Box Score | Rowan College of South Jersey - Pitt-Bradford Dual

Box Score | Rowan College of South Jersey - Pitt-Bradford Dual

Weight Rowan College of South Jersey
125 Domenic DeMarzo (D3) #202 Cade Stern W DEC 11 - 6
133 Joshua Kinchen (D3) #248 Uriah Morris W DEC 15 - 8
141 (Forfeit) (D3) #127 Dylan Slovick L FOR 0 - 0
149 (Forfeit) (D3) #223 Nikolas Fegert L FOR 0 - 0
157 (Forfeit) (D3) #200 Raymond Worsen III L FOR 0 - 0
165 (Forfeit) (D3) #438 Mamady Treore L FOR 0 - 0
184 Jayden Mora (D3) #53 DJ Slovick L FALL 1:40
197 (Forfeit) (D3) #420 Alec Kapacs L FOR 0 - 0
285 Luciano mazzeo (D3) #138 Gavin Thompson L FALL 1:04
Weight Rowan College of South Jersey
125 Domenic DeMarzo
(D3) #202 Cade Stern
W DEC 11 - 6
133 Joshua Kinchen
(D3) #248 Uriah Morris
W DEC 15 - 8
141 (Forfeit)
(D3) #127 Dylan Slovick
L FOR 0 - 0
149 (Forfeit)
(D3) #223 Nikolas Fegert
L FOR 0 - 0
157 (Forfeit)
(D3) #200 Raymond Worsen III
L FOR 0 - 0
165 (Forfeit)
(D3) #438 Mamady Treore
L FOR 0 - 0
184 Jayden Mora
(D3) #53 DJ Slovick
L FALL 1:40
197 (Forfeit)
(D3) #420 Alec Kapacs
L FOR 0 - 0
285 Luciano mazzeo
(D3) #138 Gavin Thompson
L FALL 1:04