Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Elmira College
Dual Compare | University of the Ozarks vs Elmira College
#69 University of the Ozarks
vs#121 Elmira College
Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
University of the Ozarks over Elmira College 47 - 3
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Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 6 | Elmira College 0
University of the Ozarks 6 | Elmira College 0
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 12 | Elmira College 0
University of the Ozarks 12 | Elmira College 0
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Zander Payne (University of the Ozarks) over Selvin Maldonado (Elmira College) DEC 12 - 7
Zander Payne (University of the Ozarks) over Selvin Maldonado (Elmira College) DEC 12 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 15 | Elmira College 0
University of the Ozarks 15 | Elmira College 0
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Hayden Rofkahr (University of the Ozarks) over Victor Hyland (Elmira College) DEC 11 - 10
Hayden Rofkahr (University of the Ozarks) over Victor Hyland (Elmira College) DEC 11 - 10
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 18 | Elmira College 0
University of the Ozarks 18 | Elmira College 0
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Hollis Berry (Elmira College) over Demetri Teddlie (University of the Ozarks) DEC 11 - 7
Hollis Berry (Elmira College) over Demetri Teddlie (University of the Ozarks) DEC 11 - 7
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 18 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 18 | Elmira College 3
Demetri Teddlie vs common opponents: 1 - 0 | ||||
#61 Monaco, Dante | 12/21/24 | W SV-1 8 - 5 |
Hollis Berry vs common opponents: 0 - 1 | ||||
#82 Monaco, Dante | 12/11/22 | L DEC 7 - 4 |
WrestleStat Prediction
Airamis Mendoza (University of the Ozarks) over Kahajen Smith (Elmira College) TF 19 - 4
Airamis Mendoza (University of the Ozarks) over Kahajen Smith (Elmira College) TF 19 - 4
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 23 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 23 | Elmira College 3
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Gabriel Sheikh (University of the Ozarks) over Casey Cooper (Elmira College) FALL
Gabriel Sheikh (University of the Ozarks) over Casey Cooper (Elmira College) FALL
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 29 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 29 | Elmira College 3
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 35 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 35 | Elmira College 3
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 41 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 41 | Elmira College 3
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
WrestleStat Prediction
Phillip Saenz (University of the Ozarks) over Nicholas Lopez (Elmira College) FALL
Phillip Saenz (University of the Ozarks) over Nicholas Lopez (Elmira College) FALL
Running Team Score
University of the Ozarks 47 | Elmira College 3
University of the Ozarks 47 | Elmira College 3
Phillip Saenz vs common opponents: 0 - 1 | ||||
#39 Ahmad, Jake | 12/29/23 | L DEC 1 - 0 |
Nicholas Lopez vs common opponents: 0 - 1 | ||||
#39 Ahmad, Jake | 01/13/24 | L FALL 0:15 |