Wrestler Participants | Wartburg Olivet ECM

Wrestler Participants | Wartburg Olivet ECM

RPI Calculations

NOTE: These are only projected participants. Since the event is listed on the schools schedule, that most-likely means that the starters will be in attendance.
Obviously if there is a wrestler that is injured, they probably won't attend. Also, lots of schools will bring more than just their starters to a tournament.

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.


#8 Joey Pins ( Wartburg )
#94 Robert Davids ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#195 Bradley Payne ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#196 Jesse Brumm ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#239 Spencer Murphy ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#243 Austin Bush ( Olivet (unofficial) )


#4 Zayren Terukina ( Wartburg )
#125 Tyler Herrema ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#230 Stuart Donlan ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#291 Jay Shaull ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#299 David Schulte ( Olivet (unofficial) )


#5 Kristian Rumph ( Wartburg )
#29 Jonathan Fritz ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#152 Christian Lenon ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#246 Amir Rashed ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#262 Brian Paquette ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#331 Jarrett Thorne ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#442 Garrett Englehart ( Olivet (unofficial) )



#42 Antwon Pugh ( Wartburg )
#80 Zach Potter ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#206 Mitchell Reynolds ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#245 Trevor Briggs ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#309 Trevor Brooks ( Olivet (unofficial) )


#4 Zane Mulder ( Wartburg )
#125 Liam Kinjorski ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#145 Adam Hall ( Olivet (unofficial) )



#26 Kobe Woods ( Wartburg )
#100 Trevor Piggott ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#104 Dylan Kuschel ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#163 Austin Engle ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#176 Hunter Caister ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#190 Michael Minne ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#227 Isaac Hall ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#364 Zakary Foster ( Olivet (unofficial) )


#75 Dominick Wilson ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#94 Damari Dancy ( Wartburg )
#248 Devlen Kuschel ( Olivet (unofficial) )
#313 Boe Eckman ( Olivet (unofficial) )