Match Results | Viking Open
Match Results | Viking Open
Match Results
Weight | Wayland Baptist (Texas) Wrestler |
Opponent | Opponent School |
Win | WinType | Score |
125 | Malachi Mcclenton | #191 Riley Kuder | #1 Central Oklahoma | L | DEC | 14 - 9 |
125 | Malachi Mcclenton | #295 Jayden Copeland | #97 Schreiner | W | TF5 | 17 - 1 7:00 |
133 | Joseph Galvan | #344 Noah Clayton | #75 University of the Ozarks | L | DEC | 1 - 0 |
133 | Alex Pena | #297 Javier Gil | #97 Schreiner | W | FALL | 2:06 |
133 | Alex Pena | #37 Gabriel Brandenburg | Unattached | W | DEC | 8 - 3 |
133 | Alex Pena | #215 Nick LaMorte | #29 Oklahoma | L | DEC | 8 - 5 |
133 | Alex Pena | #159 Barrett Hilton | #1 Central Oklahoma | W | FALL | 5:00 |
133 | Justin Johnson | #201 Jacob Kehrer | Lyon College | L | TF5 | 19 - 3 7:00 |
141 | Zach Pena | #257 Jacob Zimmer | #29 Oklahoma | W | MD | 16 - 7 |
141 | Zach Pena | #310 Benjamin Beaty | #75 University of the Ozarks | L | DEC | 8 - 5 |
157 | Joshua Camillo | #475 Gabe Claps | #97 Schreiner | W | MD | 12 - 2 |
157 | Joshua Camillo | #29 Jaylon Otero | #54 Ouachita Baptist University | L | TF5 | 17 - 2 7:00 |
157 | Joshua Martinez | #251 Sam Cordova | #54 Ouachita Baptist University | L | TF5 | 16 - 0 7:00 |
165 | June An | #99 Samuel Schmidt | #54 Ouachita Baptist University | L | MD | 18 - 5 |
165 | June An | #429 Joel Alvarado | #75 University of the Ozarks | W | FALL | 1:31 |
174 | Malakai Owens | #193 Kaleb Owen | #1 Central Oklahoma | W | FALL | 4:41 |
174 | Johnathan Owens | #349 Johnathon Ward | #75 University of the Ozarks | L | FALL | 1:01 |
285 | Ethan Salazar | #359 Masyn Marble | #75 University of the Ozarks | W | DEC | 12 - 6 |
285 | Ethan Salazar | #229 Luis Rodriguez | #97 Schreiner | L | SV-1 | 4 - 1 |