#53 Seton Hill


#8 Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Next matchup: 11/17
Since 2014: Wisconsin-Eau Claire: 1 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction:
Wisconsin-Eau Claire over Seton Hill 30 - 0
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These schools are in different divisions; their rankings are for their respective divisions, and the predictions do not factor the different divisions, and probably should be ignored.
WrestleStat Prediction
Izzy Balsiger (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Don Lindsey (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 3
Don Lindsey vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#26 Gummow, Tomah 11/10/24 L DEC 14 - 7
Izzy Balsiger vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#26 Gummow, Tomah 01/11/25 W TF5 19 - 4 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Travis Moelter (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Jacob Gardner (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 6
Jacob Gardner vs common opponents: 1 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#76 Moelter, Travis 11/17/24 L FALL 3:30
#89 Le, Dylan 11/17/24 L DEC 5 - 0
#108 Davis, Tyler 11/17/24 W MD 14 - 6
Travis Moelter vs common opponents: 3 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#89 Le, Dylan 11/17/24 W DEC 3 - 1
#94 Gardner, Jacob 11/17/24 W FALL 3:30
#108 Davis, Tyler 11/17/24 W MD 15 - 2
WrestleStat Prediction
Finn Bloomquist (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Niko Ferra (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 9
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Zach Sato (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Luke Potts (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 12
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Landon Church (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Mike Zacur (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 15
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Preston Carlisle (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Collin Hearn (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 18
Collin Hearn vs common opponents: 2 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#25 Hendricks, Teagan 11/17/24 L MD 11 - 0
#28 Carlisle, Preston 11/17/24 L FALL 4:14
#143 Williams, Connor 11/17/24 W DEC 5 - 4
#120 Casiano, Max 11/10/24 W MD 13 - 0
Preston Carlisle vs common opponents: 3 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#25 Hendricks, Teagan 01/31/25 L DEC 7 - 0
#120 Casiano, Max 01/11/25 W FALL 4:24
#116 Hearn, Collin 11/17/24 W FALL 4:14
#143 Williams, Connor 11/17/24 W MD 9 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction
Jared Stricker (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Kane Kettering (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 21
Kane Kettering vs common opponents: 3 - 2
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#1 Stricker, Jared 11/17/24 L TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#46 Campbell, Nick 11/17/24 W DEC 9 - 4
#117 Vos, Spencer 11/17/24 W MD 13 - 4
Hernandez, David 11/17/24 W TF5 16 - 0 7:00
#7 Gray, Jackson 11/10/24 L DEC 4 - 2
Jared Stricker vs common opponents: 6 - 0
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#7 Gray, Jackson 01/11/25 W DEC 9 - 6
#46 Campbell, Nick 11/17/24 W DEC 8 - 1
#51 Kettering, Kane 11/17/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#117 Vos, Spencer 11/17/24 W FALL 2:10
Hernandez, David 11/17/24 W TF5 18 - 0 7:00
#12 Gray, Jackson 03/15/24 W MD 11 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Niall Schoenfelder (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Troy Mcclelland (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 24
Troy Mcclelland vs common opponents: 0 - 4
vs opponent: 0 - 1
#13 Williams, Blake 11/17/24 L FALL 2:16
#15 Patrick, Lenton 11/17/24 L MD 18 - 6
#20 Schoenfelder, Niall 11/17/24 L TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#75 Locke, Ajay 11/17/24 L FALL 1:47
Niall Schoenfelder vs common opponents: 4 - 1
vs opponent: 1 - 0
#75 Locke, Ajay 01/31/25 W TF5 17 - 1 5:31
#13 Williams, Blake 11/17/24 L DEC 9 - 6
#15 Patrick, Lenton 11/17/24 W FALL 1:43
#75 Locke, Ajay 11/17/24 W DEC 7 - 3
#152 Mcclelland, Troy 11/17/24 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
WrestleStat Prediction
Ian Pepple (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Landon Christie (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 27
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Sloan Welch (Wisconsin-Eau Claire) over Jeremiah Erickson (Seton Hill) DEC 0 - 0
Running Team Score
Seton Hill 0 | Wisconsin-Eau Claire 30
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents