#83 Saint Vincent


#53 Seton Hill

Next matchup: 11/24
Since 2014: Seton Hill: 1 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction:
Saint Vincent and Seton Hill tied 18 - 18
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These schools are in different divisions; their rankings are for their respective divisions, and the predictions do not factor the different divisions, and probably should be ignored.
WrestleStat Prediction
Don Lindsey (Seton Hill) over Sean Cain (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 0 | Seton Hill 3
Sean Cain vs common opponents: 1 - 1
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#91 Lindsey, Don 11/24/24 L TF5 19 - 3 6:07
#254 Delwarte, Caden 11/24/24 W TF5 16 - 0 3:41
Don Lindsey vs common opponents: 2 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#204 Cain, Sean 11/24/24 W TF5 19 - 3 6:07
#254 Delwarte, Caden 11/24/24 W FALL 2:01
WrestleStat Prediction
Jacob Gardner (Seton Hill) over Kyle McCollum (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 3 | Seton Hill 3
Kyle McCollum vs common opponents: 1 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#108 Davis, Tyler 12/06/24 L DEC 10 - 3
#94 Gardner, Jacob 11/24/24 L FALL 2:34
#159 Stayton, AJ 11/12/24 W TF5 24 - 8 7:00
Jacob Gardner vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#159 Stayton, AJ 01/14/25 W FALL 2:52
#125 McCollum, Kyle 11/24/24 W FALL 2:34
#108 Davis, Tyler 11/17/24 W MD 14 - 6
WrestleStat Prediction
Niko Ferra (Seton Hill) over Ryan Yocum (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 6 | Seton Hill 3
Ryan Yocum vs common opponents: 1 - 1
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#86 Ferra, Niko 11/24/24 L TF5 18 - 2 7:00
#265 Lederer, Calvin 11/12/24 W TF5 19 - 3 7:00
Niko Ferra vs common opponents: 2 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#265 Lederer, Calvin 03/01/25 W DEC 11 - 4
#202 Yocum, Ryan 11/24/24 W TF5 18 - 2 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Luke Potts (Seton Hill) over Anthony Orlandini (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 9 | Seton Hill 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Mike Zacur (Seton Hill) over Logan Bechtold (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 9 | Seton Hill 6
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Collin Hearn (Seton Hill) over Chase Brandebura (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 12 | Seton Hill 6
Chase Brandebura vs common opponents: 8 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#25 Hendricks, Teagan 02/28/25 L DEC 11 - 6
#176 Starkey, Jake 02/28/25 W TF5 15 - 0 2:21
#277 DeChicchis, Jiovanni 02/28/25 W FALL 1:14
#277 DeChicchis, Jiovanni 02/15/25 W FALL 2:50
#277 DeChicchis, Jiovanni 01/30/25 W DEC 10 - 3
#143 Williams, Connor 12/06/24 W FALL 3:31
#111 Wellings-Osha, Elijah 11/24/24 W DEC 8 - 3
#116 Hearn, Collin 11/24/24 L DEC 8 - 6
#133 Wellings-Osha, Elijah 02/04/24 W MD 18 - 10
#130 Chapman, Chase 11/11/23 W FALL 4:35
Collin Hearn vs common opponents: 6 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#63 Brandebura, Chase 11/24/24 W DEC 8 - 6
#111 Wellings-Osha, Elijah 11/24/24 W DEC 5 - 1
#25 Hendricks, Teagan 11/17/24 L MD 11 - 0
#143 Williams, Connor 11/17/24 W DEC 5 - 4
#130 Chapman, Chase 01/20/24 W TF5 19 - 4 5:51
#268 DeChicchis, Jiovanni 01/20/24 W DEC 7 - 1
#198 Starkey, Jake 11/12/23 W MD 15 - 5
WrestleStat Prediction
Kane Kettering (Seton Hill) over Nathan Barkley (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 15 | Seton Hill 6
Nathan Barkley vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#187 Mesich, Charlie 12/06/24 L FALL 4:56
Kane Kettering vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#187 Mesich, Charlie 11/24/24 W MD 9 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction
Troy Mcclelland (Seton Hill) over Ryan Weinzen (Saint Vincent) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 18 | Seton Hill 6
Ryan Weinzen vs common opponents: 1 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#152 Mcclelland, Troy 11/24/24 W DEC 4 - 2
Troy Mcclelland vs common opponents: 0 - 1
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#54 Weinzen, Ryan 11/24/24 L DEC 4 - 2
WrestleStat Prediction
Landon Christie win by forfeit
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 18 | Seton Hill 12
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Jeremiah Erickson win by forfeit
Running Team Score
Saint Vincent 18 | Seton Hill 18
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents