytechnic) #155
Eddinger, Tim (Messiah) #119
Edmondson, Ethan (Worcester Polytechnic) #79
Eggleston, Trevin (Adrian) #282
Epperly, Josh (Roanoke College) #127
Evarts, Jamie (Williams College) #10
Fagen, Jonathon (Linfield University) #123
Fairchild, Ryan (Muhlenberg) #40
Fairhurst, Ashton (Buena Vista) #343
Farah, Nidal (Lakeland) #366
Fernandez, Anthony (Rhode Island College) #38
Filarecki, Tyler (Roger Williams) #369
Fiore, Vincent (Millikin) #212
Flores, Victor (Simpson) #386
Fogarty, Alex (Maine Maritime Academy) #173
Forte, Michael (Roger Williams) #55
Fredette, Ryan (Maine Maritime Academy) #104
Freer, Cody (Marymount) #397
Frisenda, Louis (Keystone) #299
Frizzel, Owen (Heidelberg) #81
Funovits, Nicholas (Washington & Jefferson) #275
Furman, Trent (NYU) #17
Galvan, Dawson (Concordia (WI)) #392
Galvin, Cooper (Norwich) #83
Garcia, Ikia (Southern Virginia University) #166
Geigner, Payton (North Central) #23
Gerwitz, Nolan (Averett University) #96
Giacolona, Gino (Alvernia) #164
Gierke, Charles (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #214
Gildersleeve, Ryan (Penn State Behrend) #188
Gingo, Landon (Mount Union) #368
Ginsberg, Jonah (NYU) #74
Giulian, Dave (The College of New Jersey) #145
Gledhill, Samuel (Johns Hopkins) #241
Goldman, Max (New England College) #184
Gomez, Amauris (Bridgewater State) #213
Gomez, Austin (Coe) #91
Goodemote, Tyler (Cortland State) #253
Goodman, Fletcher (Muhlenberg) #78
Gora, Kyle (New England College) #72
Gordan, Patrick (Wilkes) #338
Gordon, Patrick (Wilkes) #225
Graber, Noah (Johns Hopkins) #200
Graham, Gavin (MSOE) #58
Grant, Nathan (Dubuque) #354
Gregory, Luke (Greensboro) #202
Groover, Logan (Thiel) #359
Gross, Jake (Ursinus) #222
Grover, James (Bridgewater State) #113
Gummere, Mathew (Case Western Reserve) #163
Guzman, Nathan (Schreiner) #382
Hall, Alec (Mount St Joseph) #290
Hall, Brice (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #171
Hammer, Brandon (Wabash) #292
Harris, Noah (Averett University) #147
Hawkins, Jaylen (Western New England) #67
Haynes, Wyatt (Chicago) #85
Hernandez, Armando (North Central) #262
Hernandez, Hugo (Adrian) #377
Herriman, Chris (Alfred State) #215
Hess, Richard (St John Fisher) #349
Heyn, Evan (Cortland State) #375
Hicks, Jaxson (Augustana (IL)) #309
Hiemstra, Jacob (Central) #316
Hill, Matthew (NYU) #197
Holland, Caden (University of the Ozarks) #300
Holmes, Cade (Otterbein University) #372
Holt, Rj (Oswego State) #218
Holt, Seth (Hiram College) #220
Hooks, Caiden (Otterbein University) #114
Horgan, Bear (John Carroll) #95
Horlbogen, Cormac (Castleton University) #271
Hosey, Cole (Alvernia) #300
Houle, Trent (Chicago) #235
Hsu, Ryan (Worcester Polytechnic) #158
Huckaby, Zachary (Wabash) #94
Hull, Easton (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #66
Hunter, Ryan (Buena Vista) #318
Hunter, Zach (St Johns (MN)) #99
Hutchins, Caleb (Merchant Marine) #383
Hyde, Carson (Southern Virginia University) #373
Iobe, Garrett (Albion) #34
Jacobs, Kyle (Rochester Institute of Technology) #159
Johnson, Brighton (Southern Virginia University) #356
Johnson, Nathaniel (Mount Union) #226
Johnson, Neil (Wabash) #76
Johnson, Roel (Rhode Island College) #303
Jones, Braike (Nebraska Wesleyan) #385
Keller, Collin (Saint Vincent) #367
Kelley, Cooper (Trinity (ct)) #186
Kelly, Connor (Elmhurst) #255
Kendrick, Nick (Huntingdon) #136
Kilgas, Garrett (Luther) #209
King, Sean (Wheaton (IL)) #195
Kirby, Landon (Central) #139
Kisgen, Nathaniel (Concordia-Moorhead) #88
Kitching, Charles (Scranton) #191
Knapp, Matt (Lycoming) #307
Kohel, Gavin (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #31
Koroveshi, Kristian (Scranton) #192
Kovalcik, Nathan (Messiah) #152
Kruse, Trevor (Buena Vista) #204
Kubelka, Henry (Schreiner) #362
Lamphere, Skyler (Plymouth State) #348
Lane, Genowa (Ferrum) #339
Lape, Colby (Augustana (IL)) #347
LaRosa, Mike (Muhlenberg) #193
Lee, Elliott (Johns Hopkins) #203
Lee, Omori (Greensboro) #177
Leonard, Myles (Springfield) #1
Lester, Kole (Delaware Valley) #242
Linton, Cage (St Johns (MN)) #365
Lipnitz, Jax (Lakeland) #243
Locke, Ajay (Ohio Northern) #75
Loewen, Gideon (Olivet) #86
Lyon, Zach (Case Western Reserve) #360
Malenfant, Sean (Alfred State) #8
Malone, Gavin (Trine University) #69
Manos, Randy (Aurora University) #281
Maraia, Corbin (Castleton University) #132
Marentette, Wyatt (Adrian) #322
Martinez, Alex (King's (PA)) #324
Martinez, Benicio (Millikin) #84
Martinez, Roman (Wesleyan (CT)) #239
Martinos, Steven (Roanoke College) #98
Martsinovsky, Joel (Stevens Tech) #9
Mayers, Anthony (Cortland State) #321
McCusker, Jack (Washington & Lee University) #61
McDaniel, Owen (Albion) #44
McLaren, Cael (Cornell College) #25
McLellan, Hayden (Alvernia) #47
McPhee, Zak (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #28
Mead, Trenton (Thiel) #376
Melchior, Matthew (Penn State Behrend) #223
Meza, Rugby (Muskingum) #211
Michel, Abe (Loras) #140
Miller, Michael (Saint Vincent) #388
Miller, Tyler (Plymouth State) #19
Miller, Zachary (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #63
Minne, Michael (Olivet) #160
Mitchell, Elijah (Luther) #56
Monahan, Ryan (Cortland State) #105
Monroe, Gabe (Coast Guard) #26
Moore, Mitchell (Adrian) #111
Moore, Patrick (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #198
Moose, Rylan (Marymount) #51
Morris, RC (University of the Ozarks) #236
Mullinax, Alton (Aurora University) #87
Munn, McKade (Wartburg) #264
Murray, Aidan (Delaware Valley) #230
Murrell, Tymothey (Cortland State) #100
Muzika, Andy (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #232
Navarra, David (Millikin) #317
Newbury, Brendan (Stevens Tech) #106
Noble, Truman (Coast Guard) #170
Norman, Kairos (Adrian) #189
Novembre, Dante (Concordia-Moorhead) #341
Nuss, Christopher (Wilkes) #57
O'Neil, Elias (Wheaton (IL)) #353
Ololo, Vaglo (Mount St Joseph) #370
Orlandoni, Marcus (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #12
Osborne, Aiden (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #182
Owens, Demarco (Wilmington) #345
Page, Donavan (Mount St Joseph) #340
Papach, David (Wartburg) #65
Paradiso, Louis (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #180
Parrella, Nick (Lycoming) #342
Pascoe, Carson (Gettysburg) #121
Patti, Jack (Muhlenberg) #178
Pawlicki, Timothy (Centenary (NJ)) #102
Peper, Dylan (Luther) #246
Perry, Brent (Alfred State) #80
Perry, Desmon (Ohio Wesleyan) #231
Peske, Kyle (Cortland State) #82
Petreikis, Nathan (Augustana (IL)) #270
Piazza, Angelo (Centenary (NJ)) #168
Piazza, Jovanni (North Central) #128
Player, Vincent (Bridgewater State) #52
Plunkett, Caleb (Alfred State) #237
Pommells, Xavier (Ithaca) #4
Portley, Sean (Plymouth State) #324
Power, Eric (Roger Williams) #151
Preston, Stone (Wheaton (IL)) #324
Querciagrossa, Vinny (Augustana (IL)) #126
Quisbert, Nathaniel (Randolph College) #393
Raineri, Joe (MSOE) #304
Ramos, Brian (Augsburg) #89
Randall, Hunter (Wilmington) #68
Ray, Titus (Ohio Northern) #210
Rehman, Hadi (Hunter) #296
Reinhart, David (Mount Union) #324
Rice, Aiden (Loras) #315
Ries, Cal (Wisconsin-Platteville) #252
Riley, Colin (Western New England) #400
Ringwald, Grayson (Averett University) #278
Risner, Ethan (Manchester) #97
Robeson, Alec (Dubuque) #90
Robinson-Becker, Travis (Brockport) #384
Robison, Caden (University of the Ozarks) #324
Rodriguez, Julian (Greensboro) #357
Rogers, Conner (Baldwin Wallace) #355
Rogers, Devin (Carthage College) #117
Romaine, James (The College of New Jersey) #42
Romasco, Luca (York (PA)) #176
Ronca, Ben (Wesleyan (CT)) #190
Root, Kyus (Aurora University) #201
Roper, Ky'ell (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #21
Rosas, Nathan (Central) #247
Roscosky, Brayden (Washington & Jefferson) #59
Roskelly, Garrett (Elmira College) #402
Ross, Kasey (Wartburg) #5
Rossner, Charlie (St John Fisher) #199
Royster, Kam (Loras) #137
Rubin, Archie (Muhlenberg) #379
Ryan, Jack (Oneonta State) #3
Rysewyk, Caleb (North Central) #324
Salazar, Luis (Buena Vista) #391
Salvini, Anthony (Penn State Behrend) #312
Samuels, Rj (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #175
Sanchez, Diego (Aurora University) #167
Sanchez, Michael (Southern Maine) #229
Sanders, Asante (Bridgewater State) #398
Sanders, Ben (Stevens Tech) #313
Sandoval, Billy (St Johns (MN)) #324
Saunders, Sammy (Wabash) #162
Schmitz, Isaiah (Concordia-Moorhead) #125
Schoenfelder, Niall (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #20
Selhorst, Liam (Lyon College) #277
Shatskikh, Gabe (St Johns (MN)) #324
Shaughnessy, Cole (Roger Williams) #35
Shaw, Conner (Utica University) #286
Shaw, Kevin (Huntingdon) #256
Shaw, Zion (Cornell College) #323
Shellenberger, Steven (John Carroll) #93
Shively, Isaac (Heidelberg) #289
Singh, Nawab (University of the Ozarks) #185
Skeens, McCaden (Mount St Joseph) #280
Skoczen, Oliver (John Carroll) #308
Slaydon, Levi (Schreiner) #194
Slayton, Ryder (Messiah) #16
Smith, Ganon (Elizabethtown) #15
Snider, Eion (Misericordia University) #324
Soaper, Lennon (Wesleyan (CT)) #109
Sokolski, Max (Augsburg) #60
Sollers, Marcus (Southern Virginia University) #169
Sorenson, Carter (Augsburg) #46
Soto, Alexander (Merchant Marine) #207
Steele, Gary (Otterbein University) #142
Strashinsky, Alex (The College of New Jersey) #18
Stump, Luke (Averett University) #196
Surmay, Evan (Washington & Lee University) #240
Svedin, Hank (Southern Virginia University) #250
Swyers, Zach (Rochester Institute of Technology) #118
Takeuchi, Patrick (McDaniel) #249
Tamayo, Arthur (Trine University) #352
Tapia, Alfredo (Hunter) #401
Taylor, Ezekiel (Wartburg) #244
Taylor, Zak (Mount Union) #261
Theroux, Frankie (King's (PA)) #43
Thomas Schoolman, Parr (North Central) #138
Thurston, Tyler (Dubuque) #124
Tillman, Khelei (Heidelberg) #172
Toner, Joseph (Ferrum) #157
Tosh, Jason (Pitt-Bradford) #380
Trapp, Lincoln (Southern Virginia University) #310
Trombi, Paul (Roger Williams) #285
Trotter, Teagan (Manchester) #279
Tuttle, Caleb (Elmira College) #403
Unger, Isaiah (Elmhurst) #293
Updale, Nils (Ursinus) #36
Vanterpool, Cairo (Wilmington) #205
Vaughan, Jacob (St Johns (MN)) #268
Volpe, Colsten (Western New England) #306
Voss, Jared (Coe) #7
Wagner, Zach (Wabash) #133
Walker, Darius (Linfield University) #269
Walsh, Brady (Ohio Wesleyan) #265
Ward, Jack (Olivet) #92
Watson, Stephen (Wheaton (IL)) #134
Watts, Michael (St John Fisher) #187
Weaver, Sam (Nebraska Wesleyan) #181
Weinzen, Ryan (Saint Vincent) #54
Weitz, Ryan (Baldwin Wallace) #154
Wendel, Jack (York (PA)) #146
West, Samuel (Central) #32
Weter, Wyatt (Luther) #156
Wetzel, Austen (Westminster) #24
White, Kaden (New England College) #395
Wickham, Gavin (Heidelberg) #174
Wiegert, Dylan (Shenandoah University) #254
Wilkerson, Brayten (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #319
Wilkins, Austin (Cornell College) #130
Wilkins, Sampson (Castleton University) #6
Williams, Blake (Adrian) #13
Williams, Eddie (Alma College) #48
Wilson, Cole (Penn State Behrend) #233
Winn, Ryan (Wilkes) #298
Withers, Tyler (Merchant Marine) #2
Woods, Micah (Huntingdon) #258
Wrobleski, Connor (King's (PA)) #103
Wynn, Soren (McDaniel) #297
Young, Braiden (Augustana (IL)) #179
Young, Graham (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #364
Zerbee, Adam (Washington & Jefferson) #259
Wrestler B
184 Wrestlers...
Abram, E Parry (Ursinus) #387
Adams, Tajier (Greensboro) #324
Adie, Sage (Pacific (OR)) #217
Akers, Joseph (Greensboro) #346
Aliani, Nicholas (Oneonta State) #238
AlObaidi, Sedee (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #62
Anderson, Joha (Schreiner) #378
Anderson, Robbie (Misericordia University) #131
Arria, Zach (Southern Maine) #361
Balint, Tyler (Randolph College) #358
Bargy, Chris (Alfred State) #394
Barker, Landry (Loras) #64
Barrios, Carlos (Plymouth State) #405
Bauer, Remington (Baldwin Wallace) #41
Bauman, Connor (Washington & Jefferson) #324
Bautista, Jesus (Adrian) #183
Bean, Josh (New England College) #153
Bell, Billy (Greensboro) #295
Bevan, Connor (Misericordia University) #148
Bilinski, Jared (Wilkes) #260
Bird, Vincent (Wisconsin-Oshkosh) #276
Bluhm, Michael (Western New England) #116
Bobersky, Jake (King's (PA)) #107
Bolton, Conner (Schreiner) #337
Bombard, Brandt (Augsburg) #11
Borton, Maxwell (Augsburg) #50
Bragado, Marco (Trinity (ct)) #112
Brinkman, Calvin (St Johns (MN)) #324
Bronson, Wills (John Carroll) #14
Brooks, Gannon (McDaniel) #284
Brown, Isaiah (Olivet) #314
Brunk, Gregory (Maine Maritime Academy) #216
Bunn, Tatum (Adrian) #320
Caldwell, Braxton (Pitt-Bradford) #396
Caldwell, Skyler (University of the Ozarks) #257
Callen, Jack (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #263
Calvert, Preston (Adrian) #288
Camacho, Riko (Fontbonne) #371
Camillieri, Gabriel (Oneonta State) #363
Canaday, Zach (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #311
Canzano, Avery (Oswego State) #71
Carbonaro, Timothy (Scranton) #404
Carlisle, Aiden (Wilmington) #324
Casaus, Jonathan (Simpson) #234
Castillo, Braydon (Delaware Valley) #29
Cataldo, Evan (Oswego State) #390
Chaddock, Nick (Mount Union) #208
Chambers, Jake (Coast Guard) #219
Chambers, Scott (Southern Virginia University) #161
Cherival, Tryeece (Western New England) #227
Clarck, Asr (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #129
Clark, Treyeonn (Adrian) #399
Clatt, Dax (Coe) #149
Claypool, Bryce (Concordia (WI)) #273
Colburne, John (Wartburg) #150
Colclough, Tyler (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #251
Cole, Alexander (Penn State Behrend) #344
Coleman, Kiam (Brockport) #53
Colon, Joe (Wesleyan (CT)) #77
Conroy, Bobby (Illinois Wesleyan) #135
Coppock, Gage (Wisconsin-Oshkosh) #228
Corica, Giorgio (Stevens Tech) #267
Corley, Chrisopher (Westminster) #389
Corvetto, Vincenzo (Roanoke College) #30
Cory, Isaac (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #37
Coulombe, Cael (University of the Ozarks) #374
Craig, Dan (Springfield) #381
Craig, James (Keystone) #305
Cratsley, Christopher (Messiah) #221
Creighton, Cade (Chicago) #45
Crisp, Cameron (Manchester) #39
Crotty, Nick (Trinity (ct)) #115
Crowell, Tate (Millikin) #224
Crum, Eli (Lycoming) #27
Cuellar, Tristan (Misericordia University) #274
Culp, Thomas (Eureka) #141
Cunningham, Robert (Cortland State) #49
Curcio, Jared (Thiel) #108
Daniel, Shaquille (Oswego State) #248
Davis, Jacob (Alma College) #351
Davis, Richard (Olivet) #287
De Moss, Kyle (Otterbein University) #122
DeBaillie, Clay (Augustana (IL)) #70
Delucia, James (Oneonta State) #206
DeMann, Derrick (Keystone) #291
Dennee, Camren (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #73
Derbedyenyev, Dmitry (NYU) #101
DeWald, Eric (Merchant Marine) #143
Diarra, Souleymane (Wilkes) #266
Dickey, Mark (NYU) #165
DiGenova, Trenton (Adrian) #110
Dillon, Beau (New England College) #144
Dormanen, Tyler (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #22
DosSantos, Sam (Wesleyan (CT)) #294
Doty, Devin (Wilkes) #302
Downey, Drew (Rhode Island College) #350
Doyle, Matthew (Wartburg) #33
Duke, Brody (Concordia-Moorhead) #120
Durbin, Matthew (Wheaton (IL)) #283
Earle, Shawn (Baldwin Wallace) #272
Eaton, Zach (Eureka) #245
Economos, Michael (Worcester Polytechnic) #155
Eddinger, Tim (Messiah) #119
Edmondson, Ethan (Worcester Polytechnic) #79
Eggleston, Trevin (Adrian) #282
Epperly, Josh (Roanoke College) #127
Evarts, Jamie (Williams College) #10
Fagen, Jonathon (Linfield University) #123
Fairchild, Ryan (Muhlenberg) #40
Fairhurst, Ashton (Buena Vista) #343
Farah, Nidal (Lakeland) #366
Fernandez, Anthony (Rhode Island College) #38
Filarecki, Tyler (Roger Williams) #369
Fiore, Vincent (Millikin) #212
Flores, Victor (Simpson) #386
Fogarty, Alex (Maine Maritime Academy) #173
Forte, Michael (Roger Williams) #55
Fredette, Ryan (Maine Maritime Academy) #104
Freer, Cody (Marymount) #397
Frisenda, Louis (Keystone) #299
Frizzel, Owen (Heidelberg) #81
Funovits, Nicholas (Washington & Jefferson) #275
Furman, Trent (NYU) #17
Galvan, Dawson (Concordia (WI)) #392
Galvin, Cooper (Norwich) #83
Garcia, Ikia (Southern Virginia University) #166
Geigner, Payton (North Central) #23
Gerwitz, Nolan (Averett University) #96
Giacolona, Gino (Alvernia) #164
Gierke, Charles (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #214
Gildersleeve, Ryan (Penn State Behrend) #188
Gingo, Landon (Mount Union) #368
Ginsberg, Jonah (NYU) #74
Giulian, Dave (The College of New Jersey) #145
Gledhill, Samuel (Johns Hopkins) #241
Goldman, Max (New England College) #184
Gomez, Amauris (Bridgewater State) #213
Gomez, Austin (Coe) #91
Goodemote, Tyler (Cortland State) #253
Goodman, Fletcher (Muhlenberg) #78
Gora, Kyle (New England College) #72
Gordan, Patrick (Wilkes) #338
Gordon, Patrick (Wilkes) #225
Graber, Noah (Johns Hopkins) #200
Graham, Gavin (MSOE) #58
Grant, Nathan (Dubuque) #354
Gregory, Luke (Greensboro) #202
Groover, Logan (Thiel) #359
Gross, Jake (Ursinus) #222
Grover, James (Bridgewater State) #113
Gummere, Mathew (Case Western Reserve) #163
Guzman, Nathan (Schreiner) #382
Hall, Alec (Mount St Joseph) #290
Hall, Brice (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #171
Hammer, Brandon (Wabash) #292
Harris, Noah (Averett University) #147
Hawkins, Jaylen (Western New England) #67
Haynes, Wyatt (Chicago) #85
Hernandez, Armando (North Central) #262
Hernandez, Hugo (Adrian) #377
Herriman, Chris (Alfred State) #215
Hess, Richard (St John Fisher) #349
Heyn, Evan (Cortland State) #375
Hicks, Jaxson (Augustana (IL)) #309
Hiemstra, Jacob (Central) #316
Hill, Matthew (NYU) #197
Holland, Caden (University of the Ozarks) #300
Holmes, Cade (Otterbein University) #372
Holt, Rj (Oswego State) #218
Holt, Seth (Hiram College) #220
Hooks, Caiden (Otterbein University) #114
Horgan, Bear (John Carroll) #95
Horlbogen, Cormac (Castleton University) #271
Hosey, Cole (Alvernia) #300
Houle, Trent (Chicago) #235
Hsu, Ryan (Worcester Polytechnic) #158
Huckaby, Zachary (Wabash) #94
Hull, Easton (Wisconsin-Stevens Point) #66
Hunter, Ryan (Buena Vista) #318
Hunter, Zach (St Johns (MN)) #99
Hutchins, Caleb (Merchant Marine) #383
Hyde, Carson (Southern Virginia University) #373
Iobe, Garrett (Albion) #34
Jacobs, Kyle (Rochester Institute of Technology) #159
Johnson, Brighton (Southern Virginia University) #356
Johnson, Nathaniel (Mount Union) #226
Johnson, Neil (Wabash) #76
Johnson, Roel (Rhode Island College) #303
Jones, Braike (Nebraska Wesleyan) #385
Keller, Collin (Saint Vincent) #367
Kelley, Cooper (Trinity (ct)) #186
Kelly, Connor (Elmhurst) #255
Kendrick, Nick (Huntingdon) #136
Kilgas, Garrett (Luther) #209
King, Sean (Wheaton (IL)) #195
Kirby, Landon (Central) #139
Kisgen, Nathaniel (Concordia-Moorhead) #88
Kitching, Charles (Scranton) #191
Knapp, Matt (Lycoming) #307
Kohel, Gavin (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #31
Koroveshi, Kristian (Scranton) #192
Kovalcik, Nathan (Messiah) #152
Kruse, Trevor (Buena Vista) #204
Kubelka, Henry (Schreiner) #362
Lamphere, Skyler (Plymouth State) #348
Lane, Genowa (Ferrum) #339
Lape, Colby (Augustana (IL)) #347
LaRosa, Mike (Muhlenberg) #193
Lee, Elliott (Johns Hopkins) #203
Lee, Omori (Greensboro) #177
Leonard, Myles (Springfield) #1
Lester, Kole (Delaware Valley) #242
Linton, Cage (St Johns (MN)) #365
Lipnitz, Jax (Lakeland) #243
Locke, Ajay (Ohio Northern) #75
Loewen, Gideon (Olivet) #86
Lyon, Zach (Case Western Reserve) #360
Malenfant, Sean (Alfred State) #8
Malone, Gavin (Trine University) #69
Manos, Randy (Aurora University) #281
Maraia, Corbin (Castleton University) #132
Marentette, Wyatt (Adrian) #322
Martinez, Alex (King's (PA)) #324
Martinez, Benicio (Millikin) #84
Martinez, Roman (Wesleyan (CT)) #239
Martinos, Steven (Roanoke College) #98
Martsinovsky, Joel (Stevens Tech) #9
Mayers, Anthony (Cortland State) #321
McCusker, Jack (Washington & Lee University) #61
McDaniel, Owen (Albion) #44
McLaren, Cael (Cornell College) #25
McLellan, Hayden (Alvernia) #47
McPhee, Zak (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #28
Mead, Trenton (Thiel) #376
Melchior, Matthew (Penn State Behrend) #223
Meza, Rugby (Muskingum) #211
Michel, Abe (Loras) #140
Miller, Michael (Saint Vincent) #388
Miller, Tyler (Plymouth State) #19
Miller, Zachary (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #63
Minne, Michael (Olivet) #160
Mitchell, Elijah (Luther) #56
Monahan, Ryan (Cortland State) #105
Monroe, Gabe (Coast Guard) #26
Moore, Mitchell (Adrian) #111
Moore, Patrick (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #198
Moose, Rylan (Marymount) #51
Morris, RC (University of the Ozarks) #236
Mullinax, Alton (Aurora University) #87
Munn, McKade (Wartburg) #264
Murray, Aidan (Delaware Valley) #230
Murrell, Tymothey (Cortland State) #100
Muzika, Andy (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #232
Navarra, David (Millikin) #317
Newbury, Brendan (Stevens Tech) #106
Noble, Truman (Coast Guard) #170
Norman, Kairos (Adrian) #189
Novembre, Dante (Concordia-Moorhead) #341
Nuss, Christopher (Wilkes) #57
O'Neil, Elias (Wheaton (IL)) #353
Ololo, Vaglo (Mount St Joseph) #370
Orlandoni, Marcus (Wisconsin-La Crosse) #12
Osborne, Aiden (Pennsylvania College of Technology) #182
Owens, Demarco (Wilmington) #345
Page, Donavan (Mount St Joseph) #340
Papach, David (Wartburg) #65
Paradiso, Louis (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #180
Parrella, Nick (Lycoming) #342
Pascoe, Carson (Gettysburg) #121
Patti, Jack (Muhlenberg) #178
Pawlicki, Timothy (Centenary (NJ)) #102
Peper, Dylan (Luther) #246
Perry, Brent (Alfred State) #80
Perry, Desmon (Ohio Wesleyan) #231
Peske, Kyle (Cortland State) #82
Petreikis, Nathan (Augustana (IL)) #270
Piazza, Angelo (Centenary (NJ)) #168
Piazza, Jovanni (North Central) #128
Player, Vincent (Bridgewater State) #52
Plunkett, Caleb (Alfred State) #237
Pommells, Xavier (Ithaca) #4
Portley, Sean (Plymouth State) #324
Power, Eric (Roger Williams) #151
Preston, Stone (Wheaton (IL)) #324
Querciagrossa, Vinny (Augustana (IL)) #126
Quisbert, Nathaniel (Randolph College) #393
Raineri, Joe (MSOE) #304
Ramos, Brian (Augsburg) #89
Randall, Hunter (Wilmington) #68
Ray, Titus (Ohio Northern) #210
Rehman, Hadi (Hunter) #296
Reinhart, David (Mount Union) #324
Rice, Aiden (Loras) #315
Ries, Cal (Wisconsin-Platteville) #252
Riley, Colin (Western New England) #400
Ringwald, Grayson (Averett University) #278
Risner, Ethan (Manchester) #97
Robeson, Alec (Dubuque) #90
Robinson-Becker, Travis (Brockport) #384
Robison, Caden (University of the Ozarks) #324
Rodriguez, Julian (Greensboro) #357
Rogers, Conner (Baldwin Wallace) #355
Rogers, Devin (Carthage College) #117
Romaine, James (The College of New Jersey) #42
Romasco, Luca (York (PA)) #176
Ronca, Ben (Wesleyan (CT)) #190
Root, Kyus (Aurora University) #201
Roper, Ky'ell (Johnson & Wales (RI)) #21
Rosas, Nathan (Central) #247
Roscosky, Brayden (Washington & Jefferson) #59
Roskelly, Garrett (Elmira College) #402
Ross, Kasey (Wartburg) #5
Rossner, Charlie (St John Fisher) #199
Royster, Kam (Loras) #137
Rubin, Archie (Muhlenberg) #379
Ryan, Jack (Oneonta State) #3
Rysewyk, Caleb (North Central) #324
Salazar, Luis (Buena Vista) #391
Salvini, Anthony (Penn State Behrend) #312
Samuels, Rj (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #175
Sanchez, Diego (Aurora University) #167
Sanchez, Michael (Southern Maine) #229
Sanders, Asante (Bridgewater State) #398
Sanders, Ben (Stevens Tech) #313
Sandoval, Billy (St Johns (MN)) #324
Saunders, Sammy (Wabash) #162
Schmitz, Isaiah (Concordia-Moorhead) #125
Schoenfelder, Niall (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) #20
Selhorst, Liam (Lyon College) #277
Shatskikh, Gabe (St Johns (MN)) #324
Shaughnessy, Cole (Roger Williams) #35
Shaw, Conner (Utica University) #286
Shaw, Kevin (Huntingdon) #256
Shaw, Zion (Cornell College) #323
Shellenberger, Steven (John Carroll) #93
Shively, Isaac (Heidelberg) #289
Singh, Nawab (University of the Ozarks) #185
Skeens, McCaden (Mount St Joseph) #280
Skoczen, Oliver (John Carroll) #308
Slaydon, Levi (Schreiner) #194
Slayton, Ryder (Messiah) #16
Smith, Ganon (Elizabethtown) #15
Snider, Eion (Misericordia University) #324
Soaper, Lennon (Wesleyan (CT)) #109
Sokolski, Max (Augsburg) #60
Sollers, Marcus (Southern Virginia University) #169
Sorenson, Carter (Augsburg) #46
Soto, Alexander (Merchant Marine) #207
Steele, Gary (Otterbein University) #142
Strashinsky, Alex (The College of New Jersey) #18
Stump, Luke (Averett University) #196
Surmay, Evan (Washington & Lee University) #240
Svedin, Hank (Southern Virginia University) #250
Swyers, Zach (Rochester Institute of Technology) #118
Takeuchi, Patrick (McDaniel) #249
Tamayo, Arthur (Trine University) #352
Tapia, Alfredo (Hunter) #401
Taylor, Ezekiel (Wartburg) #244
Taylor, Zak (Mount Union) #261
Theroux, Frankie (King's (PA)) #43
Thomas Schoolman, Parr (North Central) #138
Thurston, Tyler (Dubuque) #124
Tillman, Khelei (Heidelberg) #172
Toner, Joseph (Ferrum) #157
Tosh, Jason (Pitt-Bradford) #380
Trapp, Lincoln (Southern Virginia University) #310
Trombi, Paul (Roger Williams) #285
Trotter, Teagan (Manchester) #279
Tuttle, Caleb (Elmira College) #403
Unger, Isaiah (Elmhurst) #293
Updale, Nils (Ursinus) #36
Vanterpool, Cairo (Wilmington) #205
Vaughan, Jacob (St Johns (MN)) #268
Volpe, Colsten (Western New England) #306
Voss, Jared (Coe) #7
Wagner, Zach (Wabash) #133
Walker, Darius (Linfield University) #269
Walsh, Brady (Ohio Wesleyan) #265
Ward, Jack (Olivet) #92
Watson, Stephen (Wheaton (IL)) #134
Watts, Michael (St John Fisher) #187
Weaver, Sam (Nebraska Wesleyan) #181
Weinzen, Ryan (Saint Vincent) #54
Weitz, Ryan (Baldwin Wallace) #154
Wendel, Jack (York (PA)) #146
West, Samuel (Central) #32
Weter, Wyatt (Luther) #156
Wetzel, Austen (Westminster) #24
White, Kaden (New England College) #395
Wickham, Gavin (Heidelberg) #174
Wiegert, Dylan (Shenandoah University) #254
Wilkerson, Brayten (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #319
Wilkins, Austin (Cornell College) #130
Wilkins, Sampson (Castleton University) #6
Williams, Blake (Adrian) #13
Williams, Eddie (Alma College) #48
Wilson, Cole (Penn State Behrend) #233
Winn, Ryan (Wilkes) #298
Withers, Tyler (Merchant Marine) #2
Woods, Micah (Huntingdon) #258
Wrobleski, Connor (King's (PA)) #103
Wynn, Soren (McDaniel) #297
Young, Braiden (Augustana (IL)) #179
Young, Graham (Wisconsin-Whitewater) #364
Zerbee, Adam (Washington & Jefferson) #259