Box Score | The College of New Jersey - Stevens Tech Dual

Box Score | The College of New Jersey - Stevens Tech Dual

Weight Stevens Tech
The College of New Jersey
125 (Forfeit) #47 Matt Griffin L FOR 0 - 0
133 #188 Naci Robinson #6 Garrett Totten L TF5 19 - 4 3:00
141 #15 Luke Hoerle #13 Sam Kotch L MD 17 - 8
149 #25 Carmen Cortese #2 Michael Conklin L MD 13 - 2
157 #8 Ryan Smith #73 Jason Giordano W DEC 7 - 1
165 #9 Chris Stathopoulos #8 Nick Sacco L DEC 4 - 2
174 #23 Harrison Hinojosa #6 Hunter Mays L MD 15 - 4
184 #16 Joel Martsinovsky #31 James Romaine W DEC 7 - 3
197 #98 Brandon Bulatao #152 Luke Theis W MD 12 - 3
285 #10 Blaise Wagner #74 Matthew Coon W TF5 19 - 4 7:00
Weight Stevens Tech
The College of New Jersey
125 (Forfeit)
#47 Matt Griffin
L FOR 0 - 0
133 #188 Naci Robinson
#6 Garrett Totten
L TF5 19 - 4 3:00
141 #15 Luke Hoerle
#13 Sam Kotch
L MD 17 - 8
149 #25 Carmen Cortese
#2 Michael Conklin
L MD 13 - 2
157 #8 Ryan Smith
#73 Jason Giordano
W DEC 7 - 1
165 #9 Chris Stathopoulos
#8 Nick Sacco
L DEC 4 - 2
174 #23 Harrison Hinojosa
#6 Hunter Mays
L MD 15 - 4
184 #16 Joel Martsinovsky
#31 James Romaine
W DEC 7 - 3
197 #98 Brandon Bulatao
#152 Luke Theis
W MD 12 - 3
285 #10 Blaise Wagner
#74 Matthew Coon
W TF5 19 - 4 7:00