Dual Compare | Rochester Institute of Technology vs Adrian

Dual Compare | Rochester Institute of Technology vs Adrian

#32 Rochester Institute of Technology


#50 Adrian

Next matchup: 01/11
Since 2014: Rochester Institute of Technology: 1 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction:
Rochester Institute of Technology and Adrian tied 18 - 18
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WrestleStat Prediction
Adrian Rosas (Adrian) over Lee Rubin (Rochester Institute of Technology) MD 12 - 4
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 0 | Adrian 4
Lee Rubin vs common opponents: 0 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#16 Majcher, Kaden 02/28/25 L DEC 2 - 0
#69 Stanley, Brett 02/08/25 L DEC 6 - 1
#24 Rosas, Adrian 01/11/25 L MD 16 - 2
#28 Lamparelli, Joey 01/13/24 L DEC 5 - 1
Adrian Rosas vs common opponents: 3 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#69 Stanley, Brett 02/28/25 W DEC 8 - 3
#30 Rubin, Lee 01/11/25 W MD 16 - 2
#16 Majcher, Kaden 12/06/24 W MD 14 - 4
#37 Lamparelli, Joey 12/06/24 L TB-1 2 - 1
WrestleStat Prediction
Jacob Deysher (Rochester Institute of Technology) over Tyler Davis (Adrian) DEC 11 - 8
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 3 | Adrian 4
Jacob Deysher vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#33 Shore, Max 11/12/23 L FALL 0:42
Tyler Davis vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#33 Shore, Max 12/02/23 L TF5 17 - 1 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Joshua Post (Rochester Institute of Technology) over Mack Baird (Adrian) DEC 12 - 5
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 6 | Adrian 4
Joshua Post vs common opponents: 1 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#194 Baird, Mack 01/11/25 W DEC 5 - 3
#35 Phelps, Dylan 01/06/24 L DEC 5 - 1
Mack Baird vs common opponents: 0 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#39 Phelps, Dylan 02/13/25 L MD 11 - 2
#105 Post, Joshua 01/11/25 L DEC 5 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Mike Glynn (Rochester Institute of Technology) over Sampson Ross (Adrian) MD 15 - 3
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 10 | Adrian 4
Mike Glynn vs common opponents: 2 - 2
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#13 Pena, Xavier 02/28/25 L SV-1 8 - 5
#174 Ross, Sampson 01/11/25 W MD 8 - 0
#68 Herrema, Tyler 01/06/24 W FALL 2:36
#11 Sato, Zach 01/07/23 L DEC 6 - 2
Sampson Ross vs common opponents: 0 - 5
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#19 Herrema, Tyler 02/28/25 L MD 9 - 1
#19 Herrema, Tyler 02/13/25 L DEC 4 - 1
#10 Glynn, Mike 01/11/25 L MD 8 - 0
#13 Pena, Xavier 01/11/25 L MD 13 - 2
#8 Sato, Zach 11/17/24 L FALL 2:48
WrestleStat Prediction
Aiden Smith (Adrian) over Jared Lee (Rochester Institute of Technology) DEC 9 - 4
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 10 | Adrian 7
Jared Lee vs common opponents: 0 - 1
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#7 Smith, Aiden 01/11/25 L MD 12 - 0
Aiden Smith vs common opponents: 1 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#41 Lee, Jared 01/11/25 W MD 12 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction
Jack Lamson (Rochester Institute of Technology) over Zachary Platte (Adrian) DEC 10 - 6
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 13 | Adrian 7
Jack Lamson vs common opponents: 0 - 3
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#52 Platte, Zachary 01/11/25 L DEC 7 - 6
#56 Jens, Joey 01/10/25 L DEC 8 - 3
#86 Brooks, Peyton 01/10/25 L MD 14 - 6
Zachary Platte vs common opponents: 1 - 2
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#56 Jens, Joey 02/28/25 L INJ 7:00
#86 Brooks, Peyton 01/30/25 L DEC 4 - 0
#59 Lamson, Jack 01/11/25 W DEC 7 - 6
WrestleStat Prediction
Spencer Vos (Adrian) over Tyler Balent (Rochester Institute of Technology) DEC 10 - 9
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 13 | Adrian 10
Tyler Balent vs common opponents: 1 - 2
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#56 Ashburn, Aiden 02/08/25 L DEC 5 - 0
#114 Vos, Spencer 01/11/25 W DEC 7 - 2
#54 Knapp, Zachary 01/10/25 L MD 14 - 4
Spencer Vos vs common opponents: 0 - 3
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#54 Knapp, Zachary 01/30/25 L DEC 7 - 4
#91 Balent, Tyler 01/11/25 L DEC 7 - 2
#56 Ashburn, Aiden 12/14/24 L DEC 4 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Blake Williams (Adrian) over Kyle Jacobs (Rochester Institute of Technology) TF 19 - 2
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 13 | Adrian 15
Kyle Jacobs vs common opponents: 1 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#100 Pawlicki, Timothy 02/28/25 L FALL 1:15
#13 Williams, Blake 01/11/25 L TF5 18 - 3 7:00
#125 Babic, Louka 11/10/24 W TF5 21 - 6 7:00
Blake Williams vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#100 Pawlicki, Timothy 01/11/25 W FALL 0:55
#152 Jacobs, Kyle 01/11/25 W TF5 18 - 3 7:00
#102 Babic, Louka 11/04/23 W FALL 1:56
WrestleStat Prediction
Daxton Looney (Adrian) over Ronald Dietz (Rochester Institute of Technology) DEC 12 - 7
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 13 | Adrian 18
Ronald Dietz vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#55 Kanatzar, Jesse 02/08/25 L FALL 4:07
Daxton Looney vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#55 Kanatzar, Jesse 12/14/24 L TF5 17 - 1 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Josh Harkless (Rochester Institute of Technology) over Blake Daniels (Adrian) TF 18 - 1
Running Team Score
Rochester Institute of Technology 18 | Adrian 18
Josh Harkless vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#97 Lunt, Thomas 02/08/25 W FALL 0:49
#255 Daniels, Blake 01/11/25 W FALL 1:14
#36 Krum, Christopher 01/10/25 W FALL 1:54
Blake Daniels vs common opponents: 0 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#36 Krum, Christopher 01/30/25 L FALL 3:32
#2 Harkless, Josh 01/11/25 L FALL 1:14
#97 Lunt, Thomas 12/14/24 L DEC 5 - 3
#182 Lunt, Thomas 11/19/22 L DEC 7 - 0