Box Score | Carl Albert State - University of the Ozarks Dual
Box Score | Carl Albert State - University of the Ozarks Dual
Weight | Carl Albert State Wrestler |
University of the Ozarks Wrestler |
Result |
125 | Eric Hussaini | (D3) #98 Shelton Chastain | L TF5 16 - 1 3:11 |
133 | Gabe Aldaco | (D3) #37 Gabriel Brandenburg | L FALL 4:08 |
141 | Kason Mitchell | (D3) #237 Jakob Zawosky | L FALL 4:34 |
149 | Cale Glover | (D3) #272 Hayden Rofkahr | W MD 19 - 9 |
157 | Cody Riddell | (D3) #355 James Johnson | L DEC 12 - 7 |
165 | Cayden Felts | (D3) #181 Airamis Mendoza | W DEC 9 - 2 |
174 | Josiah Rhodes | (D3) #349 Johnathon Ward | L DEC 6 - 3 |
184 | Ethan Day | (D3) #258 RC Morris | W MD 16 - 6 |
197 | Matthan Mason | (D3) #64 Daniel Benoit | W FALL 0:37 |
285 | Austin Blair | (D3) #43 Ka'Ron Lewis | L MD 12 - 4 |
Weight | Carl Albert State University of the Ozarks |
Result |
125 |
Eric Hussaini
(D3) #98 Shelton Chastain |
L TF5 16 - 1 3:11 |
133 |
Gabe Aldaco
(D3) #37 Gabriel Brandenburg |
L FALL 4:08 |
141 |
Kason Mitchell
(D3) #237 Jakob Zawosky |
L FALL 4:34 |
149 |
Cale Glover
(D3) #272 Hayden Rofkahr |
W MD 19 - 9 |
157 |
Cody Riddell
(D3) #355 James Johnson |
L DEC 12 - 7 |
165 |
Cayden Felts
(D3) #181 Airamis Mendoza |
W DEC 9 - 2 |
174 |
Josiah Rhodes
(D3) #349 Johnathon Ward |
L DEC 6 - 3 |
184 |
Ethan Day
(D3) #258 RC Morris |
W MD 16 - 6 |
197 |
Matthan Mason
(D3) #64 Daniel Benoit |
W FALL 0:37 |
285 |
Austin Blair
(D3) #43 Ka'Ron Lewis |
L MD 12 - 4 |