Dual Compare | Colorado School Of Mines vs Glenville State University

Dual Compare | Colorado School Of Mines vs Glenville State University

#9 Colorado School Of Mines


#4 Glenville State University

Next matchup: NA
WrestleStat Prediction:
Glenville State University over Colorado School Of Mines 20 - 12
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WrestleStat Prediction
Christian Lopez (Colorado School Of Mines) over Colton Drousias (Glenville State University) DEC 7 - 6
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 3 | Glenville State University 0
Christian Lopez vs common opponents: 4 - 7
#15 Torgerson, Dayson 02/07/25 W DEC 9 - 5
#2 Gamez, Isaiah 02/01/25 L DEC 6 - 3
#10 Corrigan, Shane 12/14/24 L MD 8 - 0
#15 Torgerson, Dayson 12/14/24 L DEC 5 - 4
#17 Sallot, Logan 12/14/24 W DEC 1 - 0
#114 Heaston, Jackson 12/14/24 W MD 14 - 2
#18 Torgerson, Dayson 03/02/24 L MD 12 - 3
#4 Gamez, Isaiah 02/03/24 L DEC 6 - 4
#18 Torgerson, Dayson 01/27/24 W DEC 11 - 10
#5 Corrigan, Shane 12/16/23 L TF5 15 - 0 4:12
#108 Svihel, Jake 11/20/21 L DEC 11 - 7
Colton Drousias vs common opponents: 2 - 4
#114 Heaston, Jackson 01/10/25 W TF5 18 - 2 7:00
#17 Sallot, Logan 01/05/25 L MD 11 - 3
#2 Gamez, Isaiah 12/14/24 L DEC 4 - 0
#15 Torgerson, Dayson 12/14/24 W SV-1 7 - 4
#10 Corrigan, Shane 11/16/24 L DEC 9 - 5
#108 Svihel, Jake 02/18/22 L DEC 9 - 5
WrestleStat Prediction
Gavin Quiocho (Glenville State University) over Trebor Moreno (Colorado School Of Mines) DEC 10 - 5
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 3 | Glenville State University 3
Trebor Moreno vs common opponents: 1 - 1
#1 Barnhardt, Reece 11/23/24 W DEC 7 - 6
#6 Campbell, Quentrevion 01/19/24 L DEC 9 - 3
Gavin Quiocho vs common opponents: 3 - 0
#3 Barnhardt, Reece 01/05/24 W DEC 4 - 3
#5 Campbell, Quentrevion 03/10/23 W DEC 4 - 3
#6 Barnhardt, Reece 03/10/23 W DEC 7 - 4
WrestleStat Prediction
Grayston DiBlasi (Colorado School Of Mines) over Caleb Brooks (Glenville State University) DEC 10 - 3
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 6 | Glenville State University 3
Grayston DiBlasi vs common opponents: 7 - 3
#4 Schuelke, Ronan 12/14/24 L DEC 5 - 3
#4 Schuelke, Ronan 12/14/24 L MD 8 - 0
#5 Lucas, Dylan 12/14/24 W DEC 10 - 4
#9 Peace, Isham 12/14/24 W MD 13 - 3
#22 Solis, Sean 12/14/24 W DEC 2 - 1
#46 Buonocore, Avery 12/14/24 W DEC 6 - 4
#22 Solis, Sean 11/23/24 W DEC 7 - 5
#2 Schuelke, Ronan 12/16/23 W DEC 4 - 3
#9 Peace, Isham 12/16/23 W DEC 7 - 5
#38 Jokerst, Taylor 12/18/21 L DEC 4 - 3
Caleb Brooks vs common opponents: 4 - 3
#9 Peace, Isham 01/05/25 W MD 8 - 0
#5 Lucas, Dylan 12/14/24 L MD 11 - 0
#22 Solis, Sean 12/14/24 L DEC 5 - 4
#46 Buonocore, Avery 12/14/24 W DEC 5 - 4
#46 Buonocore, Avery 12/01/24 W DEC 2 - 0
#4 Schuelke, Ronan 11/16/24 L DEC 2 - 1
#31 Jokerst, Taylor 12/01/18 W FALL 1:11
WrestleStat Prediction
Gabe Onorato (Glenville State University) over Cody Thompson (Colorado School Of Mines) DEC 8 - 7
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 6 | Glenville State University 6
Cody Thompson vs common opponents: 1 - 0
#12 Kiser, Kenny 12/14/24 W DEC 10 - 5
Gabe Onorato vs common opponents: 0 - 1
#12 Kiser, Kenny 01/05/25 L MD 9 - 1
WrestleStat Prediction
Guy DeLeonardis (Glenville State University) over Marcus Caro (Colorado School Of Mines) DEC 8 - 5
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 6 | Glenville State University 9
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Jakob Smith (Colorado School Of Mines) over Loranzo Rajaonarivelo (Glenville State University) DEC 11 - 4
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 9 | Glenville State University 9
There are no common opponents
There are no common opponents
WrestleStat Prediction
Wyatt Reisz (Colorado School Of Mines) over Hayden Pummel (Glenville State University) DEC 7 - 5
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 12 | Glenville State University 9
Wyatt Reisz vs common opponents: 3 - 3
#24 Jackson, Patrick 12/14/24 L DEC 5 - 2
#39 Morrisette, Clint 12/14/24 W DEC 10 - 3
#56 Hurley, Jakob 12/14/24 W MD 17 - 5
#65 Padgett, Connor 11/15/24 W MD 15 - 4
#3 Kenny, Josh 12/16/23 L DEC 11 - 5
#7 Sizemore, Trey 12/16/23 L SV-1 4 - 1
Hayden Pummel vs common opponents: 6 - 2
#39 Morrisette, Clint 01/11/25 W MD 9 - 1
#24 Jackson, Patrick 01/05/25 W TF5 15 - 0 7:00
#3 Kenny, Josh 12/14/24 W DEC 11 - 7
#65 Padgett, Connor 12/14/24 W DEC 8 - 1
#3 Kenny, Josh 11/16/24 L DEC 5 - 4
#56 Hurley, Jakob 11/16/24 W DEC 6 - 3
#39 Morrisette, Clint 11/02/24 W DEC 6 - 3
#82 Sizemore, Trey 12/29/22 L DEC 6 - 2
WrestleStat Prediction
Kyle Homet (Glenville State University) over Mason Diel (Colorado School Of Mines) DEC 13 - 6
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 12 | Glenville State University 12
Mason Diel vs common opponents: 6 - 7
#13 Gehlhausen, Keegan 01/10/25 L MD 11 - 2
#2 Weinberg, Matt 12/14/24 L TF5 20 - 3 5:55
#107 Rodriguez, Matthew 11/23/24 W FALL 3:45
#107 Rodriguez, Matthew 11/15/24 W TF5 15 - 0 3:28
#28 Gehlhausen, Keegan 03/02/24 L FALL 4:56
#28 Gehlhausen, Keegan 03/02/24 W MD 12 - 4
#10 Bynarowicz, Jason 01/27/24 L MD 9 - 0
#28 Gehlhausen, Keegan 01/19/24 L DEC 11 - 10
#81 Rodriguez, Matthew 01/05/24 W TF5 15 - 0 2:49
#8 Wells, Garrett 12/16/23 L DEC 7 - 2
#70 Blakely, Barrett 01/01/22 L DEC 7 - 0
#118 Larson, Jeramiah 11/20/21 W TF5 24 - 8 7:00
#118 Larson, Jeramiah 11/20/21 W TF5 24 - 8 7:00
Kyle Homet vs common opponents: 4 - 3
#30 Larson, Jeramiah 02/08/25 W TF5 21 - 5 5:37
#2 Weinberg, Matt 12/14/24 L DEC 8 - 5
#9 Wells, Garrett 12/14/24 L DEC 1 - 0
#13 Gehlhausen, Keegan 12/14/24 W FALL 1:49
#14 Bynarowicz, Jason 12/14/24 W DEC 14 - 10
#107 Rodriguez, Matthew 12/14/24 W TF5 17 - 1 5:27
#98 Blakely, Barrett 01/25/20 L DEC 7 - 3
WrestleStat Prediction
Nick Johnson (Glenville State University) over Ryan Cody (Colorado School Of Mines) TF 18 - 3
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 12 | Glenville State University 17
Ryan Cody vs common opponents: 4 - 4
#11 Miller, Wyatt 12/14/24 W MD 10 - 1
#17 Freeman, Geoff 12/14/24 W FALL 5:52
#19 Stegall, Chase 12/14/24 L DEC 4 - 0
#6 Kinsella, Jackson 11/23/24 L TF5 20 - 3 7:00
#10 Henry, Tereus 11/15/24 L MD 8 - 0
#4 Kinsella, Jackson 03/02/24 L TF5 17 - 1 5:12
#39 Clouse, Brylan 12/16/23 W DEC 9 - 5
#200 Castillo, Jacob 11/06/22 W TF5 17 - 2 7:00
Nick Johnson vs common opponents: 4 - 4
#17 Freeman, Geoff 01/10/25 L DEC 13 - 7
#10 Henry, Tereus 12/14/24 W DEC 7 - 2
#19 Stegall, Chase 12/14/24 W SV-1 5 - 2
#8 Miller, Wyatt 03/02/24 W SV-1 4 - 1
#39 Clouse, Brylan 03/02/24 W TF5 17 - 2 6:18
#8 Miller, Wyatt 02/11/24 L MD 13 - 1
#4 Kinsella, Jackson 01/05/24 L DEC 7 - 0
#200 Castillo, Jacob 11/11/22 L MD 12 - 0
WrestleStat Prediction
Colby Whitehill (Glenville State University) over Laith Ibrahim (Colorado School Of Mines) DEC 11 - 7
Running Team Score
Colorado School Of Mines 12 | Glenville State University 20
Laith Ibrahim vs common opponents: 2 - 3
#13 Schrader, Kale 12/14/24 L FALL 0:25
#99 Watkins, Slade 12/14/24 W DEC 9 - 4
#5 Doyle, Tyler 11/23/24 W SV-1 4 - 1
#17 Doyle, Tyler 03/02/24 L DEC 4 - 3
#17 Doyle, Tyler 01/27/24 L DEC 2 - 1
Colby Whitehill vs common opponents: 3 - 2
#5 Doyle, Tyler 12/14/24 L DEC 4 - 2
#13 Schrader, Kale 12/14/24 L FALL 2:57
#99 Watkins, Slade 12/14/24 W DEC 2 - 0
#13 Schrader, Kale 12/01/24 W DEC 16 - 14
#99 Watkins, Slade 12/01/24 W TF5 17 - 2 6:47