Dual Compare | Pennsylvania College of Technology vs Case Western Reserve

Dual Compare | Pennsylvania College of Technology vs Case Western Reserve

#52 Pennsylvania College of Technology


#66 Case Western Reserve

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Pennsylvania College of Technology over Case Western Reserve 22 - 18
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WrestleStat Prediction
EJ Alizio (Case Western Reserve) over Luke Heimbach (Pennsylvania College of Technology) DEC 12 - 7
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 0 | Case Western Reserve 3
Luke Heimbach vs common opponents: 3 - 6
#81 Drew, Mason 03/01/24 L FALL 2:46
#55 Parkulo, Daniel 02/18/24 L MD 22 - 9
#81 Drew, Mason 02/10/24 L FALL 3:49
#159 Dellinger, Zach 02/10/24 W DEC 4 - 3
#63 Odrobina, Cade 01/20/24 L TF5 21 - 5 3:00
#409 Fuentes, Ian 01/20/24 W FALL 1:59
#61 Chiesa, Sebastian 12/02/23 L DEC 14 - 9
#146 McCarthy, Edward 12/02/23 W DEC 10 - 9
#96 Fischer, Thomas 11/18/23 L DEC 8 - 1
EJ Alizio vs common opponents: 7 - 5
#96 Fischer, Thomas 02/17/24 L FALL 5:47
#55 Parkulo, Daniel 01/20/24 W SV-1 7 - 4
#63 Odrobina, Cade 01/20/24 L DEC 4 - 1
#61 Chiesa, Sebastian 12/02/23 L DEC 8 - 3
#61 Chiesa, Sebastian 12/02/23 L FALL 4:44
#146 McCarthy, Edward 11/18/23 W FALL 1:29
#159 Dellinger, Zach 11/18/23 W MD 15 - 2
#320 Fuentes, Ian 02/04/23 W FALL 3:00
#71 Odrobina, Cade 01/21/23 L DEC 5 - 2
#111 McCarthy, Edward 01/10/23 W FALL 5:53
#93 Drew, Mason 12/03/22 W FALL 5:45
#111 McCarthy, Edward 11/19/22 W DEC 8 - 2
WrestleStat Prediction
Art Martinez (Case Western Reserve) over Kaden Ware (Pennsylvania College of Technology) MD 13 - 4
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 0 | Case Western Reserve 7
Kaden Ware vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#65 Napeloni, Jack 12/02/23 L FALL 2:38
Art Martinez vs common opponents: 2 - 0
#83 Napeloni, Jack 12/07/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#83 Napeloni, Jack 12/07/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Patrick Snoke (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Michael Valerino (Case Western Reserve) MD 17 - 5
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 4 | Case Western Reserve 7
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Noah Hunt (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Robert Minden (Case Western Reserve) TF 20 - 2
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 9 | Case Western Reserve 7
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Thomas Wagner (Case Western Reserve) over Logan Ledebohm (Pennsylvania College of Technology) DEC 12 - 7
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 9 | Case Western Reserve 10
Logan Ledebohm vs common opponents: 0 - 3
#172 Beers, Michael 01/06/24 L MD 16 - 3
#196 Evans, Seth 12/22/23 L DEC 10 - 5
#147 Grecol, Anthony 01/07/23 L FALL 2:35
Thomas Wagner vs common opponents: 3 - 0
#149 Grecol, Anthony 01/31/25 W MD 13 - 4
#231 Beers, Michael 11/23/24 W TF5 18 - 1 7:00
#196 Evans, Seth 01/20/24 W MD 12 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction
Marty Landes (Case Western Reserve) over Mason Leshock (Pennsylvania College of Technology) DEC 15 - 8
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 9 | Case Western Reserve 13
Mason Leshock vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#196 Martin, Keringten 01/21/23 W FALL 0:20
Marty Landes vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#196 Martin, Keringten 01/21/23 W TF5 18 - 1 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Travis Green (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Chase Crutchley (Case Western Reserve) DEC 11 - 6
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 12 | Case Western Reserve 13
Travis Green vs common opponents: 3 - 2
#57 Maiorini, Andrew 12/02/23 L DEC 1 - 0
#59 Tansey, Sean 12/02/23 W DEC 12 - 5
#59 Tansey, Sean 12/02/23 W FALL 0:46
#57 Maiorini, Andrew 11/18/23 L MD 11 - 3
#59 Tansey, Sean 11/18/23 W MD 18 - 6
Chase Crutchley vs common opponents: 1 - 1
#38 Maiorini, Andrew 12/07/24 L SV-1 4 - 1
#84 Tansey, Sean 12/07/24 W SV-1 8 - 5
WrestleStat Prediction
Isaac Cory (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over Mathew Gummere (Case Western Reserve) MD 12 - 4
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 16 | Case Western Reserve 13
Isaac Cory vs common opponents: 2 - 0
#41 Callaghan, Eamon 11/01/24 W MD 19 - 11
#83 McLaughlin, Gavin 02/24/23 W MD 10 - 1
Mathew Gummere vs common opponents: 1 - 1
#41 Callaghan, Eamon 11/10/24 L DEC 2 - 0
#278 McLaughlin, Gavin 02/03/24 W FALL 2:28
WrestleStat Prediction
Aidan Gassel (Case Western Reserve) over Gabriel Kennedy-Citeroni (Pennsylvania College of Technology) TF 20 - 3
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 16 | Case Western Reserve 18
Gabriel Kennedy-Citeroni vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#229 Fenton, Nolan 02/10/24 W MD 16 - 4
Aidan Gassel vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#229 Fenton, Nolan 02/02/24 W TF5 21 - 5 3:22
WrestleStat Prediction
Nicholai Brotzman (Pennsylvania College of Technology) over William Kerr (Case Western Reserve) FALL
Running Team Score
Pennsylvania College of Technology 22 | Case Western Reserve 18
Nicholai Brotzman vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#79 Glynn, Timothy 12/02/23 L FALL 1:16
William Kerr vs common opponents: 0 - 2
#79 Glynn, Timothy 12/02/23 L FALL 4:26
#148 Glynn, Timothy 12/03/22 L FALL 1:43