Box Score | Johnson & Wales (RI) - The College of New Jersey Dual

Box Score | Johnson & Wales (RI) - The College of New Jersey Dual

Weight The College of New Jersey
Johnson & Wales (RI)
125 #47 Matt Griffin #1 Joziah Fry L FALL 6:20
133 #29 Kyle Nase #179 Matthew Frueh W TF5 16 - 1 7:00
141 #13 Sam Kotch #9 Cameron Soda L DEC 4 - 0
149 #2 Michael Conklin #16 Jake Eckerle W TF5 20 - 4 7:00
157 #73 Jason Giordano #1 Hayden Brown L MD 9 - 1
165 #290 Nicholas Acque #6 Jack Richardson L TF5 18 - 1 7:00
174 #6 Hunter Mays #28 Michael Schliem W MD 17 - 6
184 #19 Alex Strashinsky #28 Ky'ell Roper W TF5 18 - 2 7:00
197 #15 DJ Henry #77 Zachary Miller W MD 17 - 3
285 #74 Matthew Coon #11 Adolfo Betancur L FALL 7:00
Weight The College of New Jersey
Johnson & Wales (RI)
125 #47 Matt Griffin
#1 Joziah Fry
L FALL 6:20
133 #29 Kyle Nase
#179 Matthew Frueh
W TF5 16 - 1 7:00
141 #13 Sam Kotch
#9 Cameron Soda
L DEC 4 - 0
149 #2 Michael Conklin
#16 Jake Eckerle
W TF5 20 - 4 7:00
157 #73 Jason Giordano
#1 Hayden Brown
L MD 9 - 1
165 #290 Nicholas Acque
#6 Jack Richardson
L TF5 18 - 1 7:00
174 #6 Hunter Mays
#28 Michael Schliem
W MD 17 - 6
184 #19 Alex Strashinsky
#28 Ky'ell Roper
W TF5 18 - 2 7:00
197 #15 DJ Henry
#77 Zachary Miller
W MD 17 - 3
285 #74 Matthew Coon
#11 Adolfo Betancur
L FALL 7:00