Wrestler Participants | Worcester American Int ECM

Wrestler Participants | Worcester American Int ECM

RPI Calculations

NOTE: These are only projected participants. Since the event is listed on the schools schedule, that most-likely means that the starters will be in attendance.
Obviously if there is a wrestler that is injured, they probably won't attend. Also, lots of schools will bring more than just their starters to a tournament.

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.


Kyle Shriberg ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Jeffrey Marsh ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Tom Gradwell ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Ethan Wilson ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Isaac Krieger ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Zachary Rioux ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Carter Lewis ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#251 Luke Mangiafico ( American International College (unofficial) )
Zach Harris ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Jesse Beers ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Mario Barberio ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Tommy Dell'Aera ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Edward Hay ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Julian Robles ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Caleb Prouty ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Jared Bushnell ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Ryan Powers ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#160 Kyrie Williams ( American International College (unofficial) )
#223 Alex Schenker ( American International College (unofficial) )
Nick Gronda ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Ethan Edmondson ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Brendan Marion ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#179 Theran Vanase ( American International College (unofficial) )
Declan Williams ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#232 Isaiah Longs ( American International College (unofficial) )
#236 Jaron Brown ( American International College (unofficial) )
Louie Calone ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Achilles Gikas ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Michael Ilic ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Nicolas LeSieur ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#144 Markys Lissaint ( American International College (unofficial) )
Jonah Potter ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
CJ Andres ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Ryan Hsu ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#208 Tommy Caracciolo ( American International College (unofficial) )
George Horta ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Tristan Sharich ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


Tyler Riggs ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#196 Derek Turner ( American International College (unofficial) )
Lucas Wilson-Wuestefeld ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Alexi Echevarria ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Brian Fennell ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )


#170 Shendell James ( American International College (unofficial) )
#170 David Brown ( American International College (unofficial) )
Camren Smith ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#232 William Cullen ( American International College (unofficial) )
Nikolaos Diakides ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
#256 Alex Britos ( American International College (unofficial) )
Luke Rogers ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Jamie Krigsman ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
James Krigsman ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )
Wiliam Gunn ( Worcester Polytechnic (unofficial) )