Box Score | Colorado School Of Mines - New Mexico Highlands Dual

Box Score | Colorado School Of Mines - New Mexico Highlands Dual

Weight Colorado School Of Mines
New Mexico Highlands
125 #159 Marco Romero #102 Naythan Galbiso L FALL 2:23
133 #110 Xander Sweeney #262 Samuel Eveland W DEC 7 - 6
141 #138 Cole O'Brien #112 Joseph Misitano L DEC 12 - 7
149 #172 Benjamin Fanelli #329 John Baker W MD 12 - 0
157 #47 Jaron Mahler #171 Deklyn Miller W DEC 7 - 2
165 #19 Jakob Smith #28 Ivan Smith Jr W DEC 8 - 4
174 #40 Garrett Bakarich #248 Angelo Maechtlen W FALL 1:32
184 #154 Ethan Kremer #260 MIchael Santos W FALL 1:21
197 #100 Jeffery Morosini #213 Saul De Leon W FALL 1:39
285 #38 Cade Whish (Forfeit) W FOR 0 - 0
Weight Colorado School Of Mines
New Mexico Highlands
125 #159 Marco Romero
#102 Naythan Galbiso
L FALL 2:23
133 #110 Xander Sweeney
#262 Samuel Eveland
W DEC 7 - 6
141 #138 Cole O'Brien
#112 Joseph Misitano
L DEC 12 - 7
149 #172 Benjamin Fanelli
#329 John Baker
W MD 12 - 0
157 #47 Jaron Mahler
#171 Deklyn Miller
W DEC 7 - 2
165 #19 Jakob Smith
#28 Ivan Smith Jr
W DEC 8 - 4
174 #40 Garrett Bakarich
#248 Angelo Maechtlen
W FALL 1:32
184 #154 Ethan Kremer
#260 MIchael Santos
W FALL 1:21
197 #100 Jeffery Morosini
#213 Saul De Leon
W FALL 1:39
285 #38 Cade Whish
W FOR 0 - 0