Box Score | John Carroll - Rochester Institute of Technology Dual
Box Score | John Carroll - Rochester Institute of Technology Dual
Weight | Rochester Institute of Technology Wrestler |
John Carroll Wrestler |
Result |
125 | #61 Lee Rubin | #55 Brett Stanley | L DEC 6 - 1 |
133 | #115 Jacob Deysher | #56 Alex Crane | L DEC 8 - 1 |
141 | #105 Joshua Post | #57 Ty Daugherty | L DEC 5 - 2 |
149 | #13 Mike Glynn | #300 Vananthony Trunzo | W FALL 0:56 |
157 | #58 Jared Lee | #132 Ryan Forrest | W DEC 8 - 5 |
165 | #60 Jack Lamson | #259 Frank Gallo | W MD 14 - 6 |
174 | #149 Tyler Balent | #25 Aiden Ashburn | L DEC 5 - 0 |
184 | (Forfeit) | #7 Wills Bronson | L FOR 0 - 0 |
197 | #196 Ronald Dietz | #42 Jesse Kanatzar | L FALL 4:07 |
285 | #2 Josh Harkless | #105 Thomas Lunt | W FALL 0:49 |
Weight | Rochester Institute of Technology John Carroll |
Result |
125 |
#61 Lee Rubin
#55 Brett Stanley |
L DEC 6 - 1 |
133 |
#115 Jacob Deysher
#56 Alex Crane |
L DEC 8 - 1 |
141 |
#105 Joshua Post
#57 Ty Daugherty |
L DEC 5 - 2 |
149 |
#13 Mike Glynn
#300 Vananthony Trunzo |
W FALL 0:56 |
157 |
#58 Jared Lee
#132 Ryan Forrest |
W DEC 8 - 5 |
165 |
#60 Jack Lamson
#259 Frank Gallo |
W MD 14 - 6 |
174 |
#149 Tyler Balent
#25 Aiden Ashburn |
L DEC 5 - 0 |
184 |
#7 Wills Bronson |
L FOR 0 - 0 |
197 |
#196 Ronald Dietz
#42 Jesse Kanatzar |
L FALL 4:07 |
285 |
#2 Josh Harkless
#105 Thomas Lunt |
W FALL 0:49 |