Dual Compare | Illinois Wesleyan vs Pennsylvania College of Technology
Dual Compare | Illinois Wesleyan vs Pennsylvania College of Technology
#107 Illinois Wesleyan
vs#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Pennsylvania College of Technology over Illinois Wesleyan 46 - 4
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WrestleStat Prediction
Justin Adams (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over (Illinois Wesleyan) (Illinois Wesleyan) (Illinois Wesleyan) DEC 1 - 0
Justin Adams (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over (Illinois Wesleyan) (Illinois Wesleyan) (Illinois Wesleyan) DEC 1 - 0
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 3
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 3
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 9
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 9
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Noah Hunt (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Austin Johnston (Illinois Wesleyan) MD 16 - 7
Noah Hunt (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Austin Johnston (Illinois Wesleyan) MD 16 - 7
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 13
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 13
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 19
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 19
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Gavin Gomes (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Evan Carel (Illinois Wesleyan) TF 18 - 3
Gavin Gomes (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Evan Carel (Illinois Wesleyan) TF 18 - 3
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 24
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 24
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Carter Davis (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Jackson Castaneda (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Carter Davis (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Jackson Castaneda (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 30
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 30
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Cole Shupp (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Jeremy Olson (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Cole Shupp (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Jeremy Olson (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 36
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 36
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Isaac Cory (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Bobby Conroy (Illinois Wesleyan) MD 14 - 3
Isaac Cory (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Bobby Conroy (Illinois Wesleyan) MD 14 - 3
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 40
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 40
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Nick Woodruff (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Eli Villegas (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Nick Woodruff (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Eli Villegas (Illinois Wesleyan) FALL
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 46
Illinois Wesleyan 0 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 46
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Alex Jackson (Illinois Wesleyan) over Nicholai Brotzman (Pennsylvania College of Technology) MD 15 - 7
Alex Jackson (Illinois Wesleyan) over Nicholai Brotzman (Pennsylvania College of Technology) MD 15 - 7
Running Team Score
Illinois Wesleyan 4 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 46
Illinois Wesleyan 4 | Pennsylvania College of Technology 46
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |