Wrestler Participants | East Stroudsburg Springfield CC

Wrestler Participants | East Stroudsburg Springfield CC

RPI Calculations

NOTE: These are only projected participants. Since the event is listed on the schools schedule, that most-likely means that the starters will be in attendance.
Obviously if there is a wrestler that is injured, they probably won't attend. Also, lots of schools will bring more than just their starters to a tournament.

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.


#74 Joshua Jasionowicz ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#110 Geovanni Lainez ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#129 Daniel Principe ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#182 Ben Makaritis ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#193 Vinny Principe ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
Mark Zavatkay ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )
Zachery McCloskey ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )


#222 Carlens Lapaix ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
Kalil Shabazz ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )


#136 Jack Spahn ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#195 Zach Orsargos ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#200 Preston Machado ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
Ryan Williams ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )
James Lunt ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )


#184 Anthony Saed ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
#188 Thomas Flood ( #43 East Stroudsburg (unofficial) )
Julio Morales ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )
Ryan Eplite ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )
Jacob Gariepy ( Springfield Tech Community College (unofficial) )