Wrestler Participants | Belmont Abbey Newberry Extra

Wrestler Participants | Belmont Abbey Newberry Extra

RPI Calculations

NOTE: These are only projected participants. Since the event is listed on the schools schedule, that most-likely means that the starters will be in attendance.
Obviously if there is a wrestler that is injured, they probably won't attend. Also, lots of schools will bring more than just their starters to a tournament.

NOTE: (unofficial) indicates a tournament that is not on the schools schedule. This normally means that there will be primarily non-starters participating in the tournament.


#38 Zach Shupp ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#55 Christian Decatur ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#65 Josh Vega ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#114 Dylan Montgomery ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#123 Brandon Crowder ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#126 Joe Burns ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#136 Cyrus Rowe ( Newberry (unofficial) )


#39 Marco Johnson ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#130 Lleyton Taylor ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#131 Elijah Boyd ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#132 Maximus Buico ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#133 Blake Bagwell ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#138 Tobias Finn ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#147 Will Cline ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#148 Fletcher Swindell ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#153 Isaac Toe ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#164 Deyker Edwards ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#211 Logan Pugh ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#225 Jp Gamez ( Newberry (unofficial) )


#32 Skylar Caban ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#45 Justin Payne ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#116 Jacob Norris ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#155 Zach Harrington ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#189 Dawson Davis ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#247 Rick Shores ( Newberry (unofficial) )


#19 Josh Blatt ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#122 Matt Daner ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#136 Jorden Schlossman ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#146 Stevie Chopek ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#190 Trevor Mansfield ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#202 Caleb Richardson ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#202 Braxton Mann ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#258 Kevin Quin ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#309 Ernest Allen ( Newberry (unofficial) )



#61 Andrew Morgan ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#79 Ken Jamison ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#137 Robert Ireland ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#141 Jordan Eakin ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#151 Asa Walton ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#160 Hunter Mckenna ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )
#208 Tate Evans ( Newberry (unofficial) )
#235 Alex Rounceville ( Belmont Abbey (unofficial) )