Box Score | University of the Ozarks - Concordia (WI) Dual

Box Score | University of the Ozarks - Concordia (WI) Dual

Weight Concordia (WI)
University of the Ozarks
125 #65 Marco Padilla #9 Nathaneal Rankin L DEC 7 - 6
133 #174 Gabe Rodriguez #198 Stephen Fox L DEC 8 - 3
141 #207 Val Kochiu #486 Jody Adams W TF5 16 - 1 2:03
149 #313 Ramiro Vasquez #207 Matthew Malheiro L DEC 5 - 4
157 #256 Bryce Karban #384 Kade McMahon L DEC 6 - 5
165 #129 Josh Te Stroete #219 Zane Sims W TF5 20 - 5 6:12
174 #131 Alex Montbriand #114 Ndayambaje John L DEC 12 - 7
184 #129 Merrick O'Donnell #130 Evan Sharpe W FALL 1:54
197 #119 Charles Hindley #191 Montana Doty W FALL 4:46
285 #255 Reid McNeill #59 Jerhett Lee L FALL 4:27
Weight Concordia (WI)
University of the Ozarks
125 #65 Marco Padilla
#9 Nathaneal Rankin
L DEC 7 - 6
133 #174 Gabe Rodriguez
#198 Stephen Fox
L DEC 8 - 3
141 #207 Val Kochiu
#486 Jody Adams
W TF5 16 - 1 2:03
149 #313 Ramiro Vasquez
#207 Matthew Malheiro
L DEC 5 - 4
157 #256 Bryce Karban
#384 Kade McMahon
L DEC 6 - 5
165 #129 Josh Te Stroete
#219 Zane Sims
W TF5 20 - 5 6:12
174 #131 Alex Montbriand
#114 Ndayambaje John
L DEC 12 - 7
184 #129 Merrick O'Donnell
#130 Evan Sharpe
W FALL 1:54
197 #119 Charles Hindley
#191 Montana Doty
W FALL 4:46
285 #255 Reid McNeill
#59 Jerhett Lee
L FALL 4:27