Team Participants | New Standard Womens Invitational

Team Participants | New Standard Womens Invitational

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.
#17 Western New England-Women (unofficial)
#25 Ursinus-Women (unofficial)
#33 Baldwin Wallace-Women (unofficial)
#34 Albion-Women (unofficial)
#39 Delaware Valley-Women (unofficial)
#40 Mount Union-Women (unofficial)
#44 York (PA)-Women
#49 New England College-Women (unofficial)
#51 Cedar Crest-Women (unofficial)
#52 New Jersey City-Women (unofficial)
#55 McDaniel-Women (unofficial)
#60 Marymount-Women (unofficial)
#71 Utica-Women (unofficial)
Apprentice School-Women (unofficial)