Dual Compare | Pennsylvania College of Technology vs Wilmington

Dual Compare | Pennsylvania College of Technology vs Wilmington

#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology


#85 Wilmington

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Pennsylvania College of Technology over Wilmington 43 - 3
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WrestleStat Prediction
Justin Adams (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Gavyn Grim (Wilmington) DEC 13 - 9
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 3 | Wilmington 0
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Kaden Ware (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Jason Louiso (Wilmington) MD 15 - 5
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 7 | Wilmington 0
Kaden Ware vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#115 Orlando, Aj 01/06/24 W DEC 8 - 1
Jason Louiso vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#87 Orlando, Aj 02/28/25 L TF5 15 - 0 2:03
WrestleStat Prediction
Noah Hunt (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Braxton Ankrom (Wilmington) FALL
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 13 | Wilmington 0
Noah Hunt vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#66 Palmieri, Robert 11/03/23 L DEC 8 - 6
Braxton Ankrom vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#50 Palmieri, Robert 11/12/24 L FALL 2:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Tj Martin (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over James Rankin (Wilmington) TF 19 - 2
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 18 | Wilmington 0
Tj Martin vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#92 Orlandini, Anthony 12/20/24 W FALL 1:27
James Rankin vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#92 Orlandini, Anthony 02/28/25 L MD 13 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Thane McCoy (Wilmington) over Gavin Gomes (Pennsylvania College of Technology) DEC 10 - 9
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 18 | Wilmington 3
Gavin Gomes vs common opponents: 0 - 2
#183 Evans, Seth 11/23/24 L DEC 7 - 4
#183 Evans, Seth 11/23/24 L SV-1 7 - 4
Thane McCoy vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#183 Evans, Seth 02/28/25 W MD 14 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Carter Davis (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Asher LeBeau (Wilmington) FALL
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 24 | Wilmington 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Cole Shupp (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Quintez Pratt (Wilmington) DEC 11 - 6
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 27 | Wilmington 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Isaac Cory (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Cairo Vanterpool (Wilmington) TF 21 - 3
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 32 | Wilmington 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Nick Woodruff (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Caleb Tackett (Wilmington) TF 18 - 2
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 37 | Wilmington 3
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Nicholai Brotzman (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Tim Lewellen (Wilmington) FALL
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 43 | Wilmington 3
Nicholai Brotzman vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#119 Shoup, Joe 12/16/23 W FALL 5:20
Tim Lewellen vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#119 Shoup, Joe 12/08/23 L FALL 1:06