165 Starter Rankings | Division III (region-vi)

165 Starter Rankings | Division III (region-vi)

2025 Season | Week 19 | 03/11

This is a starters-only view, so no redshirts or multiple guys from each team and weight will be shown here. This gives the best indication of participants for conference and national tournaments.
# Trend Wrestler School Conf Record WS ELO Win / Bns Clips
3 0 Bohren, Dustin | JR #11 Loras Region VI 23 - 5 1615.71 82.14% / 55.17%
13 0 Petry, Brian | SO #29 Cornell College Region VI 32 - 8 1578.11 80.00% / 45.45%
29 0 Martinson, Carson | SO #35 Central Region VI 15 - 3 1521.59 83.33% / 22.22%
32 0 McDonough, Bryce | JR #31 Luther Region VI 20 - 7 1514.64 74.07% / 62.50%
35 0 Brosinski, Aiden | JR #3 Wartburg Region VI 11 - 6 1503.17 64.71% / 47.62%
57 0 Roth, Kale | SO #42 Dubuque Region VI 14 - 14 1442.58 50.00% / 41.38%
75 0 Kellow, Trey | JR #100 Simpson Region VI 3 - 6 1402.70 33.33% / 18.18%
81 0 Mendoza, Airamis | SR #69 University of the Ozarks Region VI 14 - 8 1382.38 63.64% / 37.84%
84 0 Scranton, Kael | JR #13 Coe Region VI 6 - 19 1379.70 24.00% / 32.14%
92 0 Sousa, Cade | JR #82 Huntingdon Region VI 2 - 2 1353.52 50.00% / 50.00%
96 0 Littrell, Seth | JR #90 Nebraska Wesleyan Region VI 9 - 13 1333.10 40.91% / 26.92%
100 0 Muhammad, Alex | SO #99 Eureka Region VI 6 - 12 1317.64 33.33% / 25.00%
103 0 Castaneda, Jackson | FR #107 Illinois Wesleyan Region VI 3 - 9 1309.98 25.00% / 16.67%
107 0 Marquess, Brendon | FR #96 Westminster Region VI 5 - 3 1248.77 62.50% / 40.00%
109 0 Kirk, Aiden | FR #113 Buena Vista Region VI 1 - 15 1231.99 6.25% / 13.64%
110 0 Schenck, Aiden | JR #111 Schreiner Region VI 2 - 7 1224.47 22.22% / 11.76%
115 0 Cuff, Scotty | FR #120 Blackburn College Region VI 1 - 8 1175.63 11.11% / .00%
999 0 Rawlins, Bradyn | SR Fontbonne Region VI 0 - 4 1097.91 .00% / .00%
# Trend Wrestler
Win / Bns
3 0 Bohren, Dustin | JR
#11 Loras
Region VI
23 - 5
82.14% / 55.17%
13 0 Petry, Brian | SO
#29 Cornell College
Region VI
32 - 8
80.00% / 45.45%
29 0 Martinson, Carson | SO
#35 Central
Region VI
15 - 3
83.33% / 22.22%
32 0 McDonough, Bryce | JR
#31 Luther
Region VI
20 - 7
74.07% / 62.50%
35 0 Brosinski, Aiden | JR
#3 Wartburg
Region VI
11 - 6
64.71% / 47.62%
57 0 Roth, Kale | SO
#42 Dubuque
Region VI
14 - 14
50.00% / 41.38%
75 0 Kellow, Trey | JR
#100 Simpson
Region VI
3 - 6
33.33% / 18.18%
81 0 Mendoza, Airamis | SR
#69 University of the Ozarks
Region VI
14 - 8
63.64% / 37.84%
84 0 Scranton, Kael | JR
#13 Coe
Region VI
6 - 19
24.00% / 32.14%
92 0 Sousa, Cade | JR
#82 Huntingdon
Region VI
2 - 2
50.00% / 50.00%
96 0 Littrell, Seth | JR
#90 Nebraska Wesleyan
Region VI
9 - 13
40.91% / 26.92%
100 0 Muhammad, Alex | SO
#99 Eureka
Region VI
6 - 12
33.33% / 25.00%
103 0 Castaneda, Jackson | FR
#107 Illinois Wesleyan
Region VI
3 - 9
25.00% / 16.67%
107 0 Marquess, Brendon | FR
#96 Westminster
Region VI
5 - 3
62.50% / 40.00%
109 0 Kirk, Aiden | FR
#113 Buena Vista
Region VI
1 - 15
6.25% / 13.64%
110 0 Schenck, Aiden | JR
#111 Schreiner
Region VI
2 - 7
22.22% / 11.76%
115 0 Cuff, Scotty | FR
#120 Blackburn College
Region VI
1 - 8
11.11% / .00%
999 0 Rawlins, Bradyn | SR
Region VI
0 - 4
.00% / .00%