Dual Compare | The Citadel vs Ohio
Dual Compare | The Citadel vs Ohio
#55 The Citadel
vs#52 Ohio
Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
The Citadel over Ohio 22 - 14
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Running Team Score
The Citadel 5 | Ohio 0
The Citadel 5 | Ohio 0
Gylon Sims vs common opponents: 3 - 2 | ||
#149 Tice, Ty | 02/02/25 | W MD 13 - 3 |
#122 Jacome, Jeffrey | 01/04/25 | L DEC 4 - 2 |
#116 Aranda, Benjamin | 11/23/24 | W DEC 8 - 5 |
#131 Hardy, Malik | 11/23/24 | L DEC 5 - 1 |
#147 Dragovich, JB | 11/03/24 | W DEC 7 - 2 |
Ryan Meek vs common opponents: 1 - 6 | ||
#116 Aranda, Benjamin | 01/03/25 | L DEC 7 - 3 |
#122 Jacome, Jeffrey | 12/22/24 | L SV-1 5 - 2 |
#131 Hardy, Malik | 11/23/24 | L DEC 6 - 3 |
#111 Aranda, Benjamin | 03/08/24 | L MD 15 - 7 |
#111 Aranda, Benjamin | 01/26/24 | L FALL 1:49 |
#135 Dragovich, JB | 01/19/24 | W DEC 7 - 0 |
#151 Tice, Ty | 11/11/23 | L FALL 3:55 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 9 | Ohio 0
The Citadel 9 | Ohio 0
George Rosas vs common opponents: 4 - 4 | ||
#143 Ryncarz, Shawn | 01/17/25 | W DEC 4 - 0 |
#147 Fallon, Andrew | 11/16/24 | W DEC 8 - 4 |
#52 Koehler, Richie | 12/01/23 | L DEC 6 - 2 |
#169 Betancourt , Christopher | 12/01/23 | W FALL 2:10 |
#166 Brennaman, Jacob | 11/18/23 | L DEC 8 - 5 |
#257 Aquilani, Ryan | 11/18/23 | W TF5 16 - 0 5:13 |
#78 Franco, Ryan | 12/29/22 | L DEC 6 - 2 |
#140 Fallon, Andrew | 12/02/22 | L DEC 8 - 4 |
TJ England vs common opponents: 3 - 5 | ||
#147 Fallon, Andrew | 12/06/24 | L MD 15 - 2 |
#52 Koehler, Richie | 02/16/24 | L DEC 9 - 4 |
#169 Betancourt , Christopher | 01/21/24 | W TF5 18 - 2 4:12 |
#182 Ryncarz, Shawn | 01/21/24 | W FALL 0:29 |
#166 Brennaman, Jacob | 11/05/23 | L DEC 10 - 7 |
#257 Aquilani, Ryan | 11/05/23 | W DEC 6 - 2 |
#1 Franco, Ryan | 02/06/22 | L MD 10 - 0 |
#50 Koehler, Richie | 01/16/21 | L MD 14 - 0 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 9 | Ohio 3
The Citadel 9 | Ohio 3
Thomas Termini vs common opponents: 0 - 1 | ||
#36 Treanor, Richard | 01/04/25 | L MD 14 - 3 |
Kaden Jett vs common opponents: 0 - 1 | ||
#77 Treanor, Richard | 12/09/23 | L DEC 5 - 2 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 12 | Ohio 3
The Citadel 12 | Ohio 3
Carson DesRosier vs common opponents: 1 - 6 | ||
vs opponent: 0 - 1 | ||
#57 Kapusta, Lucas | 01/17/25 | L DEC 11 - 4 |
#86 Raike, Derek | 11/18/23 | L DEC 19 - 17 |
#43 Cassidy, Kaden | 11/11/23 | L DEC 7 - 6 |
#64 Findora, Dominic | 11/05/23 | L DEC 4 - 1 |
#64 Findora, Dominic | 11/05/23 | L MD 15 - 4 |
#51 Curran, Tommy | 01/28/23 | L DEC 6 - 4 |
#278 Goebel, Cody | 12/29/22 | W DEC 3 - 1 |
Derek Raike vs common opponents: 6 - 1 | ||
vs opponent: 1 - 0 | ||
#175 Curran, Tommy | 01/25/25 | W MD 14 - 6 |
#120 Findora, Dominic | 12/17/24 | W DEC 9 - 2 |
#43 Cassidy, Kaden | 03/08/24 | L TF5 19 - 4 4:31 |
#64 Findora, Dominic | 12/16/23 | W MD 10 - 2 |
#53 Kapusta, Lucas | 11/18/23 | W DEC 7 - 2 |
#80 DesRosier, Carson | 11/18/23 | W DEC 19 - 17 |
#278 Goebel, Cody | 11/05/22 | W MD 13 - 4 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 15 | Ohio 3
The Citadel 15 | Ohio 3
Tyler Badgett vs common opponents: 3 - 0 | ||
#66 Terry, Douglas | 11/23/24 | W DEC 1 - 0 |
#43 Swisher, Jude | 12/29/22 | W DEC 3 - 2 |
#153 Terry, Douglas | 11/11/22 | W MD 11 - 2 |
Logan Cravatas vs common opponents: 0 - 2 | ||
#23 Swisher, Jude | 01/10/25 | L FALL 2:09 |
#66 Terry, Douglas | 01/03/25 | L MD 11 - 2 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 3
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 3
Thomas Snipes vs common opponents: 2 - 0 | ||
#90 Sagi, Tyler | 11/23/24 | W DEC 12 - 8 |
#199 McGhee, Mike | 11/16/24 | W MD 15 - 3 |
Jack Lledo vs common opponents: 1 - 1 | ||
#199 McGhee, Mike | 12/06/24 | W MD 11 - 2 |
#90 Sagi, Tyler | 11/23/24 | L DEC 5 - 0 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 6
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 6
Benjamin Haubert vs common opponents: 9 - 9 | ||
vs opponent: 0 - 2 | ||
#156 Koch, Marc | 01/24/25 | W DEC 4 - 1 |
#172 Wilson, Andrew | 01/04/25 | W FALL 4:04 |
#7 Thompson, Garrett | 11/23/24 | L DEC 7 - 3 |
#57 Munro, Kamdyn | 03/09/24 | L MD 13 - 4 |
#195 Wilson, Andrew | 03/09/24 | W TF5 20 - 4 5:52 |
#195 Wilson, Andrew | 02/16/24 | W MD 13 - 1 |
#57 Munro, Kamdyn | 02/01/24 | W MD 10 - 2 |
#84 Geiser, Tate | 01/12/24 | L SV-1 4 - 1 |
#33 Mulvaney, Noah | 01/01/24 | L DEC 5 - 4 |
#104 Brinsky, Eli | 01/01/24 | W MD 17 - 3 |
#35 Brady, Connor | 12/01/23 | L DEC 4 - 2 |
#19 Thompson, Garrett | 11/18/23 | L DEC 12 - 6 |
#84 Geiser, Tate | 11/18/23 | L SV-1 8 - 5 |
#29 Maag, Evan | 11/11/23 | W SV-1 8 - 5 |
#104 Brinsky, Eli | 11/11/23 | W DEC 9 - 4 |
#29 Maag, Evan | 11/05/23 | L DEC 10 - 8 |
#51 Walsh, Cody | 11/05/23 | L MD 8 - 0 |
#185 Wilson, Andrew | 01/20/23 | W DEC 8 - 7 |
Garrett Thompson vs common opponents: 11 - 1 | ||
vs opponent: 2 - 0 | ||
#172 Wilson, Andrew | 12/22/24 | W TF5 15 - 0 4:12 |
#81 Haubert, Benjamin | 11/23/24 | W DEC 7 - 3 |
#29 Maag, Evan | 03/08/24 | L FALL 2:49 |
#84 Geiser, Tate | 01/26/24 | W FALL 0:46 |
#29 Maag, Evan | 01/19/24 | W DEC 12 - 10 |
#51 Walsh, Cody | 12/16/23 | W DEC 4 - 0 |
#35 Brady, Connor | 12/01/23 | W FALL 2:34 |
#33 Mulvaney, Noah | 11/18/23 | W TF5 17 - 2 7:00 |
#88 Haubert, Benjamin | 11/18/23 | W DEC 12 - 6 |
#137 Koch, Marc | 11/18/23 | W TF5 16 - 0 5:34 |
#57 Munro, Kamdyn | 11/11/23 | W DEC 4 - 3 |
#131 Brinsky, Eli | 01/08/23 | W DEC 12 - 5 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 10
The Citadel 19 | Ohio 10
There are no common opponents |
There are no common opponents |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 22 | Ohio 10
The Citadel 22 | Ohio 10
Patrick Brophy vs common opponents: 7 - 6 | ||
vs opponent: 1 - 0 | ||
#6 Munoz, Trey | 11/23/24 | L DEC 4 - 2 |
#115 Starr, Austin | 11/23/24 | W MD 11 - 1 |
#117 Miller, Nikolas | 11/16/24 | W TF5 21 - 3 5:51 |
#68 McCutchen, Joshua | 02/16/24 | W DEC 13 - 7 |
#35 Smith, Ben | 01/12/24 | L FALL 1:42 |
#114 Flank, Kolby | 11/18/23 | L FALL 6:23 |
#121 Kocak, Tyler | 11/11/23 | W SV-1 7 - 4 |
#88 Ameer, Ibrahim | 11/05/23 | W MD 16 - 4 |
#121 Kocak, Tyler | 11/05/23 | L DEC 4 - 3 |
#54 Lucas, Jacob | 12/29/22 | L MD 15 - 3 |
#101 Schaffer, Blake | 11/19/22 | L DEC 11 - 4 |
#196 Webster, Logan | 11/13/22 | W DEC 10 - 6 |
#143 Cavins, Cam | 11/05/22 | W DEC 6 - 1 |
Austin Starr vs common opponents: 9 - 6 | ||
vs opponent: 0 - 1 | ||
#67 Kocak, Tyler | 01/11/25 | L DEC 8 - 2 |
#82 McCutchen, Joshua | 12/22/24 | W DEC 2 - 0 |
#161 Flank, Kolby | 12/18/24 | W MD 12 - 1 |
#6 Munoz, Trey | 12/06/24 | L TF5 16 - 1 3:57 |
#117 Miller, Nikolas | 12/06/24 | W FALL 1:28 |
#38 Brophy, Patrick | 11/23/24 | L MD 11 - 1 |
#86 Schaffer, Blake | 02/09/24 | W FALL 4:09 |
#35 Smith, Ben | 01/26/24 | L MD 10 - 1 |
#68 McCutchen, Joshua | 12/21/23 | W DEC 1 - 0 |
#88 Ameer, Ibrahim | 12/16/23 | W DEC 5 - 4 |
#100 Lucas, Jacob | 12/10/23 | L DEC 4 - 3 |
#35 Smith, Ben | 11/18/23 | L DEC 10 - 8 |
#226 Webster, Logan | 11/11/23 | W FALL 2:28 |
#59 Cavins, Cam | 11/04/23 | W FALL 3:51 |
#101 Schaffer, Blake | 11/12/22 | W DEC 4 - 2 |
Running Team Score
The Citadel 22 | Ohio 14
The Citadel 22 | Ohio 14
Adam Ortega vs common opponents: 1 - 0 | ||
#134 Vergara, Ethan | 02/02/25 | W MD 13 - 5 |
Jordan Greer vs common opponents: 1 - 0 | ||
#89 Vergara, Ethan | 11/11/23 | W FALL 1:24 |