Dual Compare | Brewton-Parker (GA) vs The Citadel
Dual Compare | Brewton-Parker (GA) vs The Citadel
Brewton-Parker (GA)
vs#55 The Citadel
Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
The Citadel over Brewton-Parker (GA) 60 - 0
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Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 6
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 6
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 12
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 12
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 18
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 18
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 24
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 24
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 30
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 30
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 36
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 36
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 42
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 42
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 48
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 48
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 54
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 54
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 60
Brewton-Parker (GA) 0 | The Citadel 60
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |