Box Score | The College of New Jersey - Delaware Valley Dual

Box Score | The College of New Jersey - Delaware Valley Dual

Weight Delaware Valley
The College of New Jersey
125 (Forfeit) #51 Matt Griffin L FOR 0 - 0
133 #9 Jacob Blair #8 Garrett Totten L DEC 8 - 2
141 #43 Sean O'Toole #17 Sam Kotch W MD 11 - 3
149 #27 Charlie Robson #3 Michael Conklin L DEC 7 - 0
157 #352 Declan Smith #101 Jason Giordano L TF5 19 - 3 5:40
165 #464 Matt Mushinski #15 Nick Sacco L TF5 20 - 4 2:34
174 #14 Braydon Castillo #9 Hunter Mays L FALL 1:59
184 #48 Luke Moore #34 James Romaine L DEC 8 - 2
197 #199 Quincy Risper #18 DJ Henry L TF5 16 - 0 5:04
285 #23 Logan Flynn #70 Matthew Coon W DEC 8 - 1
Weight Delaware Valley
The College of New Jersey
125 (Forfeit)
#51 Matt Griffin
L FOR 0 - 0
133 #9 Jacob Blair
#8 Garrett Totten
L DEC 8 - 2
141 #43 Sean O'Toole
#17 Sam Kotch
W MD 11 - 3
149 #27 Charlie Robson
#3 Michael Conklin
L DEC 7 - 0
157 #352 Declan Smith
#101 Jason Giordano
L TF5 19 - 3 5:40
165 #464 Matt Mushinski
#15 Nick Sacco
L TF5 20 - 4 2:34
174 #14 Braydon Castillo
#9 Hunter Mays
L FALL 1:59
184 #48 Luke Moore
#34 James Romaine
L DEC 8 - 2
197 #199 Quincy Risper
#18 DJ Henry
L TF5 16 - 0 5:04
285 #23 Logan Flynn
#70 Matthew Coon
W DEC 8 - 1