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Wrestler A
133 Wrestlers...
Adams, Marc (Camden County Community College)
Agnew, Jameal (Pratt Community College)
Aho, Jake (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Albavera, Benji (Harper College)
Albers, Gavin (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Aldaco, Gabe (Carl Albert State)
Allen, Te'Andre (Indian Hills)
Almanza, AJ (Barton)
Amoriello, Mike (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Anderson, Nelson (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Andrade, Badger (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Bachtle, Jim (Neosho County Community College)
Baldwin, Stephan (Barton)
Bartee, Rufus (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Bettich, Riley (Indian Hills)
Blackmon, Samuel (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Borgesvalentim, Lucas (Union County College)
Boss, Cory (Union County College)
Bradford, Justin (Indian Hills)
Brown, Jacob (Nassau Community College)
Brown, Trey (Ancilla College)
Bruner, Jamey (Iowa Central Community College)
Bunner, Morgan (Southeast Community College)
Burchett, Coby (Iowa Western Community College)
Burns, Garret (Southwestern Oregon Community College)
Burns, Teyton (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Bustillos, Kevin (Joliet Junior College)
Cage, Anthony (Muskegon Community College)
Cagle, Blake (Lincoln College)
Cain, Justin (Camden County Community College)
Campbell, Kodis (Clackamas Community College)
Casale, Chris (Sussex County Community College)
Castillo, Esdras (Garrett College)
Catanzaro, Michael (Niagara Community College)
Cedeno, Jayden (Bergen Community College)
Chavez, Christian (Harper College)
Clark, Ryder (Carl Albert State)
Clay, Tyrick (Iowa Lakes Community College)
Clayton, Matthew (Springfield Tech Community College)
Cobbler, Ethan (Patrick Henry Community College)
Coles, Jack (Bismarck State)
Collinsworth, Tucker (Labette Community College)
Colon, Johnny (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Contreras, Jineer (Bergen Community College)
Cooper, Drew (Iowa Central Community College)
Covolo, Zachary (Northwest College)
Crook, Joaquin (Andrew College)
Cruz, Carlos (Lackawanna College)
Cummings, Kendell (Northwest College)
Delgado, Miguel (Springfield Tech Community College)
DeMarco, Hayden (Triton College)
DeMarzo, Domenic (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Dickey, Samuel (Pratt Community College)
Dobbins, Shane (Nassau Community College)
Domino, Michael (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Dunn, Dallas (Iowa Western Community College)
Feregrino, Aureo (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Fields, Tyler (Colby Community College)
Florance, Joey (Niagara Community College)
Folkens, Chris (Middlesex Community College)
Forrest, Deontae (Indian Hills)
Francis, Cody (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Free, Jordan (Snow College)
Fugitt, Dominic (Lincoln College)
Garrison, Savieon (Colby Community College)
Gilliam, Solomon (Harper College)
Gismondi, Dante (Camden County Community College)
Giurini, Andre (Triton College)
Giutini, Andre (Triton College)
Glenn, Jamil (Jamestown Community College)
Glenn, Kael (Iowa Central Community College)
Gonzales, Juan (Trinidad State)
Gonzalez, Michael (Carl Albert State)
Gonzalez, Sean-michael (Carl Albert State)
Goolsby, Jarrdarrious (Colby Community College)
Grant, Trenton (Cowley College)
Grant, Trenton (Cowley College)
Guerrero, Jean (Morton College)
Guerrero, Logan (Joliet Junior College) #14
Hall, Jesse (Neosho County Community College)
Hammen, Tristan (Bryant & Stratton)
Hammer, Jake (Western Wyoming College)
Harris, Bryce (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Harris, Matthew (Minnesota West Comm & Tech)
Hayes, Parker (Ellsworth CC)
Henderson, Cortez (Niagara Community College)
Hobbs, Ace (Southeast Community College)
Hull, Camden (Garrett College)
Hunt, Skyler (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Huntley, Calin (Ridgewater College)
Hurd, Domanic (Bryant & Stratton)
Hurtado, Braulio (Lackawanna College)
Hutchinson, Nathan (Carl Albert State)
Hvass, Hoyt (North Idaho College)
Jacobs, Teagan (Northeastern Junior College)
Johnson, Cintrell (Southwest Virginia Community College)
Kaawa, Elijah (Indian Hills)
Keesal, Jesse (Camden County Community College)
Kelly, Austin (Western Wyoming College)
Kemp, Marquis (Otero Junior College)
Kenney, John (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Kephart, Daron (Niagara Community College)
Khakimov, Abdullokh (Harper College)
Kilpatrick, Dawson (Muskegon Community College)
Kincaid, Austin (Cowley College)
Kiser, Cam (Cowley College)
Koelling, Landon (Barton)
Koshko, Jamarius (Labette Community College)
Kratko, Trey (Patrick Henry Community College)
Kuhn, Tony (Niagara Community College)
Lamano, Dagen (Snow College)
Lang, Tristan (Ridgewater College)
Lang, Tristian (Ridgewater College)
Lapaugh, Kaden (Southwestern Michigan)
LaPlant, Kalvin (Labette Community College)
Lemon, Ethan (Indian Hills)
Licht, Wesley (Niagara Community College)
Lile, Sammy (Iowa Central Community College)
Liles, Drew (Pratt Community College)
Lipford, Aiden (Andrew College)
Livingston, Gabe (Southwestern Michigan)
Lombardo, Matthew (Garrett College)
Lopez, Christian (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Lopez, Cruz (Labette Community College)
Lopez, Damian (Otero Junior College)
Lopez, Isaac (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Roberto (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Lopez, Tim (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Timothy (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Zach (North Idaho College)
Lundy, David (Trinidad State)
Marrero, Zach (Western Wyoming College)
Martinez, Jaden (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Martinez, Keven (North Idaho College)
Martinez, Xzavier (Colby Community College)
May, Wyatt (Iowa Western Community College)
Mccallister, Cade (Clackamas Community College)
McClure, Mason (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
McCormick, Jackson (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Mecham, Joseph (Western Wyoming College) #45
Meyer, Jacob (Springfield Tech Community College)
Meyers, Jacob (Springfield Tech Community College)
Miller, Caydon (Labette Community College)
Mima, Kaiden (Trinidad State)
Moore, Cameron (Trinidad State)
Morgan, Rashaud (Pratt Community College)
Morrissette, Devin (Springfield Tech Community College)
Muller, Justin (Springfield Tech Community College)
Noble, Kyree (Harper College)
O'Brien, Brandon (North Idaho College)
Odell, Aidan (Cowley College)
Odom, Brantley (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Ohnoutka, Aaron (Iowa Western Community College)
Olberding, Lance (Southeast Community College)
Osborne, Christian (Southeast Community College)
Padilla, Julio (Triton College)
Paladino, Ryan (Nassau Community College)
Palmer, Kameron (Northland Community & Technical College)
Pauda, Quintin (Colby Community College)
Pena, Adam (Harper College)
Person-Williams, Romelle (Labette Community College)
Petretti, Tristan (Nassau Community College)
Pfeufer, Ty (Bergen Community College) #14
Pickard, Kyle (Camden County Community College)
Quintana, Aiden (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Ramirez, Joe (Nassau Community College)
Ramirez, Joseph (Nassau Community College)
Randazzo, Salvatore (Union County College)
Rea, Brian (Harper College)
Reece, Elijah (Neosho County Community College)
Renden, Greco (Harper College)
Renninger, Derek (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
Reyes, Julio (Iowa Western Community College)
Rienhardt, Ayden (Minnesota West Comm & Tech)
Rizek, Nathan (Iowa Western Community College)
Rodgers, Chase (Umpqua Community College)
Rodrigues, Michael (Cloud County Community College)
Rodriguez, Aaron (Western Wyoming College)
Rolon, Gabe (Iowa Central Community College)
Romero, Brayan (Southeast Community College)
Roper, Tyler (Ellsworth CC)
Rose, Chance (Southwest Virginia Community College)
Rubash, Kaiden (Northwest College)
Rubio, Isaiah (Western Wyoming College)
Rutherford, Thomas (Nassau Community College)
Saldana, Alejandro (Southwestern Michigan)
Sanchez, Claudio (Union County College)
Sanders, Rah'Miere (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
Saunders, David (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Schingle, Ethan (Northeastern Junior College)
Schwab, Shane (Iowa Central Community College)
Schwenker, Jacob (Carl Albert State)
Sherk, Tegan (Ridgewater College)
Siegel, Max (Triton College)
Skinner, Bray (Cloud County Community College)
Smith, Ryan (Cowley College)
Sokolowski, Marek (Onondaga Community College)
Sotelo, Josh (Ridgewater College)
Stampfly, Kyle (Southwestern Michigan)
Stapleton, David (Jamestown Community College)
Stone, Jack (Harper College)
Strejc, Zeth (Ellsworth CC)
Sturtevant, Aydan (Muskegon Community College)
Swenson, Jack (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Tabb, Alex (Andrew College)
Taylor, Christien (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Thai, Johnny (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Thiel, Austin (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Thom, Braden (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Thorn, Owen (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Tihen, Zack (Indian Hills)
Toney, Khyson (Patrick Henry Community College)
Tottenham, Eddie (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Towne, Dennak (Umpqua Community College)
Treyes, Jose (Northwest College)
Tubera, Izzy (North Idaho College)
Vagnier, Alex (Garrett College)
Vargas, Aden (Harper College)
Villarreal, Ivan (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Vines, Daniel (Cloud County Community College)
Waddoups, Jacob (Snow College)
Waits, Hunter (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Walker, Nytravious (Indian Hills)
Warner, Gavin (Jamestown Community College)
Watts, Hunter (Iowa Central Community College)
Wells, Dale (Umpqua Community College)
Wheatly, Brian (Southwestern Michigan)
Wilson, Tyson (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Wollenberg, Jimmy (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Wright, Spencer (Western Wyoming College)
Wynn, Jeremiah (Bergen Community College)
Yilma, Yoseph (Iowa Central Community College)
Zugelder, Corban (Labette Community College)
Wrestler B
133 Wrestlers...
Adams, Marc (Camden County Community College)
Agnew, Jameal (Pratt Community College)
Aho, Jake (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Albavera, Benji (Harper College)
Albers, Gavin (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Aldaco, Gabe (Carl Albert State)
Allen, Te'Andre (Indian Hills)
Almanza, AJ (Barton)
Amoriello, Mike (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Anderson, Nelson (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Andrade, Badger (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Bachtle, Jim (Neosho County Community College)
Baldwin, Stephan (Barton)
Bartee, Rufus (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Bettich, Riley (Indian Hills)
Blackmon, Samuel (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Borgesvalentim, Lucas (Union County College)
Boss, Cory (Union County College)
Bradford, Justin (Indian Hills)
Brown, Jacob (Nassau Community College)
Brown, Trey (Ancilla College)
Bruner, Jamey (Iowa Central Community College)
Bunner, Morgan (Southeast Community College)
Burchett, Coby (Iowa Western Community College)
Burns, Garret (Southwestern Oregon Community College)
Burns, Teyton (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Bustillos, Kevin (Joliet Junior College)
Cage, Anthony (Muskegon Community College)
Cagle, Blake (Lincoln College)
Cain, Justin (Camden County Community College)
Campbell, Kodis (Clackamas Community College)
Casale, Chris (Sussex County Community College)
Castillo, Esdras (Garrett College)
Catanzaro, Michael (Niagara Community College)
Cedeno, Jayden (Bergen Community College)
Chavez, Christian (Harper College)
Clark, Ryder (Carl Albert State)
Clay, Tyrick (Iowa Lakes Community College)
Clayton, Matthew (Springfield Tech Community College)
Cobbler, Ethan (Patrick Henry Community College)
Coles, Jack (Bismarck State)
Collinsworth, Tucker (Labette Community College)
Colon, Johnny (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Contreras, Jineer (Bergen Community College)
Cooper, Drew (Iowa Central Community College)
Covolo, Zachary (Northwest College)
Crook, Joaquin (Andrew College)
Cruz, Carlos (Lackawanna College)
Cummings, Kendell (Northwest College)
Delgado, Miguel (Springfield Tech Community College)
DeMarco, Hayden (Triton College)
DeMarzo, Domenic (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Dickey, Samuel (Pratt Community College)
Dobbins, Shane (Nassau Community College)
Domino, Michael (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Dunn, Dallas (Iowa Western Community College)
Feregrino, Aureo (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Fields, Tyler (Colby Community College)
Florance, Joey (Niagara Community College)
Folkens, Chris (Middlesex Community College)
Forrest, Deontae (Indian Hills)
Francis, Cody (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Free, Jordan (Snow College)
Fugitt, Dominic (Lincoln College)
Garrison, Savieon (Colby Community College)
Gilliam, Solomon (Harper College)
Gismondi, Dante (Camden County Community College)
Giurini, Andre (Triton College)
Giutini, Andre (Triton College)
Glenn, Jamil (Jamestown Community College)
Glenn, Kael (Iowa Central Community College)
Gonzales, Juan (Trinidad State)
Gonzalez, Michael (Carl Albert State)
Gonzalez, Sean-michael (Carl Albert State)
Goolsby, Jarrdarrious (Colby Community College)
Grant, Trenton (Cowley College)
Grant, Trenton (Cowley College)
Guerrero, Jean (Morton College)
Guerrero, Logan (Joliet Junior College) #14
Hall, Jesse (Neosho County Community College)
Hammen, Tristan (Bryant & Stratton)
Hammer, Jake (Western Wyoming College)
Harris, Bryce (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Harris, Matthew (Minnesota West Comm & Tech)
Hayes, Parker (Ellsworth CC)
Henderson, Cortez (Niagara Community College)
Hobbs, Ace (Southeast Community College)
Hull, Camden (Garrett College)
Hunt, Skyler (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Huntley, Calin (Ridgewater College)
Hurd, Domanic (Bryant & Stratton)
Hurtado, Braulio (Lackawanna College)
Hutchinson, Nathan (Carl Albert State)
Hvass, Hoyt (North Idaho College)
Jacobs, Teagan (Northeastern Junior College)
Johnson, Cintrell (Southwest Virginia Community College)
Kaawa, Elijah (Indian Hills)
Keesal, Jesse (Camden County Community College)
Kelly, Austin (Western Wyoming College)
Kemp, Marquis (Otero Junior College)
Kenney, John (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Kephart, Daron (Niagara Community College)
Khakimov, Abdullokh (Harper College)
Kilpatrick, Dawson (Muskegon Community College)
Kincaid, Austin (Cowley College)
Kiser, Cam (Cowley College)
Koelling, Landon (Barton)
Koshko, Jamarius (Labette Community College)
Kratko, Trey (Patrick Henry Community College)
Kuhn, Tony (Niagara Community College)
Lamano, Dagen (Snow College)
Lang, Tristan (Ridgewater College)
Lang, Tristian (Ridgewater College)
Lapaugh, Kaden (Southwestern Michigan)
LaPlant, Kalvin (Labette Community College)
Lemon, Ethan (Indian Hills)
Licht, Wesley (Niagara Community College)
Lile, Sammy (Iowa Central Community College)
Liles, Drew (Pratt Community College)
Lipford, Aiden (Andrew College)
Livingston, Gabe (Southwestern Michigan)
Lombardo, Matthew (Garrett College)
Lopez, Christian (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Lopez, Cruz (Labette Community College)
Lopez, Damian (Otero Junior College)
Lopez, Isaac (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Roberto (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Lopez, Tim (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Timothy (Clackamas Community College)
Lopez, Zach (North Idaho College)
Lundy, David (Trinidad State)
Marrero, Zach (Western Wyoming College)
Martinez, Jaden (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Martinez, Keven (North Idaho College)
Martinez, Xzavier (Colby Community College)
May, Wyatt (Iowa Western Community College)
Mccallister, Cade (Clackamas Community College)
McClure, Mason (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
McCormick, Jackson (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Mecham, Joseph (Western Wyoming College) #45
Meyer, Jacob (Springfield Tech Community College)
Meyers, Jacob (Springfield Tech Community College)
Miller, Caydon (Labette Community College)
Mima, Kaiden (Trinidad State)
Moore, Cameron (Trinidad State)
Morgan, Rashaud (Pratt Community College)
Morrissette, Devin (Springfield Tech Community College)
Muller, Justin (Springfield Tech Community College)
Noble, Kyree (Harper College)
O'Brien, Brandon (North Idaho College)
Odell, Aidan (Cowley College)
Odom, Brantley (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Ohnoutka, Aaron (Iowa Western Community College)
Olberding, Lance (Southeast Community College)
Osborne, Christian (Southeast Community College)
Padilla, Julio (Triton College)
Paladino, Ryan (Nassau Community College)
Palmer, Kameron (Northland Community & Technical College)
Pauda, Quintin (Colby Community College)
Pena, Adam (Harper College)
Person-Williams, Romelle (Labette Community College)
Petretti, Tristan (Nassau Community College)
Pfeufer, Ty (Bergen Community College) #14
Pickard, Kyle (Camden County Community College)
Quintana, Aiden (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Ramirez, Joe (Nassau Community College)
Ramirez, Joseph (Nassau Community College)
Randazzo, Salvatore (Union County College)
Rea, Brian (Harper College)
Reece, Elijah (Neosho County Community College)
Renden, Greco (Harper College)
Renninger, Derek (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
Reyes, Julio (Iowa Western Community College)
Rienhardt, Ayden (Minnesota West Comm & Tech)
Rizek, Nathan (Iowa Western Community College)
Rodgers, Chase (Umpqua Community College)
Rodrigues, Michael (Cloud County Community College)
Rodriguez, Aaron (Western Wyoming College)
Rolon, Gabe (Iowa Central Community College)
Romero, Brayan (Southeast Community College)
Roper, Tyler (Ellsworth CC)
Rose, Chance (Southwest Virginia Community College)
Rubash, Kaiden (Northwest College)
Rubio, Isaiah (Western Wyoming College)
Rutherford, Thomas (Nassau Community College)
Saldana, Alejandro (Southwestern Michigan)
Sanchez, Claudio (Union County College)
Sanders, Rah'Miere (Thaddeus Stevens College Of Tech)
Saunders, David (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Schingle, Ethan (Northeastern Junior College)
Schwab, Shane (Iowa Central Community College)
Schwenker, Jacob (Carl Albert State)
Sherk, Tegan (Ridgewater College)
Siegel, Max (Triton College)
Skinner, Bray (Cloud County Community College)
Smith, Ryan (Cowley College)
Sokolowski, Marek (Onondaga Community College)
Sotelo, Josh (Ridgewater College)
Stampfly, Kyle (Southwestern Michigan)
Stapleton, David (Jamestown Community College)
Stone, Jack (Harper College)
Strejc, Zeth (Ellsworth CC)
Sturtevant, Aydan (Muskegon Community College)
Swenson, Jack (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Tabb, Alex (Andrew College)
Taylor, Christien (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Thai, Johnny (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Thiel, Austin (Northwest Kansas Technical College)
Thom, Braden (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Thorn, Owen (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Tihen, Zack (Indian Hills)
Toney, Khyson (Patrick Henry Community College)
Tottenham, Eddie (Rowan College of South Jersey)
Towne, Dennak (Umpqua Community College)
Treyes, Jose (Northwest College)
Tubera, Izzy (North Idaho College)
Vagnier, Alex (Garrett College)
Vargas, Aden (Harper College)
Villarreal, Ivan (Northern Oklahoma College-Tonkawa)
Vines, Daniel (Cloud County Community College)
Waddoups, Jacob (Snow College)
Waits, Hunter (Northeastern Oklahoma)
Walker, Nytravious (Indian Hills)
Warner, Gavin (Jamestown Community College)
Watts, Hunter (Iowa Central Community College)
Wells, Dale (Umpqua Community College)
Wheatly, Brian (Southwestern Michigan)
Wilson, Tyson (Rochester Community & Tech College)
Wollenberg, Jimmy (Minnesota North-Itasca)
Wright, Spencer (Western Wyoming College)
Wynn, Jeremiah (Bergen Community College)
Yilma, Yoseph (Iowa Central Community College)
Zugelder, Corban (Labette Community College)