Date Event Name Results per School
03/15 NCAA DIII Championships Adrian , Albion , Alfred State , Alma College , Alvernia , Arcadia , Augsburg , Augustana (IL) , Aurora University , Averett University , Baldwin Wallace , Blackburn College , Bridgewater State , Brockport , Buena Vista , Carthage College , Case Western Reserve , Castleton University , Centenary (NJ) , Central , Chicago , Coast Guard , Coe , Concordia (WI) , Concordia-Moorhead , Cornell College , Cortland State , Delaware Valley , Dubuque , Elizabethtown , Elmhurst , Elmira College , Eureka , Ferrum , Fontbonne , Gettysburg , Greensboro , Heidelberg , Hiram College , Hunter , Huntingdon , Illinois Wesleyan , Ithaca , John Carroll , Johns Hopkins , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Keystone , King's (PA) , Lakeland , Linfield University , Loras , Luther , Lycoming , Manchester , Marymount , McDaniel , Merchant Marine , Messiah , Millikin , Misericordia University , Mount St Joseph , Mount Union , MSOE , Muhlenberg , Muskingum , Nebraska Wesleyan , New England College , New Jersey City University , North Central , Norwich , NYU , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Olivet , Oneonta State , Oswego State , Otterbein University , Pacific (OR) , Penn State Altoona , Penn State Behrend , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Pitt-Bradford , Plymouth State , Randolph College , Rhode Island College , Roanoke College , Rochester Institute of Technology , Roger Williams , Saint Vincent , Schreiner , Scranton , Shenandoah University , Simpson , Southern Maine , Southern Virginia University , Springfield , St John Fisher , St Johns (MN) , Stevens Tech , The College of New Jersey , Thiel , Trine University , Trinity (ct) , University of the Ozarks , Ursinus , Utica University , Wabash , Wartburg , Washington & Jefferson , Washington & Lee University , Waynesburg , Wesleyan (CT) , Western New England , Westminster , Wheaton (IL) , Wilkes , Williams College , Wilmington , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater , Worcester Polytechnic , York (PA)
03/02 NCWA Regionals Dubuque
03/02 Northeast Championships Bridgewater State , Castleton University , Coast Guard , Hunter , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Merchant Marine , New England College , Norwich , NYU , Plymouth State , Rhode Island College , Roger Williams , Southern Maine , Springfield , Trinity (ct) , Utica University , Wesleyan (CT) , Western New England , Williams College , Worcester Polytechnic
03/01 Central Championships Adrian , Albion , Alma College , Baldwin Wallace , Case Western Reserve , Heidelberg , Hiram College , John Carroll , Manchester , Mount St Joseph , Mount Union , Muskingum , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Olivet , Otterbein University , Trine University , Wabash , Wilmington
03/01 Mideast Championships Alfred State , Brockport , Centenary (NJ) , Cortland State , Elizabethtown , Elmira College , Ithaca , Johns Hopkins , Keystone , McDaniel , Muhlenberg , New Jersey City University , Oneonta State , Oswego State , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Pitt-Bradford , Rochester Institute of Technology , Scranton , St John Fisher , The College of New Jersey , Ursinus
03/01 Southeast Championships Alvernia , Averett University , Delaware Valley , Ferrum , Gettysburg , Greensboro , King's (PA) , Lycoming , Marymount , Messiah , Penn State Behrend , Roanoke College , Saint Vincent , Shenandoah University , Southern Virginia University , Stevens Tech , Thiel , Washington & Jefferson , Washington & Lee University , Waynesburg , Wilkes , York (PA)
03/01 Upper Midwest Championships Augsburg , Aurora University , Carthage College , Chicago , Concordia (WI) , Concordia-Moorhead , Elmhurst , Lakeland , Linfield University , MSOE , Pacific (OR) , St Johns (MN) , Wheaton (IL) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater
02/29 Lower Midwest Championships Augustana (IL) , Buena Vista , Central , Coe , Cornell College , Dubuque , Eureka , Fontbonne , Huntingdon , Illinois Wesleyan , Loras , Luther , Millikin , Nebraska Wesleyan , North Central , Schreiner , Simpson , University of the Ozarks , Wartburg , Westminster
02/25 MidEast Futures Alvernia , Brockport , Cortland State , Delaware Valley , Elizabethtown , Gettysburg , Keystone , McDaniel , Muhlenberg , NYU , Rochester Institute of Technology , St John Fisher , Stevens Tech , The College of New Jersey , Ursinus , Wilkes , York (PA)
02/25 NEWA Futures Tournament Bridgewater State , Castleton University , Coast Guard , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Maine Maritime Academy , New England College , Norwich , Plymouth State , Rhode Island College , Roger Williams , Southern Maine , Springfield , Trinity (ct) , Wesleyan (CT) , Western New England , Williams College , Worcester Polytechnic
02/24 Dubuque Invitational II Augustana (IL) , Dubuque , Loras , Simpson
02/18 UD Invite Dubuque , Luther
02/17 Mid-States Invitational Adrian , Alma College , Baldwin Wallace , Heidelberg , Manchester , Mount St Joseph , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Olivet , Trine University , Wabash
02/17 ODAC Conference Championships Averett University , Ferrum , Greensboro , Roanoke College , Shenandoah University , Southern Virginia University , Washington & Lee University
02/17 SLIAC Championships Eureka , Fontbonne , Lyon College , Schreiner , University of the Ozarks , Westminster
02/17 UAA Championship Case Western Reserve , Chicago , NYU
02/17 WIAC Championships Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater
02/17 WPI Rhode Island ECM Rhode Island College , Worcester Polytechnic
02/16 PAC Championships Saint Vincent , Thiel , Washington & Jefferson , Waynesburg
02/15 Adrian Ohio Northern Round Robin Adrian , Ohio Northern
02/15 CCIW Championships Augustana (IL) , Aurora University , Carthage College , Concordia (WI) , Elmhurst , Illinois Wesleyan , Lakeland , Millikin , MSOE , North Central , Wheaton (IL)
02/11 JCU Open Baldwin Wallace , Case Western Reserve , John Carroll , Mount Union
02/10 AMCC Championships Alfred State , Hiram College , Penn State Behrend , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Pitt-Bradford
02/10 Centennial Conference Championships Gettysburg , Johns Hopkins , McDaniel , Merchant Marine , Muhlenberg , Ursinus
02/10 Messiah Open Lycoming , Marymount , Messiah , The College of New Jersey , Ursinus , Wilkes
02/10 WPI vs Springfield ECM Springfield , Worcester Polytechnic
02/09 Central Last Chance Invitational Augustana (IL) , Buena Vista , Central , Eureka , Nebraska Wesleyan , Schreiner
02/09 Lakeland MSOE Round Robin Lakeland , MSOE
02/09 WNE vs WPI ECM Western New England , Worcester Polytechnic
02/04 Greyhound Open Manchester , Wabash
02/04 Jayhawk Open Trine University
02/04 Rennie Rodarmel Allstate Invitational Keystone , Lycoming , Muhlenberg , Muskingum , New Jersey City University , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Pitt-Bradford , Scranton
02/04 Whizzer Open Adrian , Olivet , Otterbein University
02/03 Cumberland Open Huntingdon
02/03 Don Parker Open Augsburg , Luther , Nebraska Wesleyan , St Johns (MN) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Whitewater
02/03 Dubuque Invitational Chicago , Cornell College , Dubuque , Illinois Wesleyan , Loras , Wisconsin-Stevens Point
02/03 John Summa Invitational Alfred State , Baldwin Wallace , Brockport , Case Western Reserve , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Otterbein University , St John Fisher , Thiel , Waynesburg , Wilkes
02/03 Missouri Valley Open Fontbonne , Westminster
02/03 Northland Open Concordia-Moorhead
02/03 Southeast Futures Tournament Averett University , Ferrum , Marymount , Roanoke College , Southern Virginia University , Stevens Tech , Washington & Lee University
02/01 Carthage Lakeland Round Robin Carthage College , Lakeland
01/28 Jamestown Open Alfred State , Elmira College , Ohio Wesleyan , Penn State Behrend , Pitt-Bradford
01/28 Newberry Open Averett University
01/28 Wild Cat Open Coast Guard , Johnson & Wales (RI) , New Jersey City University , NYU , Rhode Island College , Roger Williams , Springfield
01/27 Appalachian Open Greensboro
01/27 Ken Ober Memorial Classic Centenary (NJ) , Elizabethtown , Messiah , Norwich , Roanoke College , Rochester Institute of Technology , Shenandoah University , Washington & Jefferson , York (PA)
01/27 Loras College Open Coe , Cornell College , Dubuque , Loras , Wisconsin-Oshkosh
01/27 Sword And Hammer Invitational Marymount
01/27 WPI Brockport ECM Brockport , Worcester Polytechnic
01/27 WPI New England ECM New England College , Worcester Polytechnic
01/27 WPI Southern Maine ECM Southern Maine , Worcester Polytechnic
01/26 Pete Wilson Invite Alma College , Augustana (IL) , Buena Vista , Case Western Reserve , Chicago , Concordia (WI) , Concordia-Moorhead , Cornell College , Cortland State , Elmhurst , Ferrum , Heidelberg , John Carroll , Messiah , Millikin , Mount St Joseph , Mount Union , MSOE , Muskingum , Nebraska Wesleyan , North Central , Ohio Northern , Olivet , Rhode Island College , Roanoke College , University of the Ozarks , Wheaton (IL) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater
01/25 Wisc Osh Lakeland Round Robin Lakeland , Wisconsin-Oshkosh
01/21 Boxer Open Linfield University , Pacific (OR)
01/20 Alma Open Adrian , Alma College , Olivet , Trine University
01/20 Harper College Open Carthage College , Elmhurst , Illinois Wesleyan , North Central , Wisconsin-Whitewater
01/20 Middle Atlantic Conference Championships Alvernia , Delaware Valley , King's (PA) , Messiah , Stevens Tech , York (PA)
01/20 NYS Collegiate Championships Alfred State , Brockport , Elmira College , Hunter , Ithaca , Merchant Marine , NYU , Oneonta State , Oswego State
01/20 Wabash College Invitational Huntingdon , Mount St Joseph , Wabash
01/20 Worthington Open Augsburg
01/19 Northwoods Open Concordia-Moorhead
01/14 Olivet Henry Ford ECM Olivet
01/14 Purple Raider Open John Carroll , Mount Union
01/13 Northwoods Scramble Tournament St Johns (MN) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire
01/13 Spartan Invite Fontbonne , University of the Ozarks
01/13 Spartan Mat Classic Alma College , Baldwin Wallace , Heidelberg , Huntingdon , Manchester , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Wabash , Wisconsin-Oshkosh
01/13 Will Abele nvitational Elmira College , Keystone , Muhlenberg , Oneonta State , Rochester Institute of Technology , Scranton , Shenandoah University , Southern Virginia University , The College of New Jersey , Ursinus , Utica University , Wesleyan (CT) , Western New England
01/13 WPI Johnson Wales ECM Johnson & Wales (RI) , Worcester Polytechnic
01/13 WPI Roger Williams ECM Roger Williams , Worcester Polytechnic
01/12 WPI Coast Guard ECM Coast Guard , Worcester Polytechnic
01/07 Hawk Classic Huntingdon , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-Stevens Point
01/07 Mat `Cat Invitational Linfield University , Pacific (OR)
01/06 Battle for the Helmet Lakeland
01/06 Central Uder Armour Invitational Albion , Buena Vista , Central , Nebraska Wesleyan , Simpson , St Johns (MN) , Wartburg
01/06 Fairmont State Invitational Hiram College , Manchester , Muskingum , Ohio Wesleyan , Otterbein University , Trine University , Waynesburg
01/06 JIM CRYTZER Invitational Ferrum , Greensboro , Marymount , Roanoke College , Southern Virginia University , Washington & Jefferson , Washington & Lee University
01/06 Penn College Invitational Averett University , Castleton University , Delaware Valley , Elmira College , Lycoming , Muhlenberg , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Scranton
01/06 Williams Open Cortland State , Norwich , Plymouth State , Roger Williams , Springfield , Western New England , Williams College
01/06 WPI Bridgewater ECM Bridgewater State , Worcester Polytechnic
01/06 WPI Wesleyan ECM Wesleyan (CT) , Worcester Polytechnic
01/05 NUWAY Mens College Open Alfred State , Augsburg , Castleton University , Concordia-Moorhead , Cornell College , Luther , Olivet , Wisconsin-Whitewater
12/29 Citrus Invitational Castleton University , Cornell College , Ferrum , John Carroll , Johns Hopkins , Roanoke College , St Johns (MN) , University of the Ozarks , Ursinus
12/29 Midlands Championships Chicago , North Central , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-Whitewater
12/22 Wilkes Open King's (PA) , Marymount , McDaniel , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Scranton , Wabash , Waynesburg , Wilkes , Williams College
12/09 Art Kraft Invitational Elmhurst , Lakeland , Manchester , Wisconsin-Whitewater
12/09 North Central College Invitational Albion , Augsburg , Aurora University , Baldwin Wallace , Carthage College , Coe , Eureka , Fontbonne , Illinois Wesleyan , North Central , Simpson , Wabash , Wisconsin-La Crosse
12/09 Scott Viera Open Bridgewater State , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Rhode Island College , Roger Williams , Springfield , The College of New Jersey , Western New England , Worcester Polytechnic
12/09 Skippers Open Olivet
12/03 Bob Quade Cyclone Open Centenary (NJ) , Delaware Valley
12/03 Clackamas Open Linfield University , Pacific (OR)
12/03 Dragon Open Concordia-Moorhead , St Johns (MN)
12/03 Storm Open Waynesburg , Wilmington
12/02 Blue Jay Classic Cortland State , Elizabethtown , Elmira College , Johns Hopkins , Keystone , McDaniel , Roanoke College , Scranton , Wilkes
12/02 Bob Smith Open Schreiner
12/02 Buena Vista Open Buena Vista , Simpson , Wisconsin-La Crosse
12/02 Drury Open Lyon College , University of the Ozarks , Westminster
12/02 Jim Koch Open Wisconsin-Whitewater
12/02 Little State Invitational Manchester , Trine University , Wabash
12/02 MSOE Invitational Augsburg , Aurora University , Central , Chicago , Concordia (WI) , Cornell College , Eureka , Lakeland , MSOE , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Whitewater
12/02 ONU Invitational Adrian , Alma College , Dubuque , Heidelberg , Hiram College , Lycoming , Mount St Joseph , Muskingum , Ohio Northern , Ohio Wesleyan , Olivet , Otterbein University , Washington & Jefferson
12/02 Oppenheim Invitational Nebraska Wesleyan
12/02 RIT Invitational Case Western Reserve , John Carroll , Norwich , Oswego State , Penn State Behrend , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Pitt-Bradford , Rochester Institute of Technology , St John Fisher , Thiel , Trinity (ct) , Utica University , Wesleyan (CT) , Williams College
12/02 Ted Reese Invitational Castleton University , Coast Guard , Maine Maritime Academy , Oneonta State , Plymouth State , Southern Maine , Worcester Polytechnic
12/01 Messiah Petrofes Invitational Alvernia , Averett University , Bridgewater State , Gettysburg , Greensboro , King's (PA) , Messiah , Mount Union , Muhlenberg , Shenandoah University , Southern Virginia University , Springfield
12/01 New Standard Invitational Alfred State , Brockport , Delaware Valley , Ithaca , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Marymount , Merchant Marine , New England College , Roanoke College , Stevens Tech , The College of New Jersey , Ursinus , Washington & Lee University , York (PA)
11/30 Thursday Tussel Augsburg
11/19 Albion Invitational Albion , Aurora University , Carthage College , Dubuque , John Carroll , Ohio Wesleyan
11/19 Shenandoah Invitational Johns Hopkins , Marymount , Shenandoah University
11/19 Spokane Open Linfield University , Pacific (OR)
11/18 8 Man Battles Augustana (IL) , Buena Vista , Lakeland , St Johns (MN) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire
11/18 Augsburg Invitational Augsburg , Central , Concordia-Moorhead , Luther , Nebraska Wesleyan , Wisconsin-La Crosse
11/18 BW Invitational Adrian , Baldwin Wallace , Case Western Reserve , Hiram College , Manchester , Mount St Joseph , Muskingum , Penn State Behrend , Pitt-Bradford , Thiel , Trine University , Washington & Jefferson
11/18 Club Lucha Open Huntingdon
11/18 Coe Invitational Coe , Cornell College , Illinois Wesleyan , Millikin , Simpson
11/18 CUW Open Chicago , Concordia (WI) , Elmhurst , Loras , North Central , Wabash , Wartburg , Wheaton (IL) , Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater
11/18 Doug Parker Invitational Bridgewater State , Centenary (NJ) , Coast Guard , Delaware Valley , Hunter , Merchant Marine , New England College , NYU , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Plymouth State , Rhode Island College , Southern Maine , Springfield , Trinity (ct) , Wesleyan (CT) , Western New England , Wilkes , Williams College
11/18 Findlay Open Wilmington
11/18 Lindenwood Open Eureka , Fontbonne , Lyon College
11/18 Shorty Hitchcock Memorial Delaware Valley , Messiah
11/18 SUNYAC Championships Brockport , Cortland State , Ithaca , Oneonta State , Oswego State , Rochester Institute of Technology , St John Fisher , Utica University
11/18 Worcester Poly Norwich ECM Norwich , Worcester Polytechnic
11/12 Averett Open Averett University , Ferrum , Marymount , Roanoke College , Shenandoah University
11/12 Electric City Duals Extra Matches Elmira College , Keystone , New Jersey City University , Oneonta State , Scranton
11/12 Haws/Elton 4-Team Rumble Concordia-Moorhead , St Johns (MN)
11/12 Mike Clock Open Linfield University , Pacific (OR)
11/12 Ohio Intercollegiate Open Case Western Reserve , Ithaca , John Carroll , Mount Union , Rochester Institute of Technology , Utica University
11/11 Averett Marymount Extra Matches Averett University , Marymount
11/11 Bill Racich Rumble Alvernia , Delaware Valley , Elizabethtown , Johns Hopkins , King's (PA) , Messiah , NYU , Trinity (ct) , Ursinus , Washington & Lee University , Worcester Polytechnic , York (PA)
11/11 ERAU Mile High Open Simpson
11/11 Luther College Open Augsburg , Augustana (IL) , Buena Vista , Coe , Eureka , Fontbonne , Loras , Luther , Nebraska Wesleyan , Stevens Tech , Wartburg , Wisconsin-La Crosse , Wisconsin-Platteville , Wisconsin-Whitewater
11/11 Michigan State Open Albion
11/11 Millikin Open Adrian , Aurora University , Central , Chicago , Elmhurst , Huntingdon , Illinois Wesleyan , Millikin , Westminster
11/11 Mountaineer Open Greensboro
11/11 MUH/TCNJ Scramble Muhlenberg , The College of New Jersey
11/11 Muskie Scramble Carthage College , Concordia (WI) , Lakeland , MSOE
11/11 Ohio Northern John Carroll Extra Matches John Carroll , Ohio Northern
11/11 Roger Williams Invitational Bridgewater State , Castleton University , Coast Guard , Cortland State , Hunter , Johnson & Wales (RI) , Norwich , Plymouth State , Roger Williams , Southern Maine , Stevens Tech , Wesleyan (CT)
11/11 SUNY Brockport Quad Extra Matches Brockport , Oswego State , Pennsylvania College of Technology
11/11 Trine Invitational Alma College , Baldwin Wallace , Chicago , Heidelberg , Manchester , Olivet , Trine University , Wilmington , Wisconsin-Stevens Point
11/11 Viking Open Lyon College , Schreiner , University of the Ozarks
11/11 Washington & Jefferson Invitational Alfred State , Gettysburg , Hiram College , Lycoming , McDaniel , Muskingum , Penn State Behrend , Pitt-Bradford , Saint Vincent , Southern Virginia University , St John Fisher , Thiel , Washington & Jefferson , Waynesburg
11/05 video url
Clarion Open
John Carroll
11/05 East Stroudsburg Open Centenary (NJ) , Johnson & Wales (RI)
11/05 JMU Invitational Averett University , Marymount
11/05 Lycoming Invitational Averett University , Cortland State , Lycoming , Oneonta State , Otterbein University , St John Fisher , Utica University
11/05 video url
Princeton Open
Johnson & Wales (RI) , NYU , The College of New Jersey
11/04 Adrian College Invitational Adrian , Alfred State , Case Western Reserve , Heidelberg , Ohio Wesleyan , Saint Vincent , Wabash
11/04 Ben McMullen Open Alma College , Chicago , Manchester , Olivet , Trine University
11/04 Falcon Invite Amateur Schreiner
11/04 Jim Fox Open Chicago , Dubuque , Eureka , Wisconsin-Platteville
11/04 Jimmie Open Concordia-Moorhead
11/04 Luther Hill Inviational Buena Vista , Cornell College , Nebraska Wesleyan , Simpson
11/04 Maryville Open Fontbonne , University of the Ozarks , Westminster , Wheaton (IL)
11/04 Messiah Invitational Elizabethtown , Johns Hopkins , McDaniel , Messiah , Ursinus , Wheaton (IL)
11/04 Mount Union Invitational Brockport , Ferrum , Hiram College , Mount St Joseph , Mount Union , Ohio Northern
11/04 Ned McGinley Invitational Hunter , Keystone , King's (PA) , Merchant Marine , NYU , Rochester Institute of Technology , Roger Williams , Scranton , Stevens Tech , Washington & Jefferson , Waynesburg , Wilkes , York (PA)
11/04 Pointer Open Albion , Aurora University , Carthage College , Central , Luther , North Central , Wisconsin-Oshkosh , Wisconsin-Stevens Point , Wisconsin-Whitewater
11/04 Rhode Island Open New England College , Rhode Island College
11/04 video url
Southeast Open
Roanoke College
11/04 Tonee Ellis Memorial Tournament Alvernia , Delaware Valley , Muhlenberg , Penn State Behrend , Shenandoah University , Western New England
11/04 Yellowjacket Open Wisconsin-Eau Claire , Wisconsin-La Crosse
11/03 Bridgewater State Southern Maine Extra Matches Bridgewater State , Southern Maine
11/03 Ithaca Invitational Baldwin Wallace , Castleton University , Elmira College , Greensboro , Ithaca , Muskingum , New England College , Norwich , Oswego State , Pennsylvania College of Technology , Springfield
11/01 Adrian Throw Down Adrian
11/01 Ohio Wesleyan Otterbein Extra Matches Ohio Wesleyan , Otterbein University
11/01 Otterbein University Ohio Wesleyan Matches Ohio Wesleyan , Otterbein University