Box Score | Rowan College of South Jersey - Scranton Dual
Box Score | Rowan College of South Jersey - Scranton Dual
Weight | Rowan College of South Jersey Wrestler |
Scranton Wrestler |
Result |
125 | Domenic DeMarzo | (D3) #299 Cole McFarland | L FALL 2:14 |
133 | Joshua Kinchen | (D3) #141 Matthew DiGennaro | L FALL 0:24 |
141 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #217 Charles Arobone | L FOR 0 - 0 |
149 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #252 Luke Burke | L FOR 0 - 0 |
157 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #159 Aidan Veirun | L FOR 0 - 0 |
165 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #115 Donell Young | L FOR 0 - 0 |
174 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #34 Jacob Burgette | L FOR 0 - 0 |
184 | Jayden Mora | (D3) #193 Kristian Koroveshi | L FALL 2:59 |
197 | (Forfeit) | (D3) #300 Jonathan Sklavounos | L FOR 0 - 0 |
285 | Luciano mazzeo | (D3) #278 Max Shnipes | L FALL 1:46 |
Weight | Rowan College of South Jersey Scranton |
Result |
125 |
Domenic DeMarzo
(D3) #299 Cole McFarland |
L FALL 2:14 |
133 |
Joshua Kinchen
(D3) #141 Matthew DiGennaro |
L FALL 0:24 |
141 |
(D3) #217 Charles Arobone |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
149 |
(D3) #252 Luke Burke |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
157 |
(D3) #159 Aidan Veirun |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
165 |
(D3) #115 Donell Young |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
174 |
(D3) #34 Jacob Burgette |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
184 |
Jayden Mora
(D3) #193 Kristian Koroveshi |
L FALL 2:59 |
197 |
(D3) #300 Jonathan Sklavounos |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
285 |
Luciano mazzeo
(D3) #278 Max Shnipes |
L FALL 1:46 |