Wrestler Participants | Alvernia Invitational

Wrestler Participants | Alvernia Invitational

RPI Calculations

NOTE: These are only projected participants. Since the event is listed on the schools schedule, that most-likely means that the starters will be in attendance.
Obviously if there is a wrestler that is injured, they probably won't attend. Also, lots of schools will bring more than just their starters to a tournament.

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.


#28 Brian McCaw ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#94 Tank Spelta ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#110 Joe Weikel ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Noah Gilgore ( Shippensburg )
#224 Geddiel Lopez ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#225 Nicholas Faraci ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#238 Bobby Philpot ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#254 Julian Zaragoza ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#326 Alex Kinder ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#347 Tammar Reza ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
Isaac Stewart ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Michael Walls ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Lucas Stinger ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Austin Berry ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )


#73 Christian Ford ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#77 Frank DiEsso ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
Eli Bounds ( Shippensburg )
#95 Taylor Weaver ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#119 Austin Mitrosky ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#121 Antonio Intintoli ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#152 Austin Mitroski ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#178 Jace Yannuciello ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#192 Max Rotter ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#214 Trevor Young ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#220 Colby Reilly ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#280 Kyle Collins ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#376 Anthony Astorino ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
Dante Gismondi ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )


#149 Ryan Mansueto ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#154 Ayden Cheng ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#159 Lucas Tirpak ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#203 Danny Carrozza ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#230 David Rosenfarb ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#233 Torey Falkinburg ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
Calvin Lederer ( Shippensburg )
#267 Justin Musmanno ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#269 Sebastiano Spina ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#313 Jake Elpi ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#352 Jay Lenio ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#381 Max Farley ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#385 Isaiah Shilcosky ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#390 Bryce Vollman ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#430 Sam Soderman ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#444 Michael Munoz ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#450 Nikolas Rucci ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#469 Ryan Ouellette ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Jarell Gurley ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Max Pasquier ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Andrew Jamieson ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Mark Gallo ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Joaquin Poventud ( Rowan College of South Jersey (unofficial) )
Stephen dmytryk ( Rowan College of South Jersey (unofficial) )
Owen Lonski ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Gabe Mortensen ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Sean Solis ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )


#31 Quinn Tobin ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#51 Sam Worthing ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Michael Trainor ( Shippensburg )
#77 Aiden Swann ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#119 Greg Croce ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#133 Peter Charnley ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#210 Andre Henene ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#230 Austin McMillan ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#276 Nolan Brown ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#277 Louis Stable ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#280 Andras Fabian ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#288 Karriem Hoe ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#290 Zachary Schonoff ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#345 Devin Horton ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#394 Samuel Dow ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#398 Gabe Whittington ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#417 Jason Dubrasky ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#420 Marco Conroy ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#430 Michael Cliver ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#430 Daniel Conroy ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
Derek Berry ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Renaldo King ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Nathan Eife ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Nate Eiffe ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Kaden DeCoteau ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Gabriel Wagner ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Maverick Mueller ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )


#25 Brandon Bowles ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#52 Adam Coleman ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#69 Ean Wilson ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#125 Joe Dietz ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
Anthony DeAngelo ( Shippensburg )
#133 Matthew Rodriguez ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#151 Tristan Julian ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#172 Brandon Flores-Salazar ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#203 Ethan Kreuzberg ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#224 Michael Beers ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#234 Charles Levine ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#244 Landon Davis ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#286 Paul Kakos ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#349 Declan Smith ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#382 Ilya Shlemanov ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#440 Sam Lledo ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
Danyk Jacobsen ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Lane Ewing ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Chase Helder ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )


#75 William Knapp ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#77 Nicholas Stump ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
Trey Shoemaker ( Shippensburg )
#91 Nicholas Baccala ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#174 Aiden Weingrad ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#181 Tyson Derenberger ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#192 Max Bluhm ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#236 Ryan Gallagher ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#276 Shane Trattner ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#339 Sam Gouveia ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#348 Chase Pollard ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#360 Lucas Velando ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#360 Eathan Vogelin ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#360 Jesse Rappazzo ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#360 Surya Krish ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#360 Isic Sleigh ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#434 Seth Hoodye ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#446 James Moffat ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#471 Colin Boldt ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
Piotr Bochenski ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Carlos Del Rio ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Wyatt Elam ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Connor Manske ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )


#29 Braydon Castillo ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#78 Fletcher Goodman ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
Owen Koch ( Shippensburg )
#116 Michael Bluhm ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#164 Gino Giacolona ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#178 Jack Patti ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#193 Mike LaRosa ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#227 Tryeece Cherival ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#242 Kole Lester ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#300 Cole Hosey ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#306 Colsten Volpe ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#379 Archie Rubin ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#400 Colin Riley ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Carson Becker ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Victor Figueiredo ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Dante Roggio ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Joey Mushinsky ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )


#17 Isaac Kassis ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#47 Daniel Eckley ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#103 Matthew Donis ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#104 Griffin Ostrom ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Diesel Koser ( Shippensburg )
#167 Myles Brown ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#178 Jason Chiodi ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#179 Noah Schlofer ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#204 Quincy Risper ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#238 James Doliscar ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#296 Sean Quaye ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#303 Samuel Myers ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#309 David Czartoryski ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#315 Maximillion Ferguson ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
#327 Dante Burns ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#375 Maximus Gordon ( #27 Delaware Valley (unofficial) )
#390 Ethan Volpe ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#404 Graham Chandler ( #55 Gettysburg (unofficial) )
Jonathan Valentin ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Marco Reyes ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Andrew Szwedyk ( Rowan College of South Jersey (unofficial) )


#64 Owen Reber ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#149 Spencer Dickinson ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#195 Ben Krauss ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#204 Colton Wells ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#213 Nemo Pettway ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
Connor Livingston ( Shippensburg )
#280 Hayk Grigorian ( #44 Muhlenberg (unofficial) )
#343 Brady Shehan ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#355 Tyler Carter ( #18 Alvernia (unofficial) )
#398 Mohammad Anabtawi ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#409 Jonathan Eylander ( #58 Western New England (unofficial) )
#411 Jamell Locket ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
#433 Harerimana Jean Claude ( #126 Penn State Altoona (unofficial) )
Jose Reyes ( University of Maryland Baltimore County (unofficial) )
Christopher Broderick ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Garett Gayle ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )
Andrew Geisenheimer ( Camden County Community College (unofficial) )