2025 Season | Week 20 | 03/18

# Trend Wrestler School Conf Record WS ELO Win / Bns Clips
1 0 Randall, Chase | SR #4 Coast Guard Region I 26 - 0 1694.61 100.00% / 84.62%
2 0 Ellis, Peyton | FR #1 Johnson & Wales (RI) Region I 30 - 4 1650.63 88.24% / 73.53%
3 0 Hinton, Jaden | SR #10 Baldwin Wallace Region IV 31 - 5 1643.17 86.11% / 56.10%
4 0 Mallinder, Dominik | JR #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 25 - 4 1641.35 86.21% / 65.52%
5 4 Parke, Bryce | SR #12 Coe Region VI 25 - 5 1634.73 83.33% / 64.52%
6 1 Day, James | JR #23 Wabash Region V 28 - 6 1615.51 82.35% / 56.52%
7 2 Totten, Garrett | SO #7 The College of New Jersey Region III 19 - 3 1582.19 86.36% / 56.52%
8 2 Paulino, Jonah | FR #11 Roanoke College Region IV 24 - 4 1575.85 85.71% / 82.35%
9 32 Kidd, Connor | JR #32 Luther Region VI 20 - 13 1573.28 60.61% / 48.57% 1
10 4 Blair, Jacob | JR #28 Delaware Valley Region III 19 - 8 1567.10 70.37% / 40.74%
11 3 Torres, Isaias | JR #17 Ithaca Region II 25 - 7 1564.86 78.13% / 51.43%
12 2 Martinez, Art | JR #79 Case Western Reserve Region V 33 - 8 1555.35 80.49% / 60.00%
13 4 Suddeth, Chance | SO #2 Augsburg Region VII 26 - 8 1552.08 76.47% / 48.65%
14 2 Haney, Coby | SR #29 Millikin Region V 28 - 6 1547.60 82.35% / 55.88% 1
15 4 Haws, Danny | JR #52 Centenary (NJ) Region II 14 - 5 1546.27 73.68% / 51.72%
16 0 Cortright, Trevor | SO #115 Utica University Region I 21 - 4 1538.56 84.00% / 61.54%
17 1 Spacht, Ethan | SO #6 North Central Region V 23 - 10 1537.61 69.70% / 50.00%
18 5 Venezia, Jacob | SR #14 NYU Region III 20 - 11 1535.91 64.52% / 59.38%
19 4 Frost, Caden | JR #97 New England College Region I 23 - 11 1534.15 67.65% / 37.84%
20 0 Bogle, Kaya | SR #5 Castleton University Region I 22 - 10 1520.05 68.75% / 54.55%
21 0 Torre, Lucas | JR #90 New Jersey City University Region II 24 - 4 1515.00 85.71% / 50.00%
22 0 Munoz-Flores, Carlos | SO #77 Aurora University Region VII 14 - 10 1513.72 58.33% / 50.00%
23 0 Rustad, Jackson | SO #35 Chicago Region V 16 - 9 1512.41 64.00% / 42.31%
24 0 Cope, Corey | SR #38 Elizabethtown Region III 29 - 7 1512.24 80.56% / 66.67%
25 0 Gervey, Josh | SR #3 Wartburg Region VI 18 - 7 1510.59 72.00% / 42.86%
26 7 Evans, Aiden | SR #13 Loras Region VI 14 - 6 1508.56 70.00% / 35.00%
27 1 Marchese, Andrew | JR #5 Castleton University Region I 17 - 10 1505.84 62.96% / 48.15%
28 1 Robson, Jude | JR #11 Roanoke College Region IV 0 - 0 1500.75 .00% / .00%
29 1 Parisi, Zack | FR #35 Chicago Region V 18 - 9 1500.19 66.67% / 51.61%
30 1 Carlock, James | FR #14 NYU Region III 13 - 5 1498.03 72.22% / 45.00%
31 1 Nase, Kyle | SR #7 The College of New Jersey Region III 14 - 4 1497.99 77.78% / 55.00%
32 1 Paolucci, Vincent | FR #70 York (PA) Region III 20 - 8 1496.51 71.43% / 48.39%
33 1 Zamora, Anthony | SO #104 Wheaton (IL) Region V 8 - 6 1496.28 57.14% / 28.57%
34 1 Liss, Lawrence | FR #46 Rochester Institute of Technology Region II 5 - 8 1496.20 38.46% / 38.89%
35 1 Bautista, Benny | SR #14 NYU Region III 2 - 0 1493.37 100.00% / 100.00%
36 1 Menier, Colin | FR #7 The College of New Jersey Region III 13 - 4 1489.61 76.47% / 50.00%
37 1 Wydick, Wesley | JR #45 Merchant Marine Region III 17 - 10 1488.46 62.96% / 46.43%
38 1 Valtierrez, Julian | SR #6 North Central Region V 10 - 4 1488.21 71.43% / 57.14% 1
39 1 Heller, Caiden | JR #25 Messiah Region III 20 - 18 1486.40 52.63% / 37.21%
40 6 Ziccardi, Vincent | JR #15 Washington & Lee University Region IV 23 - 12 1485.78 65.71% / 41.67%
41 1 Marston, Nikosh | FR #54 Misericordia University Region III 15 - 3 1484.49 83.33% / 47.37%
42 1 Hedges, Trevor | SO #98 Eureka Region VI 5 - 3 1483.42 62.50% / 41.67%
43 7 Magolski, Wyatt | FR #8 Wisconsin-La Crosse Region VII 21 - 10 1482.64 67.74% / 36.11%
44 0 Carrozza, Matthew | JR #60 Trinity (ct) Region I 21 - 12 1482.49 63.64% / 45.71%
45 0 Santore, Michael | JR #65 Oswego State Region II 18 - 14 1482.18 56.25% / 31.25%
46 1 Martinez, Max | SR #22 Wesleyan (CT) Region I 24 - 13 1474.86 64.86% / 42.50%
47 10 Moshenek, Elijah | SR #75 Alfred State Region II 22 - 13 1473.06 62.86% / 34.15%
48 0 Colwell, Jaden | SO #44 Springfield Region I 20 - 10 1471.71 66.67% / 38.71%
49 0 Ware, Kaden | SO #26 Pennsylvania College of Technology Region II 14 - 5 1470.97 73.68% / 63.64%
50 0 Krueger, Connor | SO #74 St Johns (MN) Region VII 7 - 4 1470.21 63.64% / 40.00%
51 0 Radintz, Ian | SO #2 Augsburg Region VII 0 - 0 1470.06 .00% / .00%
52 0 Barrientes, Eugene | FR #53 Adrian Region V 5 - 4 1469.92 55.56% / 33.33%
53 0 Lafferty, John | JR #97 New England College Region I 0 - 0 1469.33 .00% / .00%
54 0 Casey, Kaden | FR #54 Misericordia University Region III 8 - 6 1469.20 57.14% / 46.67%
55 0 Futia, Rocco | SO #51 Cortland State Region II 23 - 10 1467.13 69.70% / 50.00%
56 0 Amoa, Kwesi | SR #48 Rhode Island College Region I 15 - 11 1465.25 57.69% / 35.71%
57 0 Bauzile, Botensky | SO #116 Hunter Region II 17 - 11 1464.76 60.71% / 40.00%
58 0 Napeloni, Jack | SR #21 Williams College Region I 14 - 13 1461.83 51.85% / 31.03%
59 0 Louiso, Jason | FR #85 Wilmington Region IV 5 - 10 1460.63 33.33% / 29.41%
60 1 Singewald, Calvin | FR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 11 - 7 1459.76 61.11% / 50.00%
61 1 Murphy, Devin | FR #34 Dubuque Region VI 9 - 8 1459.72 52.94% / 33.33%
62 1 Davids, Robert | SR #30 Olivet Region V 16 - 9 1459.63 64.00% / 48.39%
63 1 Bellino, Culley | SO #51 Cortland State Region II 11 - 4 1459.55 73.33% / 75.00%
64 0 Horvath, Christian | SO #43 Muhlenberg Region III 20 - 7 1458.80 74.07% / 42.86%
65 0 Pavis, Charlie | JR #61 Worcester Polytechnic Region I 15 - 17 1458.20 46.88% / 35.29%
66 0 Bernardino, Derek | JR #37 St John Fisher Region II 17 - 14 1458.17 54.84% / 38.71%
67 0 Frye, Nolan | SO #62 Mount Union Region IV 14 - 10 1458.16 58.33% / 59.26%
68 0 McLaughlin, Shaun | SO #56 Roger Williams Region I 21 - 16 1455.82 56.76% / 36.84%
69 0 Bennett, Jake | FR #4 Coast Guard Region I 13 - 8 1455.23 61.90% / 34.78%
70 0 Merwin, Cody | SR #51 Cortland State Region II 10 - 5 1454.62 66.67% / 37.50%
71 0 Ford, Christian | FR #28 Delaware Valley Region III 5 - 3 1453.11 62.50% / 40.00%
72 0 Douglas, Javin | FR #67 University of the Ozarks Region VI 15 - 7 1452.85 68.18% / 58.33%
73 0 Holzer, Teague | FR #8 Wisconsin-La Crosse Region VII 16 - 8 1452.39 66.67% / 31.43%
74 0 Moelter, Travis | SO #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 15 - 8 1450.69 65.22% / 42.11%
75 0 DiEsso, Frank | SR #43 Muhlenberg Region III 4 - 4 1450.13 50.00% / 27.27%
76 0 Benson, Arlie | JR #23 Wabash Region V 0 - 0 1446.89 .00% / .00%
77 0 Dergham, Blake | FR #26 Pennsylvania College of Technology Region II 17 - 9 1445.36 65.38% / 53.33%
78 0 Sneed, Eli | JR #27 Cornell College Region VI 27 - 14 1444.73 65.85% / 29.55%
79 0 Casey, Mason | SR #25 Messiah Region III 20 - 16 1443.73 55.56% / 41.46%
80 0 Crane, Alex | FR #39 John Carroll Region V 10 - 3 1443.33 76.92% / 43.48%
81 0 Adams, Michael | JR #31 Ursinus Region III 17 - 17 1441.56 50.00% / 40.54%
82 0 Edwards, Jonah | JR #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 1 - 1 1440.30 50.00% / 33.33%
83 0 Fainter, Traic | FR #12 Coe Region VI 4 - 1 1440.06 80.00% / 80.00%
84 0 Vanderhorst, Chase | FR #18 Ohio Northern Region IV 11 - 9 1439.92 55.00% / 42.31%
85 0 Redner, Brett | JR #48 Rhode Island College Region I 12 - 7 1439.60 63.16% / 45.45%
86 1 Orlando, Aj | SO #40 Averett University Region IV 22 - 11 1435.91 66.67% / 38.46%
87 1 Schneider, John | FR #21 Williams College Region I 13 - 10 1434.48 56.52% / 32.00%
88 1 Skoglund, Ethan | FR #36 Central Region VI 10 - 3 1434.02 76.92% / 27.78%
89 1 Scalise, Gabe | JR #46 Rochester Institute of Technology Region II 11 - 8 1433.19 57.89% / 35.00%
90 1 Fisher, Robbie | FR #89 Nebraska Wesleyan Region VI 12 - 7 1431.71 63.16% / 50.00%
91 1 Weaver, Taylor | JR #28 Delaware Valley Region III 1 - 2 1431.66 33.33% / 33.33%
92 6 Toledo, Brody | FR #99 Wisconsin-Oshkosh Region VII 9 - 13 1431.23 40.91% / 32.14%
93 0 Sevigny, Kevin | JR #44 Springfield Region I 15 - 12 1430.23 55.56% / 50.00%
94 0 Deloach, Lewis | FR #109 Hiram College Region IV 8 - 9 1429.67 47.06% / 27.78%
95 0 Anderson, Kie | JR #50 Concordia-Moorhead Region VII 13 - 10 1429.26 56.52% / 39.39%
96 0 Smoot, Elijah | FR #11 Roanoke College Region IV 7 - 6 1428.69 53.85% / 31.58%
97 0 Haldiman, Matt | SO #8 Wisconsin-La Crosse Region VII 14 - 4 1428.60 77.78% / 48.28%
98 0 Reitter, Luke | FR #7 The College of New Jersey Region III 8 - 6 1428.52 57.14% / 55.00%
99 0 Trimber, Charles | SR #26 Pennsylvania College of Technology Region II 9 - 7 1428.16 56.25% / 47.06%
100 0 Policarpio, Michael | SO #11 Roanoke College Region IV 11 - 3 1427.79 78.57% / 52.94%
101 0 Grennan, Brady | FR #94 Wisconsin-Platteville Region VII 14 - 9 1427.58 60.87% / 52.17%
102 1 Chakkour, Jamal | SR #3 Wartburg Region VI 12 - 4 1427.31 75.00% / 59.09%
103 1 West, Carter | FR #36 Central Region VI 15 - 8 1427.21 65.22% / 50.00%
104 0 Zigo, Jorden | FR #101 Mount St Joseph Region V 21 - 11 1426.83 65.63% / 47.22%
105 0 Davis, Tyler | SR #53 Adrian Region V 14 - 8 1425.14 63.64% / 40.00%
106 0 Barella, Dominic | FR #14 NYU Region III 3 - 3 1423.69 50.00% / 33.33%
107 0 Klayton, Jaylen | FR #73 Augustana (IL) Region VII 2 - 2 1423.59 50.00% / 25.00%
108 0 Thacker, Gabriel | SO #76 Otterbein University Region IV 11 - 10 1423.45 52.38% / 36.36%
109 0 Hughes, Patrick | JR #97 New England College Region I 8 - 9 1419.00 47.06% / 38.89%
110 0 Anderson, Liam | SO #69 MSOE Region VII 24 - 13 1417.48 64.86% / 50.00%
112 0 Evitts, Tyler | JR #77 Aurora University Region VII 16 - 11 1416.24 59.26% / 40.74%
113 0 Wiedemer, Calvin | SO #15 Washington & Lee University Region IV 15 - 8 1414.73 65.22% / 48.15%
114 0 Saddler, Eric | SR #76 Otterbein University Region IV 3 - 12 1414.10 20.00% / 17.65%
115 0 Proctor, Trent | SR #49 Ferrum Region IV 16 - 10 1412.72 61.54% / 37.14%
116 0 Mitrosky, Austin | FR #58 Western New England Region I 7 - 8 1411.85 46.67% / 33.33%
117 0 Intintoli, Antonio | FR #58 Western New England Region I 11 - 15 1409.70 42.31% / 33.33%
118 0 Gelman, David | JR #66 Heidelberg Region IV 13 - 13 1409.46 50.00% / 46.67%
119 0 Origel, Adrian | FR #59 Manchester Region V 12 - 2 1408.05 85.71% / 45.83%
120 0 Jackson, Deven | JR #38 Elizabethtown Region III 0 - 0 1407.98 .00% / .00%
121 0 McCollum, Kyle | JR #83 Saint Vincent Region IV 12 - 5 1406.69 70.59% / 40.00%
122 0 Reehil, Matthew | FR #41 Brockport Region II 10 - 8 1406.46 55.56% / 42.11%
123 0 Tellez Perez, Alexis | SO #3 Wartburg Region VI 7 - 4 1405.86 63.64% / 64.71%
124 0 Patel, Dhilan | JR #87 Johns Hopkins Region III 0 - 0 1405.62 .00% / .00%
125 0 Anderson, Cole | JR #78 King's (PA) Region III 13 - 11 1404.84 54.17% / 40.00%
126 0 Custodio, Joseph | SO #63 Marymount Region III 17 - 16 1404.53 51.52% / 47.83%
127 0 Poggi, Danny | SR #20 Oneonta State Region II 23 - 12 1403.52 65.71% / 40.00%
128 0 Kettel, Emmett | SR #30 Olivet Region V 9 - 7 1403.25 56.25% / 56.52%
129 0 Hotaling, Greg | SR #3 Wartburg Region VI 1 - 0 1401.77 100.00% / .00%
130 1 Rosa, Noah | SO #33 Wilkes Region II 5 - 5 1400.65 50.00% / 20.00%
131 1 Sears, Bryce | FR #101 Mount St Joseph Region V 7 - 5 1400.13 58.33% / 41.67%
132 1 Waszil, Jon | SO #109 Hiram College Region IV 0 - 0 1400.00 .00% / .00%
133 1 Phifer, Zach | SR #53 Adrian Region V 6 - 5 1399.93 54.55% / 50.00%
134 1 Minko, Andrew | JR #31 Ursinus Region III 4 - 5 1399.04 44.44% / 7.14%
135 1 Germano, Nick | SR #78 King's (PA) Region III 10 - 13 1398.43 43.48% / 40.00%
136 6 Oswald, Thomas | JR #2 Augsburg Region VII 3 - 4 1398.38 42.86% / 44.44%
137 0 Kaupp, Trey | FR #56 Roger Williams Region I 5 - 15 1398.21 25.00% / 9.52%
138 0 Odrobina, Cade | JR #42 Albion Region V 10 - 12 1396.17 45.45% / 14.81%
139 0 DiGennaro, Matthew | SR #92 Scranton Region III 2 - 2 1394.64 50.00% / 50.00%
140 0 Best, Hayden | FR #54 Misericordia University Region III 9 - 10 1394.31 47.37% / 47.37%
141 0 Escalante, Ariel | SO #44 Springfield Region I 7 - 8 1394.05 46.67% / 41.18%
142 0 Aguilar, Johan | SO #1 Johnson & Wales (RI) Region I 9 - 9 1393.73 50.00% / 25.00%
143 0 Garner, Zane | FR #81 Washington & Jefferson Region IV 4 - 3 1391.97 57.14% / 37.50%
144 0 Caracciolo, Owen | FR #83 Saint Vincent Region IV 6 - 5 1389.85 54.55% / 42.86%
145 0 King, James | SR #16 Alvernia Region III 14 - 22 1388.96 38.89% / 23.81%
146 0 Greene-Barrios, Alex | FR #79 Case Western Reserve Region V 11 - 11 1388.53 50.00% / 30.30%
147 0 Cade, Maddox | FR #66 Heidelberg Region IV 9 - 7 1386.43 56.25% / 27.78%
149 0 Deysher, Jacob | SO #46 Rochester Institute of Technology Region II 16 - 13 1384.73 55.17% / 30.30%
150 0 Magness, Drew | JR #62 Mount Union Region IV 0 - 0 1384.40 .00% / .00%
151 0 Salazar, Kaleb | FR #59 Manchester Region V 7 - 8 1383.33 46.67% / 42.31%
152 0 Walters, Kenji | FR #46 Rochester Institute of Technology Region II 5 - 11 1382.26 31.25% / 27.78%
153 0 Guglietta, Jason | JR #4 Coast Guard Region I 7 - 7 1382.18 50.00% / 40.00%
154 0 Rogers, Mason | SO #49 Ferrum Region IV 0 - 0 1380.62 .00% / .00%
155 0 O'Connor, Clayton | JR #58 Western New England Region I 17 - 14 1379.64 54.84% / 52.94%
156 1 Dragon, Colin | SO #45 Merchant Marine Region III 4 - 6 1379.21 40.00% / 40.00%
157 1 Thurber, Blaze | FR #71 Wisconsin-Stevens Point Region VII 3 - 8 1378.65 27.27% / 23.53%
158 1 Leypoldt, Aiden | FR #31 Ursinus Region III 5 - 12 1378.64 29.41% / 22.73%
159 1 Moyer, Carver | JR #72 Norwich Region I 9 - 12 1376.58 42.86% / 31.82%
160 1 Heater, Dylan | FR #27 Cornell College Region VI 11 - 7 1376.30 61.11% / 50.00%
161 1 Rael, Jayden | JR #27 Cornell College Region VI 12 - 4 1376.21 75.00% / 42.11%
162 1 Ross, Robert | SO #108 Ohio Wesleyan Region V 0 - 0 1375.97 .00% / .00%
163 7 Weidman, Tyler | FR #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 6 - 8 1374.33 42.86% / 37.50%
164 0 Weimer, Colton | SR #53 Adrian Region V 0 - 2 1373.83 .00% / .00%
165 0 Pellicci, Kendricks | SO #17 Ithaca Region II 6 - 6 1371.35 50.00% / 38.89%
166 0 Higa, Tanner | JR #34 Dubuque Region VI 7 - 10 1369.19 41.18% / 27.78%
167 0 Orseno, Zach | JR #76 Otterbein University Region IV 0 - 0 1369.05 .00% / .00%
168 0 Perez, Andrew | SO #31 Ursinus Region III 4 - 7 1368.06 36.36% / 23.08%
169 0 Regan, Jakob | SO #12 Coe Region VI 8 - 5 1367.98 61.54% / 56.25%
170 0 Hall, Sean | SR #11 Roanoke College Region IV 1 - 0 1367.38 100.00% / 42.86%
171 0 Stockberger, Liam | FR #32 Luther Region VI 7 - 10 1367.37 41.18% / 44.44%
172 0 Barkey, Logan | SO #70 York (PA) Region III 6 - 8 1366.44 42.86% / 40.00%
173 0 Yannuciello, Jace | SO #43 Muhlenberg Region III 3 - 5 1364.45 37.50% / 20.00%
174 0 Valdez, Jonathan | FR #100 Simpson Region VI 11 - 14 1362.89 44.00% / 19.35%
175 0 Conselyea, Thomas | SR #47 Lycoming Region II 15 - 9 1361.56 62.50% / 48.00%
176 0 Coward, Dylan | JR #63 Marymount Region III 2 - 3 1360.77 40.00% / 33.33%
177 0 Magnano, Joe | FR #102 Pitt-Bradford Region II 3 - 12 1360.44 20.00% / 22.22%
178 0 Ramirez, Alexander | FR #69 MSOE Region VII 6 - 6 1360.18 50.00% / 43.75%
179 0 Burmeister, Brayden | FR #32 Luther Region VI 6 - 9 1359.91 40.00% / 41.18%
180 0 Carpenter, Joseph | SR #70 York (PA) Region III 1 - 5 1357.56 16.67% / 14.29%
181 0 Custodio, Trey | JR #15 Washington & Lee University Region IV 0 - 0 1357.05 .00% / .00%
183 0 Christion, Nasir | SO #59 Manchester Region V 7 - 8 1356.08 46.67% / 26.92%
184 0 Anderson, Carter | JR #13 Loras Region VI 3 - 8 1355.36 27.27% / 20.00%
185 0 Martinez, Anastacio | FR #119 Concordia (WI) Region VII 18 - 17 1354.84 51.43% / 43.24%
186 0 Rotter, Max | FR #43 Muhlenberg Region III 2 - 4 1352.50 33.33% / 11.11%
187 0 Moltzan, Noah | FR #8 Wisconsin-La Crosse Region VII 9 - 8 1350.75 52.94% / 41.67%
188 0 Weinzweig, Cael | SR #8 Wisconsin-La Crosse Region VII 7 - 8 1350.45 46.67% / 19.05% 1
189 0 Rodrigues, Sam | FR #61 Worcester Polytechnic Region I 3 - 9 1350.28 25.00% / 15.38%
190 0 Tsai, Romeo | JR #68 McDaniel Region III 12 - 19 1350.03 38.71% / 25.81%
191 0 Logsdon, Alex | SR #40 Averett University Region IV 3 - 3 1349.90 50.00% / 66.67%
192 0 Fornaro, Joe | SR #95 Elmhurst Region V 6 - 13 1347.94 31.58% / 28.57%
193 0 Meyers, Isaac | FR #64 Penn State Behrend Region II 9 - 13 1346.93 40.91% / 39.13%
194 0 Mcdonald, Brody | FR #105 Plymouth State Region I 7 - 19 1346.62 26.92% / 19.23%
195 0 Knight, Liam | SR #57 Southern Maine Region I 3 - 6 1346.16 33.33% / 30.00%
196 0 Blalock, Cole | JR #82 Huntingdon Region VI 1 - 3 1345.26 25.00% / 28.57%
197 0 Kirker, Rian | FR #115 Utica University Region I 4 - 9 1345.16 30.77% / 30.77%
198 0 LaConte, Dominic | FR #22 Wesleyan (CT) Region I 2 - 4 1345.08 33.33% / 16.67%
199 0 Keeler, Vinny | JR #57 Southern Maine Region I 3 - 9 1344.96 25.00% / 25.00%
200 0 Smith, Joshua | FR #81 Washington & Jefferson Region IV 8 - 8 1343.88 50.00% / 26.32%
201 0 Davis, Cameron | FR #5 Castleton University Region I 1 - 1 1343.70 50.00% / 50.00%
202 0 Dubey, Christopher | FR #86 Bridgewater State Region I 6 - 23 1343.18 20.69% / 10.00%
203 0 Clifford, Dylan | SR #35 Chicago Region V 4 - 4 1341.35 50.00% / 50.00%
204 0 Stadler, Duncan | FR #87 Johns Hopkins Region III 11 - 14 1341.26 44.00% / 36.36%
205 0 Principe, Vincent | JR #24 Stevens Tech Region II 5 - 7 1340.48 41.67% / 23.08%
206 0 Burks, Heath | FR #103 Shenandoah University Region IV 10 - 15 1340.36 40.00% / 24.00%
207 0 Casey, Matthew | FR #25 Messiah Region III 1 - 9 1340.00 10.00% / 15.38%
208 0 Young, Trevor | FR #58 Western New England Region I 6 - 11 1339.43 35.29% / 36.36%
209 0 Sultzbach, Gabe | JR #93 Alma College Region V 0 - 0 1338.95 .00% / .00%
210 0 Neal, Landon | JR #40 Averett University Region IV 2 - 3 1337.95 40.00% / 25.00%
211 0 Guyette, Jonathan | FR #41 Brockport Region II 9 - 7 1336.55 56.25% / 50.00%
212 0 Myles, Zenmatsu | JR #37 St John Fisher Region II 0 - 0 1336.23 .00% / .00%
213 0 Smith, Isaac | FR #98 Eureka Region VI 9 - 13 1334.67 40.91% / 44.00%
214 0 Benitez, Ivan | JR #91 Greensboro Region IV 5 - 6 1332.90 45.45% / 33.33%
215 1 Livingston, Dreyvin | SO #114 Thiel Region IV 4 - 6 1331.22 40.00% / 40.00%
216 1 Nguyen, Nolan | SR #113 Buena Vista Region VI 6 - 13 1331.15 31.58% / 17.39%
217 0 Monson, Ethan | FR #94 Wisconsin-Platteville Region VII 3 - 2 1330.78 60.00% / 28.57%
218 0 Krysztofiak, Noah | FR #57 Southern Maine Region I 6 - 21 1329.03 22.22% / 26.67%
219 0 Kennedy, Colton | FR #93 Alma College Region V 6 - 15 1328.54 28.57% / 8.00%
220 0 Manieri, Michael | JR #22 Wesleyan (CT) Region I 4 - 5 1327.79 44.44% / 11.11%
221 0 Schad, Andrew | SO #99 Wisconsin-Oshkosh Region VII 6 - 6 1326.52 50.00% / 23.08%
222 0 Edwards, Ben | JR #80 Trine University Region V 7 - 14 1325.79 33.33% / 19.23%
223 0 Arobone, Charles | FR #92 Scranton Region III 5 - 15 1325.12 25.00% / 31.82%
224 1 Siriwardhana, Pravith | FR #33 Wilkes Region II 1 - 8 1324.17 11.11% / 7.14%
225 1 Spray, Alexander | JR #50 Concordia-Moorhead Region VII 5 - 7 1324.16 41.67% / 38.46%
226 0 Adams, Clyde | FR #67 University of the Ozarks Region VI 6 - 3 1324.09 66.67% / 45.00%
227 0 Kehrer, Jacob | SO Lyon College Transitioning 0 - 0 1324.06 .00% / .00%
228 0 Washburn, Ethan | SO #33 Wilkes Region II 7 - 15 1320.37 31.82% / 30.77%
229 0 Devins, Ryan | FR #65 Oswego State Region II 3 - 4 1319.19 42.86% / 28.57%
230 0 Fielder, David | FR #10 Baldwin Wallace Region IV 5 - 6 1318.55 45.45% / 23.53%
231 0 Alwawi, Jad | SO #6 North Central Region V 5 - 6 1317.45 45.45% / 23.08%
232 0 Caputo, Christian | FR #75 Alfred State Region II 2 - 12 1316.79 14.29% / 35.00%
233 0 Breeding, Addison | SO #101 Mount St Joseph Region V 5 - 7 1316.07 41.67% / 37.50%
234 0 Lemon, Jesse | SO #40 Averett University Region IV 7 - 5 1315.10 58.33% / 34.78%
235 0 Graves, Isaiah | SR #89 Nebraska Wesleyan Region VI 1 - 1 1313.50 50.00% / 28.57%
236 0 Bell, Enzo | SO #21 Williams College Region I 0 - 0 1313.46 .00% / .00%
237 0 Warfel, Henry | SO #96 Westminster Region VI 3 - 10 1312.07 23.08% / 33.33%
238 0 Welch, Mason | JR #37 St John Fisher Region II 0 - 2 1311.96 .00% / .00%
239 0 Michaels, Christian | JR #117 Waynesburg Region IV 0 - 0 1311.13 .00% / .00%
240 0 Whitcomb, Jaciah | JR #47 Lycoming Region II 2 - 6 1310.91 25.00% / .00%
241 0 Young, Peter | SO #34 Dubuque Region VI 4 - 5 1309.08 44.44% / 40.00%
242 0 Westerfield, Zach | JR #100 Simpson Region VI 0 - 0 1307.43 .00% / .00%
243 0 Kemp, Christian | SR #13 Loras Region VI 3 - 7 1304.51 30.00% / .00%
244 0 Wisdom, Alexander | SO #64 Penn State Behrend Region II 0 - 0 1303.91 .00% / .00%
245 0 Cabrera, Emilo | JR #30 Olivet Region V 0 - 0 1302.28 .00% / .00%
246 1 Tenglia, Alexander | SR #31 Ursinus Region III 4 - 9 1300.71 30.77% / 28.57%
247 1 Riesselman, Ethan | SO #100 Simpson Region VI 6 - 11 1300.70 35.29% / 22.73%
248 0 Gentile, Wyatt | SR #97 New England College Region I 3 - 10 1299.81 23.08% / 23.53%
249 0 Renier, Cole | SR #66 Heidelberg Region IV 3 - 7 1299.75 30.00% / 20.00%
250 0 King, Dylan | SR #72 Norwich Region I 0 - 4 1299.10 .00% / 20.00%
251 0 Jaber, Ali | FR #53 Adrian Region V 6 - 6 1298.88 50.00% / 38.46%
252 0 Coukart, Anthony | JR #47 Lycoming Region II 6 - 10 1297.88 37.50% / 25.00%
253 0 King, Donovan | SO #124 Muskingum Region IV 0 - 0 1296.60 .00% / .00%
254 0 Velasco, Alejandro | SO #23 Wabash Region V 0 - 0 1295.93 .00% / .00%
255 0 Gosda, Drake | FR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 4 - 0 1295.66 100.00% / 66.67%
256 0 Goddard, Ryan | JR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 3 - 5 1295.37 37.50% / 30.77%
257 0 Lanci, Tyler | JR #56 Roger Williams Region I 3 - 5 1295.14 37.50% / 20.00%
258 0 Dawit, Febian | FR #38 Elizabethtown Region III 6 - 11 1294.93 35.29% / 27.78%
259 0 Diaz, Ethan | FR #27 Cornell College Region VI 3 - 4 1293.98 42.86% / 45.45%
260 0 Muriel, Francisco | JR #17 Ithaca Region II 1 - 4 1292.04 20.00% / 28.57%
261 0 Waldman, Ariel | FR #20 Oneonta State Region II 6 - 11 1291.10 35.29% / 21.05%
262 0 Aumiller, Blake | FR #10 Baldwin Wallace Region IV 2 - 1 1290.03 66.67% / 25.00%
263 0 Cianfrogna, Carter | FR #36 Central Region VI 2 - 1 1287.69 66.67% / 50.00%
264 0 Lemieux, Ray | SO #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 0 - 0 1287.28 .00% / .00%
265 0 Nguyen, Nicholas | SO #82 Huntingdon Region VI 4 - 12 1281.42 25.00% / 24.32%
266 0 Fonder, Aiden | SO #71 Wisconsin-Stevens Point Region VII 4 - 16 1280.98 20.00% / 21.43%
267 0 Mahony, Andrew | FR #87 Johns Hopkins Region III 3 - 6 1278.94 33.33% / 25.00%
268 0 Vukobratovich, Robert | SO #13 Loras Region VI 3 - 8 1278.88 27.27% / 21.43%
269 0 Kimmel, Sam | JR #33 Wilkes Region II 0 - 0 1278.17 .00% / .00%
270 0 Paschia, Lucus | JR #110 Pacific (OR) Region VII 0 - 0 1276.98 .00% / .00%
271 0 Kawa, Luke | FR #29 Millikin Region V 2 - 4 1273.39 33.33% / 14.29%
272 0 Jones, Malachi | SO #118 Keystone Region II 0 - 0 1271.72 .00% / .00%
273 0 Collins, Kyle | SO #55 Gettysburg Region III 6 - 15 1271.65 28.57% / 17.39%
274 0 Troyer, Joseph-Rodney | JR #110 Pacific (OR) Region VII 2 - 5 1269.18 28.57% / 46.67%
275 0 Jacobs, Tharren | FR #36 Central Region VI 3 - 4 1268.49 42.86% / 40.00%
276 0 O'Brien, Blake | SR #121 Elmira College Region II 1 - 1 1266.39 50.00% / .00%
277 0 Megdanoff, Dominic | SR #93 Alma College Region V 4 - 11 1263.29 26.67% / 29.41%
279 0 Schanen, Nathan | FR #88 Lakeland Region VII 2 - 11 1262.34 15.38% / 5.88%
280 0 Deyro, Sam | SR #73 Augustana (IL) Region VII 3 - 12 1259.49 20.00% / 33.33%
281 0 Perlleshi, Christian | FR #1 Johnson & Wales (RI) Region I 1 - 4 1257.67 20.00% / 20.00%
282 0 Slatzer, Joseph | FR #124 Muskingum Region IV 1 - 8 1254.60 11.11% / 9.09%
283 0 Lear, Thomas | JR #30 Olivet Region V 0 - 0 1253.38 .00% / .00%
284 0 Wickstrom, Micheal | FR #114 Thiel Region IV 1 - 2 1244.95 33.33% / 25.00%
285 0 Olivares, Jesus | FR #113 Buena Vista Region VI 2 - 7 1240.92 22.22% / 21.43%
286 0 Eramo, Maceo | FR #56 Roger Williams Region I 1 - 14 1240.54 6.67% / 6.67%
287 0 Ramsey, Xavier | FR #103 Shenandoah University Region IV 4 - 11 1238.60 26.67% / 27.78%
288 0 Vicario, John | JR #65 Oswego State Region II 0 - 0 1236.81 .00% / .00%
289 0 Headley, Mitch | SR #64 Penn State Behrend Region II 2 - 0 1236.26 100.00% / 75.00%
290 0 Viveros, Nick | SR #32 Luther Region VI 2 - 9 1236.06 18.18% / 7.69% 1
291 0 Jackson, Kyien | FR #40 Averett University Region IV 1 - 4 1235.80 20.00% / 25.00%
292 0 Solano, Erick | SO #74 St Johns (MN) Region VII 1 - 7 1233.13 12.50% / 8.33%
293 0 Fitzsimmons, Ryan | FR #26 Pennsylvania College of Technology Region II 1 - 6 1232.30 14.29% / 14.29%
294 0 Ploughe, Kolton | SO #59 Manchester Region V 1 - 8 1231.29 11.11% / 6.25%
295 0 German, Lane | SO #12 Coe Region VI 1 - 2 1229.28 33.33% / 25.00%
296 0 Zwickey, Tiago | JR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 2 - 2 1227.76 50.00% / .00%
297 0 Kiger, Gavin | FR #27 Cornell College Region VI 4 - 12 1227.23 25.00% / 23.53%
298 0 Chapman, Cooper | JR #104 Wheaton (IL) Region V 4 - 9 1225.63 30.77% / 23.08%
299 0 Ramsey, Brendon | FR #41 Brockport Region II 1 - 3 1223.89 25.00% / 16.67%
300 0 Harmon, Gus | FR #41 Brockport Region II 3 - 6 1223.86 33.33% / 11.11%
301 0 Burke, Xander | FR #37 St John Fisher Region II 5 - 12 1223.68 29.41% / 23.53%
302 0 Gurban, Zakariya | FR #112 Randolph College Region IV 5 - 21 1222.84 19.23% / 22.86%
303 0 Ostrowski, Jackson | FR #53 Adrian Region V 1 - 2 1219.13 33.33% / 33.33%
304 0 Borden, Marcus | SR #35 Chicago Region V 0 - 5 1217.76 .00% / 14.29%
305 0 Ramirez, Francisco | SR #106 Southern Virginia University Region IV 5 - 17 1215.67 22.73% / 22.58%
306 0 Carlson, John | SO #106 Southern Virginia University Region IV 0 - 0 1214.34 .00% / .00%
307 0 Hawkins, Gabriel | FR #34 Dubuque Region VI 2 - 9 1213.73 18.18% / 28.57%
308 0 Vander Meide, Max | SO #122 Linfield University Region VII 1 - 2 1212.38 33.33% / 30.77%
309 0 Drousis, Caleb | SO #23 Wabash Region V 0 - 0 1209.75 .00% / .00%
310 0 Comaduron, Joseph | SO #106 Southern Virginia University Region IV 1 - 8 1209.43 11.11% / 6.67%
312 0 Hall, Farell | FR #85 Wilmington Region IV 2 - 11 1208.99 15.38% / 11.11%
313 0 Gil, Javier | SO #111 Schreiner Region VI 0 - 0 1206.62 .00% / .00%
314 0 Macias, Jimmy | SO #89 Nebraska Wesleyan Region VI 1 - 7 1206.38 12.50% / .00%
315 0 Rodgers, Jacob | SO #102 Pitt-Bradford Region II 2 - 3 1202.13 40.00% / 33.33%
316 0 Miller, Zach | FR #84 Carthage College Region VII 3 - 19 1200.72 13.64% / 4.35%
317 0 Geibel, Hunter | SO #18 Ohio Northern Region IV 0 - 0 1200.01 .00% / .00%
318 0 Sanks, Kyron | JR #82 Huntingdon Region VI 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Perez, Isaiah | JR #95 Elmhurst Region V 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Snodgress, Colton | JR #111 Schreiner Region VI 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Ludwig, Teagyn | JR #74 St Johns (MN) Region VII 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Bennett, Dylan | FR #30 Olivet Region V 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Kim, Silo | FR #79 Case Western Reserve Region V 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Terrizzi, Marco | FR #14 NYU Region III 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
318 0 Davis, Brian | FR #85 Wilmington Region IV 0 - 0 1200.00 .00% / .00%
326 0 Agnew, Ethan | FR #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 1 - 4 1199.74 20.00% / 16.67%
327 0 Uchishiba, Yuki | FR #104 Wheaton (IL) Region V 0 - 1 1199.48 .00% / .00%
329 0 Bauer, Daniel | SR Fontbonne Region VI 2 - 6 1199.31 25.00% / 14.29%
330 0 Arellano, Danny | SO #34 Dubuque Region VI 0 - 1 1199.00 .00% / .00%
331 0 Schifter, Justin | FR #92 Scranton Region III 0 - 2 1197.77 .00% / .00%
332 0 Markulics, Richie | SO #26 Pennsylvania College of Technology Region II 0 - 0 1196.54 .00% / .00%
333 0 Johnson, Brett | FR #67 University of the Ozarks Region VI 1 - 3 1196.39 25.00% / 11.11%
334 0 Armira, Alex | SR #104 Wheaton (IL) Region V 0 - 4 1195.77 .00% / .00%
335 0 Armstrong, Charlie | SO #29 Millikin Region V 0 - 1 1194.35 .00% / .00%
336 0 Denise, Gavin | FR #52 Centenary (NJ) Region II 0 - 4 1193.46 .00% / 18.75%
337 0 Needham, Alexander | FR #34 Dubuque Region VI 1 - 16 1192.42 5.88% / 10.53%
338 0 Jones, Mace | FR #40 Averett University Region IV 0 - 2 1191.96 .00% / .00%
339 0 Robinson, Jaden | JR #68 McDaniel Region III 0 - 0 1191.69 .00% / .00%
340 0 Nuttall, Zander | FR #83 Saint Vincent Region IV 0 - 4 1189.73 .00% / .00%
341 0 Cahill, Joseph | SO #86 Bridgewater State Region I 2 - 15 1189.32 11.76% / 11.11%
342 0 Van Sleet, Sean | FR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 0 - 1 1188.90 .00% / .00%
343 0 Connell, Maximillian | SO #63 Marymount Region III 1 - 11 1187.37 8.33% / 5.88%
344 0 Enrico, Jacob | SO #110 Pacific (OR) Region VII 2 - 0 1186.81 100.00% / 28.57%
345 0 Lavender, Julian | FR #54 Misericordia University Region III 0 - 4 1185.74 .00% / .00%
346 0 Bennett, James | FR #9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire Region VII 0 - 1 1185.20 .00% / .00%
347 0 Nelson, Jack | JR #106 Southern Virginia University Region IV 0 - 0 1185.02 .00% / .00%
348 0 Dangles, Austin | SO #19 Wisconsin-Whitewater Region V 0 - 0 1184.72 .00% / .00%
349 0 Pennimped, Morgan | FR #86 Bridgewater State Region I 0 - 5 1184.59 .00% / .00%
350 0 Raditz, Jackson | FR #112 Randolph College Region IV 0 - 2 1183.81 .00% / 16.67%
351 0 Clark, Damion | FR #36 Central Region VI 0 - 6 1183.12 .00% / 9.09%
352 0 Yaeckel, Patrick | SO #33 Wilkes Region II 0 - 0 1183.09 .00% / .00%
353 0 Reyes, Leonardo | SO #107 Illinois Wesleyan Region VI 0 - 1 1180.40 .00% / .00%
354 0 Sumner, Dominic | FR #59 Manchester Region V 0 - 9 1180.37 .00% / 5.26%
355 0 Simons, Brody | FR #123 Maine Maritime Academy Region I 0 - 2 1179.58 .00% / .00%
356 0 Raimkanov, Aktan | FR #6 North Central Region V 0 - 3 1178.03 .00% / .00%
357 0 Obert, Logan | SO #73 Augustana (IL) Region VII 0 - 0 1177.14 .00% / .00%
358 0 Fulcher, Faithful | FR #112 Randolph College Region IV 0 - 4 1176.95 .00% / .00%
359 0 Astorino, Anthony | FR #16 Alvernia Region III 0 - 10 1176.31 .00% / .00%
360 0 Parry, Cohen | FR #100 Simpson Region VI 0 - 3 1175.95 .00% / .00%
361 0 Laakso, Landin | FR #50 Concordia-Moorhead Region VII 0 - 3 1175.35 .00% / .00%
362 0 Littles, JJ | JR #88 Lakeland Region VII 0 - 0 1175.06 .00% / .00%
363 0 Banks, Logan | FR #115 Utica University Region I 1 - 13 1173.90 7.14% / 6.67%
364 0 Greenwood, Kason | SO #109 Hiram College Region IV 0 - 0 1173.75 .00% / .00%
365 0 Backus, Christopher | FR #59 Manchester Region V 1 - 10 1171.19 9.09% / .00%
366 0 Castro, Jesus | FR #34 Dubuque Region VI 0 - 7 1162.15 .00% / .00%
367 0 Ruehl, Trey | FR #40 Averett University Region IV 0 - 5 1160.92 .00% / .00%
368 0 Peelish, Adam | SO #114 Thiel Region IV 0 - 2 1160.67 .00% / .00%
369 0 Cox, Bernie | SO #98 Eureka Region VI 0 - 4 1158.67 .00% / .00%
370 0 McNamara, Devin | FR #20 Oneonta State Region II 1 - 10 1154.63 9.09% / 9.09%
371 0 Siriwardhana, Nelith | FR #20 Oneonta State Region II 0 - 9 1152.04 .00% / .00%
372 0 Ceprish, Dylan | SO #118 Keystone Region II 0 - 0 1150.93 .00% / .00%
373 0 Verscharen, Daniel | SO #81 Washington & Jefferson Region IV 1 - 8 1144.07 11.11% / 10.00%
374 0 Tabak, Shmuel | SO Lyon College Transitioning 0 - 7 1143.77 .00% / .00%
375 0 Stockman, Tate | JR #84 Carthage College Region VII 1 - 11 1136.90 8.33% / 7.14%
376 0 Hutchison, Corbin | SO #25 Messiah Region III 0 - 7 1121.77 .00% / .00%
377 0 Milankovic, Marco | SO #115 Utica University Region I 1 - 9 1109.95 10.00% / 18.18%
378 0 Kelly, Donovan | JR #53 Adrian Region V 0 - 3 1102.18 .00% / .00%
# Trend Wrestler
Win / Bns
1 0 Randall, Chase | SR
#4 Coast Guard
Region I
26 - 0
100.00% / 84.62%
2 0 Ellis, Peyton | FR
#1 Johnson & Wales (RI)
Region I
30 - 4
88.24% / 73.53%
3 0 Hinton, Jaden | SR
#10 Baldwin Wallace
Region IV
31 - 5
86.11% / 56.10%
4 0 Mallinder, Dominik | JR
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
25 - 4
86.21% / 65.52%
5 4 Parke, Bryce | SR
#12 Coe
Region VI
25 - 5
83.33% / 64.52%
6 1 Day, James | JR
#23 Wabash
Region V
28 - 6
82.35% / 56.52%
7 2 Totten, Garrett | SO
#7 The College of New Jersey
Region III
19 - 3
86.36% / 56.52%
8 2 Paulino, Jonah | FR
#11 Roanoke College
Region IV
24 - 4
85.71% / 82.35%
9 32 Kidd, Connor | JR
#32 Luther
Region VI
20 - 13
60.61% / 48.57%
10 4 Blair, Jacob | JR
#28 Delaware Valley
Region III
19 - 8
70.37% / 40.74%
11 3 Torres, Isaias | JR
#17 Ithaca
Region II
25 - 7
78.13% / 51.43%
12 2 Martinez, Art | JR
#79 Case Western Reserve
Region V
33 - 8
80.49% / 60.00%
13 4 Suddeth, Chance | SO
#2 Augsburg
Region VII
26 - 8
76.47% / 48.65%
14 2 Haney, Coby | SR
#29 Millikin
Region V
28 - 6
82.35% / 55.88%
15 4 Haws, Danny | JR
#52 Centenary (NJ)
Region II
14 - 5
73.68% / 51.72%
16 0 Cortright, Trevor | SO
#115 Utica University
Region I
21 - 4
84.00% / 61.54%
17 1 Spacht, Ethan | SO
#6 North Central
Region V
23 - 10
69.70% / 50.00%
18 5 Venezia, Jacob | SR
#14 NYU
Region III
20 - 11
64.52% / 59.38%
19 4 Frost, Caden | JR
#97 New England College
Region I
23 - 11
67.65% / 37.84%
20 0 Bogle, Kaya | SR
#5 Castleton University
Region I
22 - 10
68.75% / 54.55%
21 0 Torre, Lucas | JR
#90 New Jersey City University
Region II
24 - 4
85.71% / 50.00%
22 0 Munoz-Flores, Carlos | SO
#77 Aurora University
Region VII
14 - 10
58.33% / 50.00%
23 0 Rustad, Jackson | SO
#35 Chicago
Region V
16 - 9
64.00% / 42.31%
24 0 Cope, Corey | SR
#38 Elizabethtown
Region III
29 - 7
80.56% / 66.67%
25 0 Gervey, Josh | SR
#3 Wartburg
Region VI
18 - 7
72.00% / 42.86%
26 7 Evans, Aiden | SR
#13 Loras
Region VI
14 - 6
70.00% / 35.00%
27 1 Marchese, Andrew | JR
#5 Castleton University
Region I
17 - 10
62.96% / 48.15%
28 1 Robson, Jude | JR
#11 Roanoke College
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
29 1 Parisi, Zack | FR
#35 Chicago
Region V
18 - 9
66.67% / 51.61%
30 1 Carlock, James | FR
#14 NYU
Region III
13 - 5
72.22% / 45.00%
31 1 Nase, Kyle | SR
#7 The College of New Jersey
Region III
14 - 4
77.78% / 55.00%
32 1 Paolucci, Vincent | FR
#70 York (PA)
Region III
20 - 8
71.43% / 48.39%
33 1 Zamora, Anthony | SO
#104 Wheaton (IL)
Region V
8 - 6
57.14% / 28.57%
34 1 Liss, Lawrence | FR
#46 Rochester Institute of Technology
Region II
5 - 8
38.46% / 38.89%
35 1 Bautista, Benny | SR
#14 NYU
Region III
2 - 0
100.00% / 100.00%
36 1 Menier, Colin | FR
#7 The College of New Jersey
Region III
13 - 4
76.47% / 50.00%
37 1 Wydick, Wesley | JR
#45 Merchant Marine
Region III
17 - 10
62.96% / 46.43%
38 1 Valtierrez, Julian | SR
#6 North Central
Region V
10 - 4
71.43% / 57.14%
39 1 Heller, Caiden | JR
#25 Messiah
Region III
20 - 18
52.63% / 37.21%
40 6 Ziccardi, Vincent | JR
#15 Washington & Lee University
Region IV
23 - 12
65.71% / 41.67%
41 1 Marston, Nikosh | FR
#54 Misericordia University
Region III
15 - 3
83.33% / 47.37%
42 1 Hedges, Trevor | SO
#98 Eureka
Region VI
5 - 3
62.50% / 41.67%
43 7 Magolski, Wyatt | FR
#8 Wisconsin-La Crosse
Region VII
21 - 10
67.74% / 36.11%
44 0 Carrozza, Matthew | JR
#60 Trinity (ct)
Region I
21 - 12
63.64% / 45.71%
45 0 Santore, Michael | JR
#65 Oswego State
Region II
18 - 14
56.25% / 31.25%
46 1 Martinez, Max | SR
#22 Wesleyan (CT)
Region I
24 - 13
64.86% / 42.50%
47 10 Moshenek, Elijah | SR
#75 Alfred State
Region II
22 - 13
62.86% / 34.15%
48 0 Colwell, Jaden | SO
#44 Springfield
Region I
20 - 10
66.67% / 38.71%
49 0 Ware, Kaden | SO
#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Region II
14 - 5
73.68% / 63.64%
50 0 Krueger, Connor | SO
#74 St Johns (MN)
Region VII
7 - 4
63.64% / 40.00%
51 0 Radintz, Ian | SO
#2 Augsburg
Region VII
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
52 0 Barrientes, Eugene | FR
#53 Adrian
Region V
5 - 4
55.56% / 33.33%
53 0 Lafferty, John | JR
#97 New England College
Region I
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
54 0 Casey, Kaden | FR
#54 Misericordia University
Region III
8 - 6
57.14% / 46.67%
55 0 Futia, Rocco | SO
#51 Cortland State
Region II
23 - 10
69.70% / 50.00%
56 0 Amoa, Kwesi | SR
#48 Rhode Island College
Region I
15 - 11
57.69% / 35.71%
57 0 Bauzile, Botensky | SO
#116 Hunter
Region II
17 - 11
60.71% / 40.00%
58 0 Napeloni, Jack | SR
#21 Williams College
Region I
14 - 13
51.85% / 31.03%
59 0 Louiso, Jason | FR
#85 Wilmington
Region IV
5 - 10
33.33% / 29.41%
60 1 Singewald, Calvin | FR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
11 - 7
61.11% / 50.00%
61 1 Murphy, Devin | FR
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
9 - 8
52.94% / 33.33%
62 1 Davids, Robert | SR
#30 Olivet
Region V
16 - 9
64.00% / 48.39%
63 1 Bellino, Culley | SO
#51 Cortland State
Region II
11 - 4
73.33% / 75.00%
64 0 Horvath, Christian | SO
#43 Muhlenberg
Region III
20 - 7
74.07% / 42.86%
65 0 Pavis, Charlie | JR
#61 Worcester Polytechnic
Region I
15 - 17
46.88% / 35.29%
66 0 Bernardino, Derek | JR
#37 St John Fisher
Region II
17 - 14
54.84% / 38.71%
67 0 Frye, Nolan | SO
#62 Mount Union
Region IV
14 - 10
58.33% / 59.26%
68 0 McLaughlin, Shaun | SO
#56 Roger Williams
Region I
21 - 16
56.76% / 36.84%
69 0 Bennett, Jake | FR
#4 Coast Guard
Region I
13 - 8
61.90% / 34.78%
70 0 Merwin, Cody | SR
#51 Cortland State
Region II
10 - 5
66.67% / 37.50%
71 0 Ford, Christian | FR
#28 Delaware Valley
Region III
5 - 3
62.50% / 40.00%
72 0 Douglas, Javin | FR
#67 University of the Ozarks
Region VI
15 - 7
68.18% / 58.33%
73 0 Holzer, Teague | FR
#8 Wisconsin-La Crosse
Region VII
16 - 8
66.67% / 31.43%
74 0 Moelter, Travis | SO
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
15 - 8
65.22% / 42.11%
75 0 DiEsso, Frank | SR
#43 Muhlenberg
Region III
4 - 4
50.00% / 27.27%
76 0 Benson, Arlie | JR
#23 Wabash
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
77 0 Dergham, Blake | FR
#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Region II
17 - 9
65.38% / 53.33%
78 0 Sneed, Eli | JR
#27 Cornell College
Region VI
27 - 14
65.85% / 29.55%
79 0 Casey, Mason | SR
#25 Messiah
Region III
20 - 16
55.56% / 41.46%
80 0 Crane, Alex | FR
#39 John Carroll
Region V
10 - 3
76.92% / 43.48%
81 0 Adams, Michael | JR
#31 Ursinus
Region III
17 - 17
50.00% / 40.54%
82 0 Edwards, Jonah | JR
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
1 - 1
50.00% / 33.33%
83 0 Fainter, Traic | FR
#12 Coe
Region VI
4 - 1
80.00% / 80.00%
84 0 Vanderhorst, Chase | FR
#18 Ohio Northern
Region IV
11 - 9
55.00% / 42.31%
85 0 Redner, Brett | JR
#48 Rhode Island College
Region I
12 - 7
63.16% / 45.45%
86 1 Orlando, Aj | SO
#40 Averett University
Region IV
22 - 11
66.67% / 38.46%
87 1 Schneider, John | FR
#21 Williams College
Region I
13 - 10
56.52% / 32.00%
88 1 Skoglund, Ethan | FR
#36 Central
Region VI
10 - 3
76.92% / 27.78%
89 1 Scalise, Gabe | JR
#46 Rochester Institute of Technology
Region II
11 - 8
57.89% / 35.00%
90 1 Fisher, Robbie | FR
#89 Nebraska Wesleyan
Region VI
12 - 7
63.16% / 50.00%
91 1 Weaver, Taylor | JR
#28 Delaware Valley
Region III
1 - 2
33.33% / 33.33%
92 6 Toledo, Brody | FR
#99 Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Region VII
9 - 13
40.91% / 32.14%
93 0 Sevigny, Kevin | JR
#44 Springfield
Region I
15 - 12
55.56% / 50.00%
94 0 Deloach, Lewis | FR
#109 Hiram College
Region IV
8 - 9
47.06% / 27.78%
95 0 Anderson, Kie | JR
#50 Concordia-Moorhead
Region VII
13 - 10
56.52% / 39.39%
96 0 Smoot, Elijah | FR
#11 Roanoke College
Region IV
7 - 6
53.85% / 31.58%
97 0 Haldiman, Matt | SO
#8 Wisconsin-La Crosse
Region VII
14 - 4
77.78% / 48.28%
98 0 Reitter, Luke | FR
#7 The College of New Jersey
Region III
8 - 6
57.14% / 55.00%
99 0 Trimber, Charles | SR
#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Region II
9 - 7
56.25% / 47.06%
100 0 Policarpio, Michael | SO
#11 Roanoke College
Region IV
11 - 3
78.57% / 52.94%
101 0 Grennan, Brady | FR
#94 Wisconsin-Platteville
Region VII
14 - 9
60.87% / 52.17%
102 1 Chakkour, Jamal | SR
#3 Wartburg
Region VI
12 - 4
75.00% / 59.09%
103 1 West, Carter | FR
#36 Central
Region VI
15 - 8
65.22% / 50.00%
104 0 Zigo, Jorden | FR
#101 Mount St Joseph
Region V
21 - 11
65.63% / 47.22%
105 0 Davis, Tyler | SR
#53 Adrian
Region V
14 - 8
63.64% / 40.00%
106 0 Barella, Dominic | FR
#14 NYU
Region III
3 - 3
50.00% / 33.33%
107 0 Klayton, Jaylen | FR
#73 Augustana (IL)
Region VII
2 - 2
50.00% / 25.00%
108 0 Thacker, Gabriel | SO
#76 Otterbein University
Region IV
11 - 10
52.38% / 36.36%
109 0 Hughes, Patrick | JR
#97 New England College
Region I
8 - 9
47.06% / 38.89%
110 0 Anderson, Liam | SO
#69 MSOE
Region VII
24 - 13
64.86% / 50.00%
112 0 Evitts, Tyler | JR
#77 Aurora University
Region VII
16 - 11
59.26% / 40.74%
113 0 Wiedemer, Calvin | SO
#15 Washington & Lee University
Region IV
15 - 8
65.22% / 48.15%
114 0 Saddler, Eric | SR
#76 Otterbein University
Region IV
3 - 12
20.00% / 17.65%
115 0 Proctor, Trent | SR
#49 Ferrum
Region IV
16 - 10
61.54% / 37.14%
116 0 Mitrosky, Austin | FR
#58 Western New England
Region I
7 - 8
46.67% / 33.33%
117 0 Intintoli, Antonio | FR
#58 Western New England
Region I
11 - 15
42.31% / 33.33%
118 0 Gelman, David | JR
#66 Heidelberg
Region IV
13 - 13
50.00% / 46.67%
119 0 Origel, Adrian | FR
#59 Manchester
Region V
12 - 2
85.71% / 45.83%
120 0 Jackson, Deven | JR
#38 Elizabethtown
Region III
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
121 0 McCollum, Kyle | JR
#83 Saint Vincent
Region IV
12 - 5
70.59% / 40.00%
122 0 Reehil, Matthew | FR
#41 Brockport
Region II
10 - 8
55.56% / 42.11%
123 0 Tellez Perez, Alexis | SO
#3 Wartburg
Region VI
7 - 4
63.64% / 64.71%
124 0 Patel, Dhilan | JR
#87 Johns Hopkins
Region III
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
125 0 Anderson, Cole | JR
#78 King's (PA)
Region III
13 - 11
54.17% / 40.00%
126 0 Custodio, Joseph | SO
#63 Marymount
Region III
17 - 16
51.52% / 47.83%
127 0 Poggi, Danny | SR
#20 Oneonta State
Region II
23 - 12
65.71% / 40.00%
128 0 Kettel, Emmett | SR
#30 Olivet
Region V
9 - 7
56.25% / 56.52%
129 0 Hotaling, Greg | SR
#3 Wartburg
Region VI
1 - 0
100.00% / .00%
130 1 Rosa, Noah | SO
#33 Wilkes
Region II
5 - 5
50.00% / 20.00%
131 1 Sears, Bryce | FR
#101 Mount St Joseph
Region V
7 - 5
58.33% / 41.67%
132 1 Waszil, Jon | SO
#109 Hiram College
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
133 1 Phifer, Zach | SR
#53 Adrian
Region V
6 - 5
54.55% / 50.00%
134 1 Minko, Andrew | JR
#31 Ursinus
Region III
4 - 5
44.44% / 7.14%
135 1 Germano, Nick | SR
#78 King's (PA)
Region III
10 - 13
43.48% / 40.00%
136 6 Oswald, Thomas | JR
#2 Augsburg
Region VII
3 - 4
42.86% / 44.44%
137 0 Kaupp, Trey | FR
#56 Roger Williams
Region I
5 - 15
25.00% / 9.52%
138 0 Odrobina, Cade | JR
#42 Albion
Region V
10 - 12
45.45% / 14.81%
139 0 DiGennaro, Matthew | SR
#92 Scranton
Region III
2 - 2
50.00% / 50.00%
140 0 Best, Hayden | FR
#54 Misericordia University
Region III
9 - 10
47.37% / 47.37%
141 0 Escalante, Ariel | SO
#44 Springfield
Region I
7 - 8
46.67% / 41.18%
142 0 Aguilar, Johan | SO
#1 Johnson & Wales (RI)
Region I
9 - 9
50.00% / 25.00%
143 0 Garner, Zane | FR
#81 Washington & Jefferson
Region IV
4 - 3
57.14% / 37.50%
144 0 Caracciolo, Owen | FR
#83 Saint Vincent
Region IV
6 - 5
54.55% / 42.86%
145 0 King, James | SR
#16 Alvernia
Region III
14 - 22
38.89% / 23.81%
146 0 Greene-Barrios, Alex | FR
#79 Case Western Reserve
Region V
11 - 11
50.00% / 30.30%
147 0 Cade, Maddox | FR
#66 Heidelberg
Region IV
9 - 7
56.25% / 27.78%
149 0 Deysher, Jacob | SO
#46 Rochester Institute of Technology
Region II
16 - 13
55.17% / 30.30%
150 0 Magness, Drew | JR
#62 Mount Union
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
151 0 Salazar, Kaleb | FR
#59 Manchester
Region V
7 - 8
46.67% / 42.31%
152 0 Walters, Kenji | FR
#46 Rochester Institute of Technology
Region II
5 - 11
31.25% / 27.78%
153 0 Guglietta, Jason | JR
#4 Coast Guard
Region I
7 - 7
50.00% / 40.00%
154 0 Rogers, Mason | SO
#49 Ferrum
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
155 0 O'Connor, Clayton | JR
#58 Western New England
Region I
17 - 14
54.84% / 52.94%
156 1 Dragon, Colin | SO
#45 Merchant Marine
Region III
4 - 6
40.00% / 40.00%
157 1 Thurber, Blaze | FR
#71 Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Region VII
3 - 8
27.27% / 23.53%
158 1 Leypoldt, Aiden | FR
#31 Ursinus
Region III
5 - 12
29.41% / 22.73%
159 1 Moyer, Carver | JR
#72 Norwich
Region I
9 - 12
42.86% / 31.82%
160 1 Heater, Dylan | FR
#27 Cornell College
Region VI
11 - 7
61.11% / 50.00%
161 1 Rael, Jayden | JR
#27 Cornell College
Region VI
12 - 4
75.00% / 42.11%
162 1 Ross, Robert | SO
#108 Ohio Wesleyan
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
163 7 Weidman, Tyler | FR
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
6 - 8
42.86% / 37.50%
164 0 Weimer, Colton | SR
#53 Adrian
Region V
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
165 0 Pellicci, Kendricks | SO
#17 Ithaca
Region II
6 - 6
50.00% / 38.89%
166 0 Higa, Tanner | JR
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
7 - 10
41.18% / 27.78%
167 0 Orseno, Zach | JR
#76 Otterbein University
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
168 0 Perez, Andrew | SO
#31 Ursinus
Region III
4 - 7
36.36% / 23.08%
169 0 Regan, Jakob | SO
#12 Coe
Region VI
8 - 5
61.54% / 56.25%
170 0 Hall, Sean | SR
#11 Roanoke College
Region IV
1 - 0
100.00% / 42.86%
171 0 Stockberger, Liam | FR
#32 Luther
Region VI
7 - 10
41.18% / 44.44%
172 0 Barkey, Logan | SO
#70 York (PA)
Region III
6 - 8
42.86% / 40.00%
173 0 Yannuciello, Jace | SO
#43 Muhlenberg
Region III
3 - 5
37.50% / 20.00%
174 0 Valdez, Jonathan | FR
#100 Simpson
Region VI
11 - 14
44.00% / 19.35%
175 0 Conselyea, Thomas | SR
#47 Lycoming
Region II
15 - 9
62.50% / 48.00%
176 0 Coward, Dylan | JR
#63 Marymount
Region III
2 - 3
40.00% / 33.33%
177 0 Magnano, Joe | FR
#102 Pitt-Bradford
Region II
3 - 12
20.00% / 22.22%
178 0 Ramirez, Alexander | FR
#69 MSOE
Region VII
6 - 6
50.00% / 43.75%
179 0 Burmeister, Brayden | FR
#32 Luther
Region VI
6 - 9
40.00% / 41.18%
180 0 Carpenter, Joseph | SR
#70 York (PA)
Region III
1 - 5
16.67% / 14.29%
181 0 Custodio, Trey | JR
#15 Washington & Lee University
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
183 0 Christion, Nasir | SO
#59 Manchester
Region V
7 - 8
46.67% / 26.92%
184 0 Anderson, Carter | JR
#13 Loras
Region VI
3 - 8
27.27% / 20.00%
185 0 Martinez, Anastacio | FR
#119 Concordia (WI)
Region VII
18 - 17
51.43% / 43.24%
186 0 Rotter, Max | FR
#43 Muhlenberg
Region III
2 - 4
33.33% / 11.11%
187 0 Moltzan, Noah | FR
#8 Wisconsin-La Crosse
Region VII
9 - 8
52.94% / 41.67%
188 0 Weinzweig, Cael | SR
#8 Wisconsin-La Crosse
Region VII
7 - 8
46.67% / 19.05%
189 0 Rodrigues, Sam | FR
#61 Worcester Polytechnic
Region I
3 - 9
25.00% / 15.38%
190 0 Tsai, Romeo | JR
#68 McDaniel
Region III
12 - 19
38.71% / 25.81%
191 0 Logsdon, Alex | SR
#40 Averett University
Region IV
3 - 3
50.00% / 66.67%
192 0 Fornaro, Joe | SR
#95 Elmhurst
Region V
6 - 13
31.58% / 28.57%
193 0 Meyers, Isaac | FR
#64 Penn State Behrend
Region II
9 - 13
40.91% / 39.13%
194 0 Mcdonald, Brody | FR
#105 Plymouth State
Region I
7 - 19
26.92% / 19.23%
195 0 Knight, Liam | SR
#57 Southern Maine
Region I
3 - 6
33.33% / 30.00%
196 0 Blalock, Cole | JR
#82 Huntingdon
Region VI
1 - 3
25.00% / 28.57%
197 0 Kirker, Rian | FR
#115 Utica University
Region I
4 - 9
30.77% / 30.77%
198 0 LaConte, Dominic | FR
#22 Wesleyan (CT)
Region I
2 - 4
33.33% / 16.67%
199 0 Keeler, Vinny | JR
#57 Southern Maine
Region I
3 - 9
25.00% / 25.00%
200 0 Smith, Joshua | FR
#81 Washington & Jefferson
Region IV
8 - 8
50.00% / 26.32%
201 0 Davis, Cameron | FR
#5 Castleton University
Region I
1 - 1
50.00% / 50.00%
202 0 Dubey, Christopher | FR
#86 Bridgewater State
Region I
6 - 23
20.69% / 10.00%
203 0 Clifford, Dylan | SR
#35 Chicago
Region V
4 - 4
50.00% / 50.00%
204 0 Stadler, Duncan | FR
#87 Johns Hopkins
Region III
11 - 14
44.00% / 36.36%
205 0 Principe, Vincent | JR
#24 Stevens Tech
Region II
5 - 7
41.67% / 23.08%
206 0 Burks, Heath | FR
#103 Shenandoah University
Region IV
10 - 15
40.00% / 24.00%
207 0 Casey, Matthew | FR
#25 Messiah
Region III
1 - 9
10.00% / 15.38%
208 0 Young, Trevor | FR
#58 Western New England
Region I
6 - 11
35.29% / 36.36%
209 0 Sultzbach, Gabe | JR
#93 Alma College
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
210 0 Neal, Landon | JR
#40 Averett University
Region IV
2 - 3
40.00% / 25.00%
211 0 Guyette, Jonathan | FR
#41 Brockport
Region II
9 - 7
56.25% / 50.00%
212 0 Myles, Zenmatsu | JR
#37 St John Fisher
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
213 0 Smith, Isaac | FR
#98 Eureka
Region VI
9 - 13
40.91% / 44.00%
214 0 Benitez, Ivan | JR
#91 Greensboro
Region IV
5 - 6
45.45% / 33.33%
215 1 Livingston, Dreyvin | SO
#114 Thiel
Region IV
4 - 6
40.00% / 40.00%
216 1 Nguyen, Nolan | SR
#113 Buena Vista
Region VI
6 - 13
31.58% / 17.39%
217 0 Monson, Ethan | FR
#94 Wisconsin-Platteville
Region VII
3 - 2
60.00% / 28.57%
218 0 Krysztofiak, Noah | FR
#57 Southern Maine
Region I
6 - 21
22.22% / 26.67%
219 0 Kennedy, Colton | FR
#93 Alma College
Region V
6 - 15
28.57% / 8.00%
220 0 Manieri, Michael | JR
#22 Wesleyan (CT)
Region I
4 - 5
44.44% / 11.11%
221 0 Schad, Andrew | SO
#99 Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Region VII
6 - 6
50.00% / 23.08%
222 0 Edwards, Ben | JR
#80 Trine University
Region V
7 - 14
33.33% / 19.23%
223 0 Arobone, Charles | FR
#92 Scranton
Region III
5 - 15
25.00% / 31.82%
224 1 Siriwardhana, Pravith | FR
#33 Wilkes
Region II
1 - 8
11.11% / 7.14%
225 1 Spray, Alexander | JR
#50 Concordia-Moorhead
Region VII
5 - 7
41.67% / 38.46%
226 0 Adams, Clyde | FR
#67 University of the Ozarks
Region VI
6 - 3
66.67% / 45.00%
227 0 Kehrer, Jacob | SO
Lyon College
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
228 0 Washburn, Ethan | SO
#33 Wilkes
Region II
7 - 15
31.82% / 30.77%
229 0 Devins, Ryan | FR
#65 Oswego State
Region II
3 - 4
42.86% / 28.57%
230 0 Fielder, David | FR
#10 Baldwin Wallace
Region IV
5 - 6
45.45% / 23.53%
231 0 Alwawi, Jad | SO
#6 North Central
Region V
5 - 6
45.45% / 23.08%
232 0 Caputo, Christian | FR
#75 Alfred State
Region II
2 - 12
14.29% / 35.00%
233 0 Breeding, Addison | SO
#101 Mount St Joseph
Region V
5 - 7
41.67% / 37.50%
234 0 Lemon, Jesse | SO
#40 Averett University
Region IV
7 - 5
58.33% / 34.78%
235 0 Graves, Isaiah | SR
#89 Nebraska Wesleyan
Region VI
1 - 1
50.00% / 28.57%
236 0 Bell, Enzo | SO
#21 Williams College
Region I
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
237 0 Warfel, Henry | SO
#96 Westminster
Region VI
3 - 10
23.08% / 33.33%
238 0 Welch, Mason | JR
#37 St John Fisher
Region II
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
239 0 Michaels, Christian | JR
#117 Waynesburg
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
240 0 Whitcomb, Jaciah | JR
#47 Lycoming
Region II
2 - 6
25.00% / .00%
241 0 Young, Peter | SO
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
4 - 5
44.44% / 40.00%
242 0 Westerfield, Zach | JR
#100 Simpson
Region VI
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
243 0 Kemp, Christian | SR
#13 Loras
Region VI
3 - 7
30.00% / .00%
244 0 Wisdom, Alexander | SO
#64 Penn State Behrend
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
245 0 Cabrera, Emilo | JR
#30 Olivet
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
246 1 Tenglia, Alexander | SR
#31 Ursinus
Region III
4 - 9
30.77% / 28.57%
247 1 Riesselman, Ethan | SO
#100 Simpson
Region VI
6 - 11
35.29% / 22.73%
248 0 Gentile, Wyatt | SR
#97 New England College
Region I
3 - 10
23.08% / 23.53%
249 0 Renier, Cole | SR
#66 Heidelberg
Region IV
3 - 7
30.00% / 20.00%
250 0 King, Dylan | SR
#72 Norwich
Region I
0 - 4
.00% / 20.00%
251 0 Jaber, Ali | FR
#53 Adrian
Region V
6 - 6
50.00% / 38.46%
252 0 Coukart, Anthony | JR
#47 Lycoming
Region II
6 - 10
37.50% / 25.00%
253 0 King, Donovan | SO
#124 Muskingum
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
254 0 Velasco, Alejandro | SO
#23 Wabash
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
255 0 Gosda, Drake | FR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
4 - 0
100.00% / 66.67%
256 0 Goddard, Ryan | JR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
3 - 5
37.50% / 30.77%
257 0 Lanci, Tyler | JR
#56 Roger Williams
Region I
3 - 5
37.50% / 20.00%
258 0 Dawit, Febian | FR
#38 Elizabethtown
Region III
6 - 11
35.29% / 27.78%
259 0 Diaz, Ethan | FR
#27 Cornell College
Region VI
3 - 4
42.86% / 45.45%
260 0 Muriel, Francisco | JR
#17 Ithaca
Region II
1 - 4
20.00% / 28.57%
261 0 Waldman, Ariel | FR
#20 Oneonta State
Region II
6 - 11
35.29% / 21.05%
262 0 Aumiller, Blake | FR
#10 Baldwin Wallace
Region IV
2 - 1
66.67% / 25.00%
263 0 Cianfrogna, Carter | FR
#36 Central
Region VI
2 - 1
66.67% / 50.00%
264 0 Lemieux, Ray | SO
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
265 0 Nguyen, Nicholas | SO
#82 Huntingdon
Region VI
4 - 12
25.00% / 24.32%
266 0 Fonder, Aiden | SO
#71 Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Region VII
4 - 16
20.00% / 21.43%
267 0 Mahony, Andrew | FR
#87 Johns Hopkins
Region III
3 - 6
33.33% / 25.00%
268 0 Vukobratovich, Robert | SO
#13 Loras
Region VI
3 - 8
27.27% / 21.43%
269 0 Kimmel, Sam | JR
#33 Wilkes
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
270 0 Paschia, Lucus | JR
#110 Pacific (OR)
Region VII
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
271 0 Kawa, Luke | FR
#29 Millikin
Region V
2 - 4
33.33% / 14.29%
272 0 Jones, Malachi | SO
#118 Keystone
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
273 0 Collins, Kyle | SO
#55 Gettysburg
Region III
6 - 15
28.57% / 17.39%
274 0 Troyer, Joseph-Rodney | JR
#110 Pacific (OR)
Region VII
2 - 5
28.57% / 46.67%
275 0 Jacobs, Tharren | FR
#36 Central
Region VI
3 - 4
42.86% / 40.00%
276 0 O'Brien, Blake | SR
#121 Elmira College
Region II
1 - 1
50.00% / .00%
277 0 Megdanoff, Dominic | SR
#93 Alma College
Region V
4 - 11
26.67% / 29.41%
279 0 Schanen, Nathan | FR
#88 Lakeland
Region VII
2 - 11
15.38% / 5.88%
280 0 Deyro, Sam | SR
#73 Augustana (IL)
Region VII
3 - 12
20.00% / 33.33%
281 0 Perlleshi, Christian | FR
#1 Johnson & Wales (RI)
Region I
1 - 4
20.00% / 20.00%
282 0 Slatzer, Joseph | FR
#124 Muskingum
Region IV
1 - 8
11.11% / 9.09%
283 0 Lear, Thomas | JR
#30 Olivet
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
284 0 Wickstrom, Micheal | FR
#114 Thiel
Region IV
1 - 2
33.33% / 25.00%
285 0 Olivares, Jesus | FR
#113 Buena Vista
Region VI
2 - 7
22.22% / 21.43%
286 0 Eramo, Maceo | FR
#56 Roger Williams
Region I
1 - 14
6.67% / 6.67%
287 0 Ramsey, Xavier | FR
#103 Shenandoah University
Region IV
4 - 11
26.67% / 27.78%
288 0 Vicario, John | JR
#65 Oswego State
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
289 0 Headley, Mitch | SR
#64 Penn State Behrend
Region II
2 - 0
100.00% / 75.00%
290 0 Viveros, Nick | SR
#32 Luther
Region VI
2 - 9
18.18% / 7.69%
291 0 Jackson, Kyien | FR
#40 Averett University
Region IV
1 - 4
20.00% / 25.00%
292 0 Solano, Erick | SO
#74 St Johns (MN)
Region VII
1 - 7
12.50% / 8.33%
293 0 Fitzsimmons, Ryan | FR
#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Region II
1 - 6
14.29% / 14.29%
294 0 Ploughe, Kolton | SO
#59 Manchester
Region V
1 - 8
11.11% / 6.25%
295 0 German, Lane | SO
#12 Coe
Region VI
1 - 2
33.33% / 25.00%
296 0 Zwickey, Tiago | JR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
2 - 2
50.00% / .00%
297 0 Kiger, Gavin | FR
#27 Cornell College
Region VI
4 - 12
25.00% / 23.53%
298 0 Chapman, Cooper | JR
#104 Wheaton (IL)
Region V
4 - 9
30.77% / 23.08%
299 0 Ramsey, Brendon | FR
#41 Brockport
Region II
1 - 3
25.00% / 16.67%
300 0 Harmon, Gus | FR
#41 Brockport
Region II
3 - 6
33.33% / 11.11%
301 0 Burke, Xander | FR
#37 St John Fisher
Region II
5 - 12
29.41% / 23.53%
302 0 Gurban, Zakariya | FR
#112 Randolph College
Region IV
5 - 21
19.23% / 22.86%
303 0 Ostrowski, Jackson | FR
#53 Adrian
Region V
1 - 2
33.33% / 33.33%
304 0 Borden, Marcus | SR
#35 Chicago
Region V
0 - 5
.00% / 14.29%
305 0 Ramirez, Francisco | SR
#106 Southern Virginia University
Region IV
5 - 17
22.73% / 22.58%
306 0 Carlson, John | SO
#106 Southern Virginia University
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
307 0 Hawkins, Gabriel | FR
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
2 - 9
18.18% / 28.57%
308 0 Vander Meide, Max | SO
#122 Linfield University
Region VII
1 - 2
33.33% / 30.77%
309 0 Drousis, Caleb | SO
#23 Wabash
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
310 0 Comaduron, Joseph | SO
#106 Southern Virginia University
Region IV
1 - 8
11.11% / 6.67%
312 0 Hall, Farell | FR
#85 Wilmington
Region IV
2 - 11
15.38% / 11.11%
313 0 Gil, Javier | SO
#111 Schreiner
Region VI
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
314 0 Macias, Jimmy | SO
#89 Nebraska Wesleyan
Region VI
1 - 7
12.50% / .00%
315 0 Rodgers, Jacob | SO
#102 Pitt-Bradford
Region II
2 - 3
40.00% / 33.33%
316 0 Miller, Zach | FR
#84 Carthage College
Region VII
3 - 19
13.64% / 4.35%
317 0 Geibel, Hunter | SO
#18 Ohio Northern
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Sanks, Kyron | JR
#82 Huntingdon
Region VI
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Perez, Isaiah | JR
#95 Elmhurst
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Snodgress, Colton | JR
#111 Schreiner
Region VI
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Ludwig, Teagyn | JR
#74 St Johns (MN)
Region VII
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Bennett, Dylan | FR
#30 Olivet
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Kim, Silo | FR
#79 Case Western Reserve
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Terrizzi, Marco | FR
#14 NYU
Region III
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
318 0 Davis, Brian | FR
#85 Wilmington
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
326 0 Agnew, Ethan | FR
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
1 - 4
20.00% / 16.67%
327 0 Uchishiba, Yuki | FR
#104 Wheaton (IL)
Region V
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
329 0 Bauer, Daniel | SR
Region VI
2 - 6
25.00% / 14.29%
330 0 Arellano, Danny | SO
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
331 0 Schifter, Justin | FR
#92 Scranton
Region III
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
332 0 Markulics, Richie | SO
#26 Pennsylvania College of Technology
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
333 0 Johnson, Brett | FR
#67 University of the Ozarks
Region VI
1 - 3
25.00% / 11.11%
334 0 Armira, Alex | SR
#104 Wheaton (IL)
Region V
0 - 4
.00% / .00%
335 0 Armstrong, Charlie | SO
#29 Millikin
Region V
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
336 0 Denise, Gavin | FR
#52 Centenary (NJ)
Region II
0 - 4
.00% / 18.75%
337 0 Needham, Alexander | FR
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
1 - 16
5.88% / 10.53%
338 0 Jones, Mace | FR
#40 Averett University
Region IV
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
339 0 Robinson, Jaden | JR
#68 McDaniel
Region III
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
340 0 Nuttall, Zander | FR
#83 Saint Vincent
Region IV
0 - 4
.00% / .00%
341 0 Cahill, Joseph | SO
#86 Bridgewater State
Region I
2 - 15
11.76% / 11.11%
342 0 Van Sleet, Sean | FR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
343 0 Connell, Maximillian | SO
#63 Marymount
Region III
1 - 11
8.33% / 5.88%
344 0 Enrico, Jacob | SO
#110 Pacific (OR)
Region VII
2 - 0
100.00% / 28.57%
345 0 Lavender, Julian | FR
#54 Misericordia University
Region III
0 - 4
.00% / .00%
346 0 Bennett, James | FR
#9 Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Region VII
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
347 0 Nelson, Jack | JR
#106 Southern Virginia University
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
348 0 Dangles, Austin | SO
#19 Wisconsin-Whitewater
Region V
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
349 0 Pennimped, Morgan | FR
#86 Bridgewater State
Region I
0 - 5
.00% / .00%
350 0 Raditz, Jackson | FR
#112 Randolph College
Region IV
0 - 2
.00% / 16.67%
351 0 Clark, Damion | FR
#36 Central
Region VI
0 - 6
.00% / 9.09%
352 0 Yaeckel, Patrick | SO
#33 Wilkes
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
353 0 Reyes, Leonardo | SO
#107 Illinois Wesleyan
Region VI
0 - 1
.00% / .00%
354 0 Sumner, Dominic | FR
#59 Manchester
Region V
0 - 9
.00% / 5.26%
355 0 Simons, Brody | FR
#123 Maine Maritime Academy
Region I
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
356 0 Raimkanov, Aktan | FR
#6 North Central
Region V
0 - 3
.00% / .00%
357 0 Obert, Logan | SO
#73 Augustana (IL)
Region VII
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
358 0 Fulcher, Faithful | FR
#112 Randolph College
Region IV
0 - 4
.00% / .00%
359 0 Astorino, Anthony | FR
#16 Alvernia
Region III
0 - 10
.00% / .00%
360 0 Parry, Cohen | FR
#100 Simpson
Region VI
0 - 3
.00% / .00%
361 0 Laakso, Landin | FR
#50 Concordia-Moorhead
Region VII
0 - 3
.00% / .00%
362 0 Littles, JJ | JR
#88 Lakeland
Region VII
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
363 0 Banks, Logan | FR
#115 Utica University
Region I
1 - 13
7.14% / 6.67%
364 0 Greenwood, Kason | SO
#109 Hiram College
Region IV
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
365 0 Backus, Christopher | FR
#59 Manchester
Region V
1 - 10
9.09% / .00%
366 0 Castro, Jesus | FR
#34 Dubuque
Region VI
0 - 7
.00% / .00%
367 0 Ruehl, Trey | FR
#40 Averett University
Region IV
0 - 5
.00% / .00%
368 0 Peelish, Adam | SO
#114 Thiel
Region IV
0 - 2
.00% / .00%
369 0 Cox, Bernie | SO
#98 Eureka
Region VI
0 - 4
.00% / .00%
370 0 McNamara, Devin | FR
#20 Oneonta State
Region II
1 - 10
9.09% / 9.09%
371 0 Siriwardhana, Nelith | FR
#20 Oneonta State
Region II
0 - 9
.00% / .00%
372 0 Ceprish, Dylan | SO
#118 Keystone
Region II
0 - 0
.00% / .00%
373 0 Verscharen, Daniel | SO
#81 Washington & Jefferson
Region IV
1 - 8
11.11% / 10.00%
374 0 Tabak, Shmuel | SO
Lyon College
0 - 7
.00% / .00%
375 0 Stockman, Tate | JR
#84 Carthage College
Region VII
1 - 11
8.33% / 7.14%
376 0 Hutchison, Corbin | SO
#25 Messiah
Region III
0 - 7
.00% / .00%
377 0 Milankovic, Marco | SO
#115 Utica University
Region I
1 - 9
10.00% / 18.18%
378 0 Kelly, Donovan | JR
#53 Adrian
Region V
0 - 3
.00% / .00%